Meet the Woman who could turn Texas Purple

If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.
This idea the government should be ordering employers to provide this or that fringe benefit to their employees is straight poison. It comes from a suicidal dependency mindset, and it begs the government to be as corrupt as possible.
As a coalition, they may not be a minority: Gays and Lesbians, Blacks, Browns, liberals, women, progressives, moderates, scientists, union workers, minimum wage workers, university graduates, artists, agnostics and those who support government and believe it has a purpose beyond the anti government ideology; a theme which has become a popular refrain for the demagogues and charlatans who currently seek leadership and medium face time.

To turn that around requires an enormous sea change, those who want to lead the Party need not change only their rhetoric, they need to convince their base to change their Weltanschauung (world view).

Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base.
That's political rhetoric of the left that views any opposition to a full government takeover as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I'd rather that minorities quit buying that juvenile bullshit.

That is your political rhetoric of the extreme right that has to be dumped for the GOP to be viable. America does not want your racism, sexism, bigotry, or homophobia. In other words, grow up
Post it or look like the moron I know you to be.
Mexicans don't even vote in mexico.

Unlike their North American neighbors they long ago learned that it makes little or no difference for the common man to do so.

The stupid just keeps rolling along.

Mexico had a higher voter turnout in 2012 than the US. 62.5% compared to 57.1%.

You really need to stop listening to the lying voices in your heads.
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If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Needs? What are these needs?
Is that where politics has been driven to? Needs?
In other words "free shit"?

See, you are prejudging. Let them tell you, not you assume.
what are those needs? free birth control? more government dependency?

You simply don't get it. As I posted above, "Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base".

It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?

Bullshit....It's all about social programs.
Each election cycle the democrats roll out the word "cut" as it relates to social programs and other discretionary spending. Then they throw in the class warfare crap with snarky phrases like, " so and so voted to cut taxes on the rich while the price of gas rose by $1 per gallon." Of course one has nothing to do with the other, but that is not the point.
The democrats have always run their campaigns using buckets of mud. They throw mud against a wall and see what sticks.

We in the GOP need a positive rhetoric, yes.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

Ask them, don't them, or they will continue to ignore you.
That's political rhetoric of the left that views any opposition to a full government takeover as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I'd rather that minorities quit buying that juvenile bullshit.

That is your political rhetoric of the extreme right that has to be dumped for the GOP to be viable. America does not want your racism, sexism, bigotry, or homophobia. In other words, grow up
Post it or look like the moron I know you to be.

Listen, my brain challenged amigo.

Who has won five of the last popular votes and four of the last electoral votes for president?

Why did the voters keep the Senate blue in 2010 and 2012?

Do you realize that women, minorities, and Hispanics make up almost 2/3 voters, and that white males have decreased from over 50% to 34% of the voters since the 1960s?

Empirical data and demography overthrow your far right talking points every time.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

Ask them, don't them, or they will continue to ignore you.

Wrong. They have been told by the Democrats for too long what they need, creating the dependency mindset of which I spoke. This idea that all problems must and should be solved by government has to go.

It's time for the people to be told the truth.
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If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

Neither of the current parties would know anything of less interventionism if it hit them in the ass.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

Neither of the current parties would know anything of less interventionism if it hit them in the ass.

If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Those would be what? what do the Repubs demand from women?
Mexicans don't even vote in mexico.

Unlike their North American neighbors they long ago learned that it makes little or no difference for the common man to do so.

The stupid just keeps rolling along.

Mexico had a higher voter turnout in 2012 than the US. 62.5% compared to 57.1%.

You really need to stop listening to the lying voices in your heads.

How many times can a person screw up the facts and maintain any credibility at all?
Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

Ask them, don't them, or they will continue to ignore you.

Wrong. They have been told by the Democrats for too long what they need, creating the dependency mindset of which I spoke. This idea that all problems must and should be solved by government has to go. It's time for the people to be told the truth.

Your assumptions aren't truth.

Ask them.
Democrats have been elected as Governor and Lt Governor here in the past it didn't turn the state either blue or purple.

The state was blue until the 1980s.

Want to guess why?

The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

Now the women, Hispanics, and minorities are demanding the GOP wise up or else.

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