Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

Why should Meg have know that the lone housekeeper she got from an agency was illegal? (THE ED SHOW) When we have 20 million and our government don't know who is illegal and legal. So what if she knew? Millions of busineses know they hire illegals and do nothing and only a token one is ever raided.

Colin Powell KNEW illegals were working for him and nothing is said or done. MAH

Because it's the employers responsibility to follow regulations? Powell never hired the people. They were people that came with the contractor. In this case, the maid was hired directly by Whitman and her husband.
CaféAuLait;2797102 said:
It look like she made a mistake. How do you know that this form was not sent back or an additional form sent after it was given the the feds when they realized it was not signed? Any number of things could have happened. We only have a few pieces of this story as it stands.

SMEAR jobs like this do not need facts, just hyperbole.

California voters know enough about Gloria Allred and her history of media whoring to make an informed decision.

Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

I see so when you spend your own 119 Million you are trying to buy an election, when you spend 100 Million donated to you. Everything is peachy

Yep, yet that and the fishy timing of this whole thing are lost on Partisan Democrats.

This is what Politics has become in this country. Sling some mud before the election. True or not it will stick long enough to have the desired effect on the Electorate.

Yeah, and we are dealing with California voters.... sorry, but what a bunch of nutcases!

That state is in such a disaster and they just keep voting the idiots in left and right (pun initended).

They will probably vote in Jerry Brown just b/c he has a "D" beside his name.... AND NO Arnold dont count.... he is a Dem in Repubs clothes (a RINO).
The woman Allred is representing,lied on an application,admitted she had has a phony social security card.
And who knows what else she did to get the drivers license.Who is the left going after? well the woman who went to an agency to find this woman,was given a social security card and saw the drivers license,gave this woman a job for how many years,paid her $23.00 an hour and she's a piece of shit according to Allred and the left.....and not one person on the left has said one word against the illegal.
SMEAR jobs like this do not need facts, just hyperbole.

California voters know enough about Gloria Allred and her history of media whoring to make an informed decision.

Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

I see so when you spend your own 119 Million you are trying to buy an election, when you spend 100 Million donated to you. Everything is peachy


No, I don't think you do see. I'm thrilled that this wingnut is pissing away her own money, and sending it down a rat hole. That's karma.
CaféAuLait;2797102 said:
A good first step would be to follow regulations, and at least sign the I9 immigration form.

It look like she made a mistake. How do you know that this form was not sent back or an additional form sent after it was given the the feds when they realized it was not signed? Any number of things could have happened. We only have a few pieces of this story as it stands.

"I never got the letter"...oops "maybe the maid stole it"...oops "well we did get the letter"...oops "the dog ate it."

Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?
Infidel, you have it right. Californians as a group are loony: they gave us Reagan. Now their children and grandchildren are trying to break the cycle of stupidity. I would have voted for Meg if I were a Californian now, until all of this came up and would have to wade my way through all of the talking points on every side. It is not my cousins, TruthSpeaker, or Zander she will have to convince. The Hispanics now hold the key to the race.
Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

You know what....

"Nicky the Illegal Alien" could walk right up to you and say in english, not espanol, that she was just doing the bidding of Jerry Brown and you would say she was payed by the Whitman campain team to do it.... I dont care what evidence was brought out.... you, dick tucker, would never admit that "Nicky the Illegal Alien" was wrong for doing what she did by breaking our laws here in America.

In fact... you'd find a way to blame Boosh would'nt ya?

Yep you would.....
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CaféAuLait;2797171 said:
CaféAuLait;2797102 said:
It look like she made a mistake. How do you know that this form was not sent back or an additional form sent after it was given the the feds when they realized it was not signed? Any number of things could have happened. We only have a few pieces of this story as it stands.

"I never got the letter"...oops "maybe the maid stole it"...oops "well we did get the letter"...oops "the dog ate it."

Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?

You know, if it was an official letter saying that an employee's SSN didn't match up, I'd probably remember it. Better yet, I'd have acted on it.
Infidel, you have it right. Californians as a group are loony: they gave us Reagan. Now their children and grandchildren are trying to break the cycle of stupidity. I would have voted for Meg if I were a Californian now, until all of this came up and would have to wade my way through all of the talking points on every side. It is not my cousins, TruthSpeaker, or Zander she will have to convince. The Hispanics now hold the key to the race.

And thats sad to me.... it comes down to ONE stupid accusation (by an admitted criminal no less).... and yes it is just an accusation.

I feel bad for Whitman, and no Im no fan of hers, but Jeez.... when will the voters wise up and see thru the BS on both sides.

I hope November is the beginning of a well needed awakening in this country, and I am talking about ALL of us.

Thanks Jake for understanding my point.
CaféAuLait;2797171 said:
"I never got the letter"...oops "maybe the maid stole it"...oops "well we did get the letter"...oops "the dog ate it."

Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?

You know, if it was an official letter saying that an employee's SSN didn't match up, I'd probably remember it. Better yet, I'd have acted on it.

Do you have any idea what else accompanies these letters?

I bet you dont.
CaféAuLait;2797171 said:
"I never got the letter"...oops "maybe the maid stole it"...oops "well we did get the letter"...oops "the dog ate it."

Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?

You know, if it was an official letter saying that an employee's SSN didn't match up, I'd probably remember it. Better yet, I'd have acted on it.

Why remember it? It said it had absolutely nothing to do with her status as a legal immigrant.
Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

You know what....?

"Nicky the Illegal Alien" could walk right up to you and say in english, not espanol, that she was just doing the bidding of Jerry Brown and you would say she was payed by the Whitman campain team to do it.... I dont care what evidence was brought out.... you, dick tucker, would never admit that "Nicky the Illegal Alien" was wrong for doing what she did by breaking our laws here in America.

In fact... you'd find a way to blame Boosh would'nt ya?

Yep you would.....

You read minds, silly one? No, I don't like the Browns, never have, my family never did in the day.

You are being hyper partisan and it is going to bite you in the ass.
CaféAuLait;2797171 said:
"I never got the letter"...oops "maybe the maid stole it"...oops "well we did get the letter"...oops "the dog ate it."

Of course you remember every letter you got 7.5 years ago?

You know, if it was an official letter saying that an employee's SSN didn't match up, I'd probably remember it. Better yet, I'd have acted on it.

Oh yeah.... you libs are pure as the driven snow.....

errrrrr, I mean dirty as driven on snow :cuckoo:
CaféAuLait;2797044 said:
CaféAuLait;2797001 said:
Exactly and here are the ILLEGAL documents she gave to Whitman and the Employment agency:

( scrolll to page 12)

Note the fake SS card ( her sisters number) and the Fake CDL.

You cannot have it both ways, Cafe'AuLait. If Whitman is innocent of any tax charges, she is guilty of identity theft and violations of US immigration law.

Please explain how Madeline?

She was lied to, she was presented fraudulent documents and when she did get a letter that letter says this notification had NOTHING to do with her employee’s legal status.

Scenario number one: Whitman paid the maid under the table. Any idijit can see, this is illegal six ways from Sunday. Tax fraud, violation of US immigration law, harboring, etc.

Scenario number two: Whitman accepted a fraudulent SSN and attempted to pay taxes on it. This fails because the taxing authorities would have kicked back forms and payments for NINE years. That's over 189 documents and payments.

Scenario number three: Whitman accepted a stolen SSN and paid taxes on it. This would have worked for the NINE years this maid worked for her, and I will give Whitman the benefit of the doubt that she did not pal around with the woman enough to get the truth from her. BUT, when Whitman learned of the illegal immigration, identity theft and tax evasion, she took no steps to end the frauds and thus, became a co-conspirator. (BTW, this also assumes no taxing authority realized it was being sent too many W-2s, etc. I cannot say for certain how IRS flags returns, but you try reporting the income of 6 other people and see what happens.)

Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

You know what....?

"Nicky the Illegal Alien" could walk right up to you and say in english, not espanol, that she was just doing the bidding of Jerry Brown and you would say she was payed by the Whitman campain team to do it.... I dont care what evidence was brought out.... you, dick tucker, would never admit that "Nicky the Illegal Alien" was wrong for doing what she did by breaking our laws here in America.

In fact... you'd find a way to blame Boosh would'nt ya?

Yep you would.....

You read minds, silly one? No, I don't like the Browns, never have, my family never did in the day.

You are being hyper partisan and it is going to bite you in the ass.

Well.... actually I was'nt talking about you.... I was talking about Dick.

Im trying to see both sides, but I am having a hard time seeing why this is such a big deal in the whole scheme of thing there in Cali.

The state is circling the drain and they are worried that Whitman might have made a mistake in not knowing her help was here illegally.

I myself cant see why someone needs a maid in the 1st place, but hey, Im not wealthy like that. But one thing is for sure... If I were a politician, I certainly would'nt be hiring someone that might have any possiblilty of being an illegal.
But then that makes me a racial profiler...... :confused: .... you cant win for losing!
The issue the Dems are pushing, with some success, is that she knew and lied.

But it isn't about you or me. It's about 20% of the electorate that is Hispanic. If they don't trust her, the Dems win.

That is where the GOP propaganda machine needs to work.
CaféAuLait;2797044 said:
You cannot have it both ways, Cafe'AuLait. If Whitman is innocent of any tax charges, she is guilty of identity theft and violations of US immigration law.

Please explain how Madeline?

She was lied to, she was presented fraudulent documents and when she did get a letter that letter says this notification had NOTHING to do with her employee’s legal status.

Scenario number one: Whitman paid the maid under the table. Any idijit can see, this is illegal six ways from Sunday. Tax fraud, violation of US immigration law, harboring, etc.

Scenario number two: Whitman accepted a fraudulent SSN and attempted to pay taxes on it. This fails because the taxing authorities would have kicked back forms and payments for NINE years. That's over 189 documents and payments.

Scenario number three: Whitman accepted a stolen SSN and paid taxes on it. This would have worked for the NINE years this maid worked for her, and I will give Whitman the benefit of the doubt that she did not pal around with the woman enough to get the truth from her. BUT, when Whitman learned of the illegal immigration, identity theft and tax evasion, she took no steps to end the frauds and thus, became a co-conspirator. (BTW, this also assumes no taxing authority realized it was being sent too many W-2s, etc. I cannot say for certain how IRS flags returns, but you try reporting the income of 6 other people and see what happens.)


What the hell. isn't libs who tell us all the time that most Illegals pay SS with illegal SS numbers?

Scenario number one: Whitman paid the maid under the table. Any idijit can see, this is illegal six ways from Sunday. Tax fraud, violation of US immigration law, harboring, etc.

Scenario number two: Whitman accepted a fraudulent SSN and attempted to pay taxes on it. This fails because the taxing authorities would have kicked back forms and payments for NINE years. That's over 189 documents and payments.

Scenario number three: Whitman accepted a stolen SSN and paid taxes on it. This would have worked for the NINE years this maid worked for her, and I will give Whitman the benefit of the doubt that she did not pal around with the woman enough to get the truth from her. BUT, when Whitman learned of the illegal immigration, identity theft and tax evasion, she took no steps to end the frauds and thus, became a co-conspirator. (BTW, this also assumes no taxing authority realized it was being sent too many W-2s, etc. I cannot say for certain how IRS flags returns, but you try reporting the income of 6 other people and see what happens.)


If..... and I emphasize IF..... all those things are true

Then yes guilty.......


California politics at its best I tell ya.

Its sad that Whitman and Brown are the best they could come up with too. :doubt:
Ah, but there are facts a plenty. Usually, if someone is just making claims out their butt, they'll be fact checked. Not so here. Nope, it's not a smear job. It's an exposure of a hypocrite liar getting hoisted on her own petard. Good riddance, and I'm glad to see her $119 million that she tried to buy the election with, go down the toilet.

You know what....?

"Nicky the Illegal Alien" could walk right up to you and say in english, not espanol, that she was just doing the bidding of Jerry Brown and you would say she was payed by the Whitman campain team to do it.... I dont care what evidence was brought out.... you, dick tucker, would never admit that "Nicky the Illegal Alien" was wrong for doing what she did by breaking our laws here in America.

In fact... you'd find a way to blame Boosh would'nt ya?

Yep you would.....

Ya know, if someone claimed that a mirror image of a MW carved in her face, and said it was a Whitman supporter that did it, I'd write it off as a hoax. Here, the evidence runs pretty deep.

The fact that Whitman is pissing away $119 million of her families money, to try to buy an election, makes the entertainment value go through the roof.

It's a fait au complis. Whitman pissed off the Latinos, and the anti-immigration wing of the right in one fell swoop. she also probably lost a good number of moderates along the way. The keyboard warriors here can spin away, and it doesn't matter. The story is out there, and the bottom line is that Whitman shot herself in the foot. Excuse the hell out of me if I'm enjoying it.

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