Meet the Woman who could turn Texas Purple

If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
What "needs" are those?

Apparently in his mind.. "free shit". It's called the soft bigotry of low expectations.. it is a staple of the modern-day leftist.

It's 2014.. who in their right mind thinks that every ethinc/racial group has their own needs? Seems to me to be a pretty big problem if one is thinking this way.

Soft, squishy headed assumption on your part.

Ask them. Why? They will continue to beat you down every election more and more if you don't.
Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.

55% of all women, 65% of single women, 90% of millennial women married or not.

The Misunderstood Gender Gap by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal 16 November 2012
The truth, though, is that other demographic characteristics have considerably more significance. A widely reported example is marital status. Fifty-three percent of married female voters went for Romney.
This will backfire on the Democrats.

Although initially hispanic people lean Democrat when they first enter the country.

The longer they stay in the country and eventually start businesses and own homes.

The more conservative hispanic's become and gravitate towards the Republican Party. ... :cool:

No they don't, there are no statistics to back this up at all.
What "needs" are those?

Apparently in his mind.. "free shit". It's called the soft bigotry of low expectations.. it is a staple of the modern-day leftist.

It's 2014.. who in their right mind thinks that every ethinc/racial group has their own needs? Seems to me to be a pretty big problem if one is thinking this way.

Soft, squishy headed assumption on your part.

Ask them. Why? They will continue to beat you down every election more and more if you don't.

No, what's squishy headed and bigoted is to treat every minority as though they can't function in society like everybody else does. I have yet to meet a minority that feels as though they have special needs.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.

55% of all women, 65% of single women, 90% of millennial women married or not.

The Misunderstood Gender Gap by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal 16 November 2012
The truth, though, is that other demographic characteristics have considerably more significance. A widely reported example is marital status. Fifty-three percent of married female voters went for Romney.

65% of single women, 55% of all women, 47% of married women, and 90% of millenials.

Either our far right stops the sexist nonsense, the ladies and the Hispanics will swamp us in Texas in ten years.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

"Meeting the needs of women etc....?" What does that even mean? Dems are exploiting the hell out of women, minorities, ethnicities, race and have been winning elections.

lol, what a joke
the only way they meet anyone's "NEEDS" is by taking from other's through force of shows what they think of women..they're helpless little thing that can't meet their own needs with out the Democrats
how offensive
Stephanie is losing it.

The male sexism from the far right with their female lackeys chiming in: disgusting.
Those would be what? what do the Repubs demand from women?

Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.

Yes, completely blame the woman. There is a man or men involved here who is/are not taking responsibility for those children. It is only 50% the woman's fault or responsibility there are children to raise. Your post is a perfect example as to why the GOP is not popular with the women's vote, because you see a single woman with children to raise as the one totally responsible and at fault for the fatherless children, people like you sneering at her and saying why doesn't she keep her legs together: the man is just as responsible: why doesn't he keep his dick in his pants? But you go after the woman and ignore the man. So women do not like the GOP when the say things like that and think in those terms. Saying the government is a sugar daddy. Also, a great many single women with children to raise are divorced women who are not getting the support payments they are supposed to be getting from the father. That is an issue your attitude ignores. No wonder single female parents don't like the GOP.
Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.

Misogynist ^^^?!

Who's misogynist?

The person that feels they don't need government help, or the person that feels they can't survive without the government sticking their noses in?
55% of all women, 65% of single women, 90% of millennial women married or not.

The Misunderstood Gender Gap by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal 16 November 2012
The truth, though, is that other demographic characteristics have considerably more significance. A widely reported example is marital status. Fifty-three percent of married female voters went for Romney.

65% of single women, 55% of all women, 47% of married women, and 90% of millenials.

Either our far right stops the sexist nonsense, the ladies and the Hispanics will swamp us in Texas in ten years.
Chanting doesn't change anything.

Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.

Yes, completely blame the woman. There is a man or men involved here who is/are not taking responsibility for those children. It is only 50% the woman's fault or responsibility there are children to raise. Your post is a perfect example as to why the GOP is not popular with the women's vote, because you see a single woman with children to raise as the one totally responsible and at fault for the fatherless children, people like you sneering at her and saying why doesn't she keep her legs together: the man is just as responsible: why doesn't he keep his dick in his pants? But you go after the woman and ignore the man. So women do not like the GOP when the say things like that and think in those terms. Saying the government is a sugar daddy. Also, a great many single women with children to raise are divorced women who are not getting the support payments they are supposed to be getting from the father. That is an issue your attitude ignores. No wonder single female parents don't like the GOP.
You are so full of crap! I didn't make any of those statements, all that came from your own twisted mind. There are laws in place that hold men financially responsible for their children. Unless you are babbling on about rape the woman plays a role too. I didn't ignore anything. Sounds like I struck a nerve there. I'm not even a registered Republican, I don't represent the party. I'm sorry if your toggle switch for a brain can't handle it.

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