Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

You should make a poll. I'm curious to see how many people would think of Romney as a valid presidential candidate. :)

I don't know how to do a poll here.

Well, geez, if you can bring a mouse back to life, I think you could do just about anything. :D
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.

It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).
Isn't it more like 50% now in Obama's economy?
Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.

It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).
Do you really want to compare who was raised with a silver spoon in their mouth.
Obama grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. Went to the most elitist schools in the country. Mitt Romney attended Brigham Young University and got a Masters in Business at Harvard. Obama is a lawyer that never applied his education to his trade. Mitt has.
Hillary went to Yale. So-on and so forth.

Every one of these folks has been pampered but for one exception.
Mitt Romney served 2 years as a Mormon missionary in France. Anyone who knows anything about Mormon Elders knows that they are some of the most respected members of the church. Consider it two years of chastity, humility, and a heavy sacrifice. It's like being one of Jesus disciples. They can't even wear normal clothes. I seriously doubt that either Hillary or Obama would put up with such a sacrifice. Definitely not Obama. He was too busy getting high.
Why is it America cannot find four or five reasonable people to run for President? NONE of them are worth my time or the office.
Every lefty on here has proved with their shallow posts about Romney that the propaganda has worked. Democrats, and especially their media handlers, are obviously threatened by a Romney run and that's why they're already on the offensive.
All he has to do to run successfully is point to obama's record, the last campaign and repeat 'I told you so'.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.

Romney made his money off his daddy's name, so did Bush

What conservatives call a self made man
At least they actually knew their fathers.
Why is it America cannot find four or five reasonable people to run for President? NONE of them are worth my time or the office.

That's what I keep asking myself. Is this the BEST offering? :cheeky-smiley-018: Well it stinks!

Actually, I think it's kind of the opposite. Why does anyone run for office? Why put yourself and your family through that kind of abuse, having to raise millions of dollars for a job that pays only six figures and is very stressful.
Why is it America cannot find four or five reasonable people to run for President? NONE of them are worth my time or the office.

That's what I keep asking myself. Is this the BEST offering? :cheeky-smiley-018: Well it stinks!

Actually, I think it's kind of the opposite. Why does anyone run for office? Why put yourself and your family through that kind of abuse, having to raise millions of dollars for a job that pays only six figures and is very stressful.

Because its the nature of the politician to be narcissistic power-grabbing sociopaths? :dunno:
Oh, no they are not! They have goals and aspirations too. Besides, the two parties have monopolized the system for long enough!

I couldn't vote for Bush41 or Clinturd so I got on the Perot team....Ross would have made a terrific president...but the press laughed at his ears and his accent until nobody would admit they liked his ideas....the MSM wants a white Ivy Leaguer who can lie with a straight face and cry out of one eye.

Do you blame the media when you stub your toe as well?

Get a new tune. The media....and Fuck Todd in particular....ain't carrying water for anyone. All he wants....all they for well known politicians to come on their show.

You think Chuck Todd is a Hillary shill? That makes you stupid. He's a nobody shill.

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