Meet the Woman who could turn Texas Purple

If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Women and Hispanics need the same thing everyone else needs. Less government intervention in their lives, and more control over their own lives.

I don't have much government intervention in my life, how about you? If I don't pay my taxes, don't run a red light and don't do anything stupid I can't imagine what the government might do to me personally. Can you?

I don't live in a totalitarian nation, Obama is not a despot, nor was either Bush, Reagan, Clinton, etc. etc. I'm free to do as I please, and what I please to do is respect our laws and expect local government to do their best to use my tax money to benefit the community as a whole.

When they don't, or appear to be going (IMO) in the wrong direction I let my representatives know, respectfully and with the best facts at my disposal on what I believe must be done, when and why. Something I regularly do here, BTW.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Those would be what? what do the Repubs demand from women?

Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Those would be what? what do the Repubs demand from women?

Ask the women and they will tell you if they agree.

The last national and state elections are revealing the GOP is losing its grip on women voters.
Not married women, especially with kids. Single women prefer Uncle Sam the Sugar Daddy.
This will backfire on the Democrats.

Although initially hispanic people lean Democrat when they first enter the country.

The longer they stay in the country and eventually start businesses and own homes.

The more conservative hispanic's become and gravitate towards the Republican Party. ... :cool:
Ya and every latino who starts a business pretty soon understands what a fucking con-job the LIBs are playing.
A latino enters the country illegally and needs every Gov. bit of help they can find. AKA believing the LIBs. As soon as they get a job and start paying taxes they say: "What the FUCK!. Why am I paying taxes so that ass hole can sit on his ass all day?!" Welcome to the real world amigo.
The state was blue until the 1980s.

Want to guess why?

The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

Now the women, Hispanics, and minorities are demanding the GOP wise up or else.

I knew you would go with the racist talking point I have lived in Texas my entire life I know this is B.S.
The state was blue until the 1980s.

Want to guess why?

The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

C'mon fakey, what did you do, hit the Google Earth? You shoulda used some more obscure place names like Shelbyville, Carthage, or Dangerfield.
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The state was blue until the 1980s.

Want to guess why?

The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

Now the women, Hispanics, and minorities are demanding the GOP wise up or else.
None of the racist Democrats you spoke of are alive. If they were, they'd be 160+ years old.
So a couple of posters are saying that to win the Repubs must marginalize the rabid right and move back toward the political center. Most of the reaction has been of the shrill, desperate, rabid variety.
The bottom line seems to be the GOP will continue to slide until we can mold a party that can elect its candidates.

“No, I call myself a Republican because I am one. I believe in market solutions and I believe in common sense realities and necessity to defend itself against a dangerous world. The problem is now I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st Century. Most of all, the biggest new requirement-–the only requirement-–is that I have to hate Democrats.” - Will, season 2 finale, The Newsroom (HBO)
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

Needs? What are these needs?
Is that where politics has been driven to? Needs?
In other words "free shit"?

See, you are prejudging. Let them tell you, not you assume.

You mean "free shit" as in how Bundy grazes he cattle on federal lands? Oh yeah, I see now.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
What "needs" are those?

Apparently in his mind.. "free shit". It's called the soft bigotry of low expectations.. it is a staple of the modern-day leftist.

It's 2014.. who in their right mind thinks that every ethinc/racial group has their own needs? Seems to me to be a pretty big problem if one is thinking this way.
Needs? What are these needs?
Is that where politics has been driven to? Needs?
In other words "free shit"?

See, you are prejudging. Let them tell you, not you assume.

You mean "free shit" as in how Bundy grazes he cattle on federal lands? Oh yeah, I see now.
No you don't. The government didn't plant or have to maintain the shrubbery. Mother nature did it. It isn't quite the same as taking someone's earnings and passing it around.
The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

Now the women, Hispanics, and minorities are demanding the GOP wise up or else.

I knew you would go with the racist talking point I have lived in Texas my entire life I know this is B.S.

You know you are lying now, and so does everyone else.
The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

C'mon fakey, what did you do, hit the Google Earth? You shoulda used some more obscure place names like Shelbyville, Carthage, or Dangerfield.

I know the Sabine river valley system like the back of my hand.
The people wised up and we have had both Democrat governor and Lt governor since 1980.

The many of the racist whites ran over to the GOP.

I know: I lived in Nacogdoches, Tyler, and Jasper for many years.

Now the women, Hispanics, and minorities are demanding the GOP wise up or else.
None of the racist Democrats you spoke of are alive. If they were, they'd be 160+ years old.

Quite a few are left, and they and their children will be swamped with the browning and bluing of Texas if they don't wise up.

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