Meet the Woman who could turn Texas Purple

notice how they use women?

good ole CNN pimping for the DNC as usual

shun that station folks...they've also given up any semblance of being unbiased
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

As a coalition, they may not be a minority: Gays and Lesbians, Blacks, Browns, liberals, women, progressives, moderates, scientists, union workers, minimum wage workers, university graduates, artists, agnostics and those who support government and believe it has a purpose beyond the anti government ideology; a theme which has become a popular refrain for the demagogues and charlatans who currently seek leadership and medium face time.

To turn that around requires an enormous sea change, those who want to lead the Party need not change only their rhetoric, they need to convince their base to change their Weltanschauung (world view).

Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base.
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If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

what are those needs? free birth control? more government dependency?
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

"Meeting the needs of women etc....?" What does that even mean? Dems are exploiting the hell out of women, minorities, ethnicities, race and have been winning elections.
If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.

what are those needs? free birth control? more government dependency?

You simply don't get it. As I posted above, "Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base".

It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?
Keep pumping those Mexicans into Texas........use illegals as a form of gentrification.

Strange how Democrats destroy their own states and the fleeing liberals move to Red States and turn them into the same cesspools they just the aliens in Independence Day.

It's what they did to Washington and Oregon.

For years, Democrats have hoped to take Texas back. The Lone Star State has produced the last two Republican presidents, some of the most important conservative legislators, and untold millions of dollars for GOP candidates across the country.

To shift Texas into the Democratic column would prevent Republicans from mounting any kind of nationwide challenge and virtually wipe out the opposition.

Much of the discussion about how Democrats are going to "turn Texas blue" revolves around demographic changes, especially immigration reform. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to find a pathway to citizenship will create millions of new Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican opposition to that plan is said to be pushing Latino voters away. All Democrats need to do is boost their turnout, and the GOP's Alamo will fall.

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

wasn't abortion barbie Wendy Davis supposed to turn Texas Purple?
how well is that working out?
not to well it seams
but now looks like you picked a minority so when unflattering stories on your new chosen one surfaces you can scream racism

It's this ^^^ mentality which is working in favor of the Democrats. It's so obvious what needs to be done, Republicans need to be tolerant of diversity and that seems impossible.

what mentality the mentality majority of the public agree with?
48% of the American public is pro-life 45% is pro-choice
and about diversity like all the black republicans you call uncle toms
or the women republicans you call bimbos and make fun of their children
wasn't abortion barbie Wendy Davis supposed to turn Texas Purple?
how well is that working out?
not to well it seams
but now looks like you picked a minority so when unflattering stories on your new chosen one surfaces you can scream racism

It's this ^^^ mentality which is working in favor of the Democrats. It's so obvious what needs to be done, Republicans need to be tolerant of diversity and that seems impossible.

what mentality the mentality majority of the public agree with?
48% of the American public is pro-life 45% is pro-choice
and about diversity like all the black republicans you call uncle toms
or the women republicans you call bimbos and make fun of their children

The mentality of a closed mind. Do you believe you're open minded and you don't judge others harshly because they challenge what you believe?

I've never called a black republican or any black person an Uncle Tom (I suggest you read the book); I've never used the word "bimbo", verbally or in writing (until now).

I'm pretty good at judging the emotion of others. You're angry now and only because I wrote something which for some reason challenged you. Why not read what I wrote and consider it, challenge me if you feel the need, but don't tell me what I've done or what I think. I post what I think and base my conclusion on real facts in the real world. If I'm wrong I admit it.
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If our GOP does not meet honestly the needs of women, Hispanics and minorities, instead of requiring they meet the party's demand, Texas will indeed turn blue no later than 2024.
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

As a coalition, they may not be a minority: Gays and Lesbians, Blacks, Browns, liberals, women, progressives, moderates, scientists, union workers, minimum wage workers, university graduates, artists, agnostics and those who support government and believe it has a purpose beyond the anti government ideology; a theme which has become a popular refrain for the demagogues and charlatans who currently seek leadership and medium face time.

To turn that around requires an enormous sea change, those who want to lead the Party need not change only their rhetoric, they need to convince their base to change their Weltanschauung (world view).

Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base.
That's political rhetoric of the left that views any opposition to a full government takeover as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I'd rather that minorities quit buying that juvenile bullshit.
notice how they use women?

good ole CNN pimping for the DNC as usual

shun that station folks...they've also given up any semblance of being unbiased

Totally missing the point...again Steph. They are stating a reality. Wake up and look at it. The Bundy's of the World are Dying! and being replaced with Tyron and Carlos.
It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?
...and after all your rhetoric? The message that resonates with the right is (are you sitting down?)...fiscal responsibility, rolling back the size and scope of big government and its' abuse of power, lowering taxes on corporations and individuals and defeating those that divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.
This will backfire on the Democrats.

Although initially hispanic people lean Democrat when they first enter the country.

The longer they stay in the country and eventually start businesses and own homes.

The more conservative hispanic's become and gravitate towards the Republican Party. ... :cool:

Yeah. We just gotta remind the Mexican immigrants of what they were running from.

Most people don't know this but Mexico is a SOCIALIST Country. It has been run by socialist governments for 80 of the last 88 years. The only reprieve was in the beginning of this Century.

Look into the Cristeros War in Mexico. Tells you all you need to know about socialists. And OBTW? The good guys lost that War.

It's why Mexico is a basket case. There's no reason for it other than the thieves that always seem to run socialist governments. They're ALWAYS thieves.

Mexico is a beautiful Country with a lot of natural resources. A lot.

But.... socialists would fuck up a one-car funeral. So naturally, they fucked up Mexico. And it ain't never coming back. Want to see the United States under socialism and how it will look in 20 years?

Easy, just look at Mexico.

It's usually the 2nd generation Mexicans that get with the program and become intelligent, freedom-loving Republicans.

The 1st generation immigrants don't know much about anything. They've never been free. They don't understand freedom and what it means.

Just like all the Eastern European Immigrants that went to the big Industrial Cities up North in the 20s and 30s. They were brought in to break strikes.... Long and boring story.

But they didn't understand freedom, they had no clue what it meant. So they became democrat voters because democrats made the same noises they heard in their home Country..... Yugoslavia (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia), Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Austria, Russia, Poland... Whatever.

The noise sounded the same. They didn't understand freedom so they didn't understand what Republicans were saying. But their children and grandchildren do. And they're some of the most ardent defenders of freedom and the Republican Party
Can you be specific? What special programs do minorities need to hear from the GOP?

As a coalition, they may not be a minority: Gays and Lesbians, Blacks, Browns, liberals, women, progressives, moderates, scientists, union workers, minimum wage workers, university graduates, artists, agnostics and those who support government and believe it has a purpose beyond the anti government ideology; a theme which has become a popular refrain for the demagogues and charlatans who currently seek leadership and medium face time.

To turn that around requires an enormous sea change, those who want to lead the Party need not change only their rhetoric, they need to convince their base to change their Weltanschauung (world view).

Read the post above by Stephanie and see how hard the task will be, anyone who tries to make the Republican Party viable in the 21st. Century will be called a RINO or worse by their base.
That's political rhetoric of the left that views any opposition to a full government takeover as racist, sexist, bigoted and homophobic. I'd rather that minorities quit buying that juvenile bullshit.

IMO, based on the real world, no domestic leader, group, coalition or political Party on the left, right or center is seeking "full government takeover" - where do you get such ideas?

Racism, sexism, bigotry and homophobia are realities, not only in American but, sadly, as part of human nature. "The left" is a term used by those who have no idea of its meaning (prove me wrong), it is used by you and others as a pejorative, as are other terms which are ubiquitous in the rhetoric of the ignorant: Socialism, Marxism and Communism, for example.
Meet the woman who could turn Texas purple -

If Texas goes, what do the Republicans have left.....Mississippi? The demographic change has begun. Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression can only keep the GOP afloat for so long.

Keep pumping those Mexicans into Texas........use illegals as a form of gentrification.

Strange how Democrats destroy their own states and the fleeing liberals move to Red States and turn them into the same cesspools they just the aliens in Independence Day.

It's what they did to Washington and Oregon.

For years, Democrats have hoped to take Texas back. The Lone Star State has produced the last two Republican presidents, some of the most important conservative legislators, and untold millions of dollars for GOP candidates across the country.

To shift Texas into the Democratic column would prevent Republicans from mounting any kind of nationwide challenge and virtually wipe out the opposition.

Much of the discussion about how Democrats are going to "turn Texas blue" revolves around demographic changes, especially immigration reform. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to find a pathway to citizenship will create millions of new Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican opposition to that plan is said to be pushing Latino voters away. All Democrats need to do is boost their turnout, and the GOP's Alamo will fall.

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

Illegals don't vote

Cesspools are the last thing Oregon and Washington are. They are both beautiful states with high standards of living and magnets for highly educated people all over the country. You've probably never been to either state.
It's this ^^^ mentality which is working in favor of the Democrats. It's so obvious what needs to be done, Republicans need to be tolerant of diversity and that seems impossible.

what mentality the mentality majority of the public agree with?
48% of the American public is pro-life 45% is pro-choice
and about diversity like all the black republicans you call uncle toms
or the women republicans you call bimbos and make fun of their children

The mentality of a closed mind. Do you believe you're open minded and you don't judge others harshly because they challenge what you believe?

I've never called a black republican or any black person an Uncle Tom (I suggest you read the book); I've never used the word "bimbo", verbally or in writing (until now).

I'm pretty good at judging the emotion of others. You're angry now and only because I wrote something which for some reason challenged you. Why not read what I wrote and consider it, challenge me if you feel the need, but don't tell me what I've done or what I think. I post what I think and base my conclusion on real facts in the real world. If I'm wrong I admit it.

everything I said is backed by substantiated evidence any time you don't agree with or dig up dirt on a minority democrat first thing out of the lefts mouth is your a racist
Keep pumping those Mexicans into Texas........use illegals as a form of gentrification.

Strange how Democrats destroy their own states and the fleeing liberals move to Red States and turn them into the same cesspools they just the aliens in Independence Day.

It's what they did to Washington and Oregon.

For years, Democrats have hoped to take Texas back. The Lone Star State has produced the last two Republican presidents, some of the most important conservative legislators, and untold millions of dollars for GOP candidates across the country.

To shift Texas into the Democratic column would prevent Republicans from mounting any kind of nationwide challenge and virtually wipe out the opposition.

Much of the discussion about how Democrats are going to "turn Texas blue" revolves around demographic changes, especially immigration reform. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to find a pathway to citizenship will create millions of new Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican opposition to that plan is said to be pushing Latino voters away. All Democrats need to do is boost their turnout, and the GOP's Alamo will fall.

Blue State Blues: Fleeing Democrats Will Turn Texas Blue

Illegals don't vote

Cesspools are the last thing Oregon and Washington are. They are both beautiful states with high standards of living and magnets for highly educated people all over the country. You've probably never been to either state.

I have. Been to both.

They're not 'cesspools' but there ain't enough money in the world to make me want to live in either place.

One word to describe them both -- Dreary. Everything about them is dreary. The weather, the architecture, the people...... Dreary.

I guess it's okay if 'dreary' is what you're into :dunno:

But I wouldn't call them 'cesspools'

Just thinking about that area of the Country makes me want to run outside and take in the Sun.

Gonna do it. Right now
IMO, based on the real world, no domestic leader, group, coalition or political Party on the left, right or center is seeking "full government takeover" - where do you get such ideas?

Racism, sexism, bigotry and homophobia are realities, not only in American but, sadly, as part of human nature. "The left" is a term used by those who have no idea of its meaning (prove me wrong), it is used by you and others as a pejorative, as are other terms which are ubiquitous in the rhetoric of the ignorant: Socialism, Marxism and Communism, for example.
A socialist country is a full takeover even with private enterprise because of government dictates. We have been heading down that road with the increase of federal power and control. Socialism is a central planning authority. Our government was founded as a government for the people, by the people and we are increasingly being treated as a means to support the government. For the greater good, of course.
It's not all about government services, it's about the rhetoric. Tell me, what positive message do you receive from those who want to lead the Republican Party?
...and after all your rhetoric? The message that resonates with the right is (are you sitting down?)...fiscal responsibility, rolling back the size and scope of big government and its' abuse of power, lowering taxes on corporations and individuals and defeating those that divide our nation with propaganda, outright lies and distortions.

There is some truth to what you wrote, but the devil is in the details. Do you believe Sequestration is an example of fiscal responsibility? I don't.

Do you believe tax cuts are a panacea? Or, a balanced budget amendment? I don't.

Targeted short term tax cuts make sense, across the board long term (more than one year) don't. A budget is a plan. Plans change do to circumstances, some unforeseen.

Keep in mind, income tax cuts are usual replaced by fees, a regressive form of taxation.

The best way to hold spending down is for an amendment to allow the POTUS the line-item veto. Then He or She can be held accountable along with the Congress, which could restore spending cut by the POTUS.
Democrats are smoking too much dope. See if she wins anything. Latinos will vote, but it takes a lot to get them to stir themselves. Mexicans don't even vote in mexico.

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