Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

CaféAuLait;2797171 said:
Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?

You know, if it was an official letter saying that an employee's SSN didn't match up, I'd probably remember it. Better yet, I'd have acted on it.

Do you have any idea what else accompanies these letters?

I bet you dont.

You mean the handwritten note by the husband, of a letter they claimed never having received?
Ya know, if someone claimed that a mirror image of a MW carved in her face, and said it was a Whitman supporter that did it, I'd write it off as a hoax. Here, the evidence runs pretty deep.

The fact that Whitman is pissing away $119 million of her families money, to try to buy an election, makes the entertainment value go through the roof.

It's a fait au complis. Whitman pissed off the Latinos, and the anti-immigration wing of the right in one fell swoop. she also probably lost a good number of moderates along the way. The keyboard warriors here can spin away, and it doesn't matter. The story is out there, and the bottom line is that Whitman shot herself in the foot. Excuse the hell out of me if I'm enjoying it.

I guess I cant fault ya for that.... have fun!
I've got my popcorn machine working in high gear :popcorn:

Oh, and yes..... $199M is alot of money to piss away! :eek:
She shouldn't be arrested, even if she knowingly hired an illegal. Sadly, though...that is the law and a law she supports.

It's also very amusing that Whitman is blaming her problems on others.
Whitman's position on immigration is as clear as mud....Purposefully so.

Claiming that she unequivocally supports this or that position merely shows that you know nothing about her or the CA governor's race.

Best to STFU and look the fool, than speak up and remove all doubt.

We need to build an ‘economic fence’ with a strong e-verification system that holds employers accountable for following the law. – Meg Whitman
Very good, Google Warrior Princess.

Now, are you equally adept at digging up some of Whitman's Spanish language campaign material, where she says that she's for a "path to citizenship", "comprehensive reform" and other code phrases that basically mean amnesty?

Unlike you, I've been in CA for the last 10 weeks, and have been beat over the head with this crap on a nearly daily basis.
Oddpuppy, that is good mainstream Republicanism. You don't like it, who cares.
The issue the Dems are pushing, with some success, is that she knew and lied.
The hell you say??!?!???

Someone campaigning for political office *GAAAAAAASP!* LIED?!?!?!?


Why, I'm shocked...Shocked to find there's lying going on here!
Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

You know what....

"Nicky the Illegal Alien" could walk right up to you and say in english, not espanol, that she was just doing the bidding of Jerry Brown and you would say she was payed by the Whitman campain team to do it.... I dont care what evidence was brought out.... you, dick tucker, would never admit that "Nicky the Illegal Alien" was wrong for doing what she did by breaking our laws here in America.

In fact... you'd find a way to blame Boosh would'nt ya?

Yep you would.....

I wouldn't. Once she is done testifying against Whitman, I say deport the woman. Her presence here is a continuing crime.
I wouldn't. Once she is done testifying against Whitman, I say deport the woman. Her presence here is a continuing crime.

Thats what is wierd to me... why on earth would her immigration attorney let such a thing take place?

I know..... maybe they intend for ICE to attempt to do just that and then they can claim that she is being herrassed b/c she tried to out a Republican California politician. (whom I might add, treated her like family)

This "Nicky the Illegal Alien" lady is a creep!
CaféAuLait;2797102 said:
A good first step would be to follow regulations, and at least sign the I9 immigration form.

It look like she made a mistake. How do you know that this form was not sent back or an additional form sent after it was given the the feds when they realized it was not signed? Any number of things could have happened. We only have a few pieces of this story as it stands.

SMEAR jobs like this do not need facts, just hyperbole.

California voters know enough about Gloria Allred and her history of media whoring to make an informed decision.
Pretty much what I said on page one of this mess.

Seeing Sea Hag Allred told me everything I needed to know about this cheap political stunt.
Whitman's position on immigration is as clear as mud....Purposefully so.

Claiming that she unequivocally supports this or that position merely shows that you know nothing about her or the CA governor's race.

Best to STFU and look the fool, than speak up and remove all doubt.

We need to build an ‘economic fence’ with a strong e-verification system that holds employers accountable for following the law. – Meg Whitman
Very good, Google Warrior Princess.

Now, are you equally adept at digging up some of Whitman's Spanish language campaign material, where she says that she's for a "path to citizenship", "comprehensive reform" and other code phrases that basically mean amnesty?

Unlike you, I've been in CA for the last 10 weeks, and have been beat over the head with this crap on a nearly daily basis.

You're in California??!!! OMG, did you waive extradition (or have you been 'renditioned')?
Cons are clamoring to excuse hiring illegals and lies.
Nobody here is excusing the illegal for lying to the employment agency and to Whitman, nor is anyone making any excuse for her using a fake/stolen Slave Surveillance number in order to get work....Well, with the exception of Sea Hag Allred.

In fact, a lot of people are trying to deflect from that fact to smear her former employer, who couldn't win no matter what she ended up doing.
I wouldn't. Once she is done testifying against Whitman, I say deport the woman. Her presence here is a continuing crime.

Thats what is wierd to me... why on earth would her immigration attorney let such a thing take place?

I know..... maybe they intend for ICE to attempt to do just that and then they can claim that she is being herrassed b/c she tried to out a Republican California politician. (whom I might add, treated her like family)

This "Nicky the Illegal Alien" lady is a creep!

Gloria prolly plans to make a deal; immunity and citizenship in exchange for the maid's testimony against Whitman. Plus she says she's pursuing a claim (?) on behalf of the lady.

Mebbe the fall-back is a mansion in Nicaraguia.
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?
They do it all the time for drug cases.

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