Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server

How Convenient. FBI 'lost Notes' From August 2015 Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton's Private Server
May 4, 2019 ~ by Cristina Laila
"""How Convenient. FBI ‘lost Notes’ From August 2015 Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server"""" The FBI ‘lost notes’ from an August 2015 meeting with the Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to new FBI docs released Friday. According to the newly released FBI docs related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, Special Agents (SAs) have been gathering and copying materials in response to FOIA and stumbled across some ‘missing notes.’ How convenient.
A February 2019 email from a Special Agent reveals that a CD containing material and notes from an August 2015 meeting with the ICIG was damaged, therefore the information is considered “missing.” “On or about February 6, 2019, SAs [redacted] opened [redacted] CYBER-1A27, which contained a CD with a crack on it (a damaged CD). SA attempted to copy the damaged CD at the WFO [Washington Field Office] Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) self-service area, but was not able to do so.” the email read. Since the CD was cracked, FBI IT specialists indicated it was unlikely the CD could be copied. The notes from this meeting are also missing.
ICIG official Frank Rucker and a fellow ICIG lawyer Jeanette Macmillian both warned Peter Strzok about this ‘anomaly’ found on Hillary Clinton’s email server and Strzok ignored it. Now the FBI reveals that a CD containing material about their meeting with the ICIG is damaged and the notes about the meeting are also missing — The FBI is supposed to be our premiere law enforcement agency. Let that sink in.

Eight years of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat control of the White House gave us no reason to trust anything that comes from the federal government.
The once vaunted FBI, IRS, CIA, Justice Dept., totally 17 agencies have ALL been compromised. Not one of these criminals have seen a moments time in jail.
This is all the magic Bath House Barry's doings. Mookabooker ought be in chains.
Am I the only one who notices that NOTHING that would make Republicans look bad EVER gets "Lost", "Damaged", or is subject to a "Glitch", but almost everything that would make Democrats look bad is subject to these "Anomalies"?
Sadly, there are still some in the FBI is still leaking to protect the agency, Who??? Is it Wray, he has been all too quiet this entire time. He is going DOWN!!!
I hope A.G. Barr and I.G. Horowitz have 24/7 armed protection. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe that in protecting Barack Obama and the Clinton's, the ENDS justify the MEANS!!
Agree. But, they can get away with this blatant criminality because the Media covers for them the same way Pravda used to do for the collapsed Soviet Union.
Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server

How Convenient. FBI 'lost Notes' From August 2015 Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton's Private Server
May 4, 2019 ~ by Cristina Laila
"""How Convenient. FBI ‘lost Notes’ From August 2015 Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server"""" The FBI ‘lost notes’ from an August 2015 meeting with the Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to new FBI docs released Friday. According to the newly released FBI docs related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, Special Agents (SAs) have been gathering and copying materials in response to FOIA and stumbled across some ‘missing notes.’ How convenient.
A February 2019 email from a Special Agent reveals that a CD containing material and notes from an August 2015 meeting with the ICIG was damaged, therefore the information is considered “missing.” “On or about February 6, 2019, SAs [redacted] opened [redacted] CYBER-1A27, which contained a CD with a crack on it (a damaged CD). SA attempted to copy the damaged CD at the WFO [Washington Field Office] Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) self-service area, but was not able to do so.” the email read. Since the CD was cracked, FBI IT specialists indicated it was unlikely the CD could be copied. The notes from this meeting are also missing.
ICIG official Frank Rucker and a fellow ICIG lawyer Jeanette Macmillian both warned Peter Strzok about this ‘anomaly’ found on Hillary Clinton’s email server and Strzok ignored it. Now the FBI reveals that a CD containing material about their meeting with the ICIG is damaged and the notes about the meeting are also missing — The FBI is supposed to be our premiere law enforcement agency. Let that sink in.

Eight years of Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat control of the White House gave us no reason to trust anything that comes from the federal government.
The once vaunted FBI, IRS, CIA, Justice Dept., totally 17 agencies have ALL been compromised. Not one of these criminals have seen a moments time in jail.
This is all the magic Bath House Barry's doings. Mookabooker ought be in chains.
Am I the only one who notices that NOTHING that would make Republicans look bad EVER gets "Lost", "Damaged", or is subject to a "Glitch", but almost everything that would make Democrats look bad is subject to these "Anomalies"?
Sadly, there are still some in the FBI is still leaking to protect the agency, Who??? Is it Wray, he has been all too quiet this entire time. He is going DOWN!!!
I hope A.G. Barr and I.G. Horowitz have 24/7 armed protection. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left believe that in protecting Barack Obama and the Clinton's, the ENDS justify the MEANS!!

It's the Gateway Pundit with their daily "But Hillary!" story. Hillary has been investigated, "under investigation" and "about to be investigated", despite having resigned as Secretary of State 7 years ago. Despite Mueller's findings of Trump's campaign willingness to cooperate with the Russians, and to benefit from their illegal acts, they found the Trump Campaign so inept, so chaotic, and so stupid, they couldn't work with them. 35 years of investigations. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges.

Inept chaotic and stupid sums up your President and his administration.

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