Meet the Woman who could turn Texas Purple

If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

Your focus groups already know, and the far right is blocking that implementation. Dump the far right.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

"Meeting the needs of women etc....?" What does that even mean? Dems are exploiting the hell out of women, minorities, ethnicities, race and have been winning elections.

Not exploiting; meeting their needs. We are not.
There is some truth to what you wrote, but the devil is in the details. Do you believe Sequestration is an example of fiscal responsibility? I don't.
I do. It was a cut in growth and it didn't go far enough. We need to start making cuts in spending, we are on a unsustainable course. I've heard no one say we can keep doing what we are doing. We can't wait for magic to happen.
Do you believe tax cuts are a panacea? Or, a balanced budget amendment? I don't.
Tax cuts would help most people and businesses. I am for creating a business friendly economic environment, with safeguards of course. The better business does the better the economy does. The more opportunity exists, the better the boss needs to treat you and pay you. Government doesn't create wealth, printing money diminishes the dollar in your pocket.
Targeted short term tax cuts make sense, across the board long term (more than one year) don't. A budget is a plan. Plans change do to circumstances, some unforeseen.

Keep in mind, income tax cuts are usual replaced by fees, a regressive form of taxation.

The best way to hold spending down is for an amendment to allow the POTUS the line-item veto. Then He or She can be held accountable along with the Congress, which could restore spending cut by the POTUS.
A line item veto might work or it might give the executive branch too much power. A balanced budget amendment might be too inflexible with a change in circumstances but anything above what we take in should have a high burden to justify. I'd also like to see all politicians and the Supremes have a term limit of some kind. Too many deals are made by those entrenched in power.
Some of you simply can't think.

ACA and welfare are not socialist programs.

Look up the term, please, and learn it.
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

As a coalition, they may not be a minority: Gays and Lesbians, Blacks, Browns, liberals, women, progressives, moderates, scientists, union workers, minimum wage workers, university graduates, artists, agnostics and those who support government and believe it has a purpose beyond the anti government ideology; a theme which has become a popular refrain for the demagogues and charlatans who currently seek leadership and medium face time.

To turn that around requires an enormous sea change, those who want to lead the Party need not change only their rhetoric, they need to convince their base to change their Weltanschauung (world view).

Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base.
That's political rhetoric of the left that views any opposition to a full government takeover as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I'd rather that minorities quit buying that juvenile bullshit.

That is your political rhetoric of the extreme right that has to be dumped for the GOP to be viable. America does not want your racism, sexism, bigotry, or homophobia. In other words, grow up
It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?
...and after all your rhetoric? The message that resonates with the right is (are you sitting down?)...fiscal responsibility, rolling back the size and scope of big government and its' abuse of power, lowering taxes on corporations and individuals and defeating those that divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.

There is some truth to what you wrote, but the devil is in the details. Do you believe Sequestration is an example of fiscal responsibility? I don't.

Do you believe tax cuts are a panacea? Or, a balanced budget amendment? I don't.

Targeted short term tax cuts make sense, across the board long term (more than one year) don't. A budget is a plan. Plans change do to circumstances, some unforeseen.

Keep in mind, income tax cuts are usual replaced by fees, a regressive form of taxation.

The best way to hold spending down is for an amendment to allow the POTUS the line-item veto. Then He or She can be held accountable along with the Congress, which could restore spending cut by the POTUS.

Targeted tax cuts is just a form of discrimination.....
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

Your focus groups already know, and the far right is blocking that implementation. Dump the far right.

Obama still has his pen and his phone, so that dog don't hunt anymore......
It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?
...and after all your rhetoric? The message that resonates with the right is (are you sitting down?)...fiscal responsibility, rolling back the size and scope of big government and its' abuse of power, lowering taxes on corporations and individuals and defeating those that divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.

Yes, I remember well the fiscal responsibility the GOP exercised just a few short years ago when it had all the power.

Oh, wait...

Well, at least they didn't massively expand the size of government.

Oh, wait...

Well, at least they didn't create a cabinet level police agency to spy on us or do anything else abusive.

Oh, wait...

Well, at least they didn't divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.

Oh, wait...

Well, at least they managed our economy well.

Oh, wait...

Damn. What was it you were saying? Oh, yeah. The rubes still buy into the bullshit lip service to extinct principles because they have memories like that of goldfish. Absolutely. They guzzle the piss by the bucket.
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This is great. Identity politics.
Forget statesmanship.
Today's political game is all about getting the "correct" people elected.
Oh, I spotted the deftly inserted throw away line in the CNN report. The one that says "The Latino vote is suppressed. That is the opinion of the reporter, but it is disguised as fact in that the reporter has made an ideological conclusion. That is lazy reporting.
Once again a news person with an ideological axe to grind has editorialized the news and placed his own opinion inside the story.
Democrats are smoking too much dope. See if she wins anything. Latinos will vote, but it takes a lot to get them to stir themselves. Mexicans don't even vote in mexico.

Congratulations, you've now tied CrusaderFrank for the most idiotgrams in a month, a record few thought would ever be approached, let alone broken. One more and you've accomplished it!
This is great. Identity politics.
Forget statesmanship.
Today's political game is all about getting the "correct" people elected.
Oh, I spotted the deftly inserted throw away line in the CNN report. The one that says "The Latino vote is suppressed. That is the opinion of the reporter, but it is disguised as fact in that the reporter has made an ideological conclusion. That is lazy reporting.
Once again a news person with an ideological axe to grind has editorialized the news and placed his own opinion inside the story.

Thank you for your opinion.
Meet the woman who could turn Texas purple -

If Texas goes, what do the Republicans have left.....Mississippi? The demographic change has begun. Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression can only keep the GOP afloat for so long.

Keep pumping those Mexicans into Texas........use illegals as a form of gentrification.

Strange how Democrats destroy their own states and the fleeing liberals move to Red States and turn them into the same cesspools they just the aliens in Independence Day.

It's what they did to Washington and Oregon.

For years, Democrats have hoped to take Texas back. The Lone Star State has produced the last two Republican presidents, some of the most important conservative legislators, and untold millions of dollars for GOP candidates across the country.

To shift Texas into the Democratic column would prevent Republicans from mounting any kind of nationwide challenge and virtually wipe out the opposition.

Much of the discussion about how Democrats are going to "turn Texas blue" revolves around demographic changes, especially immigration reform. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to find a pathway to citizenship will create millions of new Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican opposition to that plan is said to be pushing Latino voters away. All Democrats need to do is boost their turnout, and the GOP's Alamo will fall.

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

Illegals don't vote

Hence the reason why 60% of Texas's Latino residents stay away from the polls.
Hence the reason why the Obama admin will after the mid terms, focus on immigration reform.
Democrats would like nothing better than to give these illegals amnesty and get them registered as democrats as soon as possible.
The issue no one seems to want to discuss is the over the top arrogance of democrats who believe "minority voters belong to the democrat party".
...and after all your rhetoric? The message that resonates with the right is (are you sitting down?)...fiscal responsibility, rolling back the size and scope of big government and its' abuse of power, lowering taxes on corporations and individuals and defeating those that divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.

There is some truth to what you wrote, but the devil is in the details. Do you believe Sequestration is an example of fiscal responsibility? I don't.

Do you believe tax cuts are a panacea? Or, a balanced budget amendment? I don't.

Targeted short term tax cuts make sense, across the board long term (more than one year) don't. A budget is a plan. Plans change do to circumstances, some unforeseen.

Keep in mind, income tax cuts are usual replaced by fees, a regressive form of taxation.

The best way to hold spending down is for an amendment to allow the POTUS the line-item veto. Then He or She can be held accountable along with the Congress, which could restore spending cut by the POTUS.

Targeted tax cuts is just a form of discrimination.....

Sarcasm noted (I hope you weren't serious). Targeted tax cuts - such as the line-item veto, those to small business, etc. - are a necessary but not sufficient part of tax policy and budgeting.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Needs? What are these needs?
Is that where politics has been driven to? Needs?
In other words "free shit"?
Keep pumping those Mexicans into Texas........use illegals as a form of gentrification.

Strange how Democrats destroy their own states and the fleeing liberals move to Red States and turn them into the same cesspools they just the aliens in Independence Day.

It's what they did to Washington and Oregon.

For years, Democrats have hoped to take Texas back. The Lone Star State has produced the last two Republican presidents, some of the most important conservative legislators, and untold millions of dollars for GOP candidates across the country.

To shift Texas into the Democratic column would prevent Republicans from mounting any kind of nationwide challenge and virtually wipe out the opposition.

Much of the discussion about how Democrats are going to "turn Texas blue" revolves around demographic changes, especially immigration reform. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to find a pathway to citizenship will create millions of new Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican opposition to that plan is said to be pushing Latino voters away. All Democrats need to do is boost their turnout, and the GOP's Alamo will fall.

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

wasn't abortion barbie Wendy Davis supposed to turn Texas Purple?
how well is that working out?
not to well it seams
but now looks like you picked a minority so when unflattering stories on your new chosen one surfaces you can scream racism

It's this ^^^ mentality which is working in favor of the Democrats. It's so obvious what needs to be done, Republicans need to be tolerant of diversity and that seems impossible.

Diversity? Please. That's just another liberal buzz term used to further identity politics.
In political context the term is used by libs, it comes across as exclusionary.
If you're not of a politically correct class, you are not a diverse class.
Diversity is a feel good platform used by self hating white liberals.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

what are those needs? free birth control? more government dependency?

You simply don't get it. As I posted above, "Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base".

It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?

Bullshit....It's all about social programs.
Each election cycle the democrats roll out the word "cut" as it relates to social programs and other discretionary spending. Then they throw in the class warfare crap with snarky phrases like, " so and so voted to cut taxes on the rich while the price of gas rose by $1 per gallon." Of course one has nothing to do with the other, but that is not the point.
The democrats have always run their campaigns using buckets of mud. They throw mud against a wall and see what sticks.

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