Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

A fake SSN would have been kicked back by the IRS. A stolen one would have gone through BUT when Whitman discovered the maid was illegal and did not report her, she conspired to commit identity theft.

Whitman is screwed, screwed, screwed.
You're really grasping at every available straw here, aren't you?

Whitman didn't discover that the housekeeper was an illegal until recently, when that disclosure became grounds for termination...The letter from SSA (I just posted the link) clearly stated that it wasn't to be construed as questioning immigration status.

Did you read the instructions given to Whitman?
Did she follow up on those instructions, or did she just ignore them? Did you notice that she never signed the I9 Immigration form when the woman was hired, in spite of the instructions to do so. Too much bullshit to believe that she didn't know the woman was probably undocumented. The fact that Whitman changes her story on a daily basis adds to the fact that she's a bull shitter. Add to that her rhetoric on immigration, and it becomes a complete farce. Hoisted on her own petard, so to speak.
I read the entire letter....It's becoming more and more apparent that you have not...There was no requirement that it be filled out and returned, nor was it to be construed as an inquiry into immigration status.

The I9 was supposed to be handled by the employment service.

Next inane argument?
CaféAuLait;2796919 said:
Riveting Radio: Levin Versus Allred

Mark Levin

He makes some great points, Allred has screwed her client.

Too fucking annoying to listen to, Cafe'AuLait, but in what way do you think Gloria has screwed her client? I'll agree, admitting the maid is here illegally is strange inasmuch as she is admitting the woman committed and is committing a crime. But if the client authorized Gloria to make such statements, it's not unethical to do so.

Presumably she'll be pursuing citizenship for this maid. What is your POV regarding that?

I can tell you mine: NO FUCKING WAY.

I wonder if GA is using the maid's story as a way to help the authorities make a case on Whitman. The tactics seem often similar to what they did to Martha S. I hope this is not the case. If the Dem controlled legal authorities in CA are behind this, I would think it wrong.

WTF? Martha Stewart was convicted of insider trading, not tax evasion. And since when is it wrong for a CA authority to pursue prosecution of crimes committed in CA?

IMO, it would be wrong if they did not.
You're really grasping at every available straw here, aren't you?

Whitman didn't discover that the housekeeper was an illegal until recently, when that disclosure became grounds for termination...The letter from SSA (I just posted the link) clearly stated that it wasn't to be construed as questioning immigration status.

Did you read the instructions given to Whitman?
Did she follow up on those instructions, or did she just ignore them? Did you notice that she never signed the I9 Immigration form when the woman was hired, in spite of the instructions to do so. Too much bullshit to believe that she didn't know the woman was probably undocumented. The fact that Whitman changes her story on a daily basis adds to the fact that she's a bull shitter. Add to that her rhetoric on immigration, and it becomes a complete farce. Hoisted on her own petard, so to speak.

The I9 was supposed to be handled by the employment service.
No. The employer is responsible for getting the I-9 from the employee.

Maybe you should stfu instead of looking like a fool. :lol:
You're really grasping at every available straw here, aren't you?

Whitman didn't discover that the housekeeper was an illegal until recently, when that disclosure became grounds for termination...The letter from SSA (I just posted the link) clearly stated that it wasn't to be construed as questioning immigration status.

Did you read the instructions given to Whitman?
Did she follow up on those instructions, or did she just ignore them? Did you notice that she never signed the I9 Immigration form when the woman was hired, in spite of the instructions to do so. Too much bullshit to believe that she didn't know the woman was probably undocumented. The fact that Whitman changes her story on a daily basis adds to the fact that she's a bull shitter. Add to that her rhetoric on immigration, and it becomes a complete farce. Hoisted on her own petard, so to speak.
I read the entire letter....It's becoming more and more apparent that you have not...There was no requirement that it be filled out and returned, nor was it to be construed as an inquiry into immigration status.

The I9 was supposed to be handled by the employment service.

Next inane argument?
CaféAuLait;2796919 said:
Riveting Radio: Levin Versus Allred

Mark Levin

He makes some great points, Allred has screwed her client.

Too fucking annoying to listen to, Cafe'AuLait, but in what way do you think Gloria has screwed her client? I'll agree, admitting the maid is here illegally is strange inasmuch as she is admitting the woman committed and is committing a crime. But if the client authorized Gloria to make such statements, it's not unethical to do so.

Presumably she'll be pursuing citizenship for this maid. What is your POV regarding that?

I can tell you mine: NO FUCKING WAY.

It's not just admitting the maid is here illegally but that she also committed fraud with a fake SS and Driver’s License and swearing on employment forms she was legal.

The forms are here:

Levin pointed out (forgive me as I am no legal expert to recall the exact term) that she was holding her client out for harm in the manner she has gone about this. The maid has committed fraud with Whitman, the employment agency, the IRS, the feds, SS.
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Did you read the instructions given to Whitman?
Did she follow up on those instructions, or did she just ignore them? Did you notice that she never signed the I9 Immigration form when the woman was hired, in spite of the instructions to do so. Too much bullshit to believe that she didn't know the woman was probably undocumented. The fact that Whitman changes her story on a daily basis adds to the fact that she's a bull shitter. Add to that her rhetoric on immigration, and it becomes a complete farce. Hoisted on her own petard, so to speak.

The I9 was supposed to be handled by the employment service.
No. The employer is responsible for getting the I-9 from the employee.

Maybe you should stfu instead of looking like a fool. :lol:

Might be legal to allow a third party to do up the I-9, but what about the SEVENTY TWO occasions Whitman did or should have filed a 941, or the EIGHTEEN times she should have filed a W-2? What about the dozens of tax payment checks that went uncashed?
She shouldn't be arrested, even if she knowingly hired an illegal. Sadly, though...that is the law and a law she supports.

It's also very amusing that Whitman is blaming her problems on others.
Whitman's position on immigration is as clear as mud....Purposefully so.

Claiming that she unequivocally supports this or that position merely shows that you know nothing about her or the CA governor's race.

Best to STFU and look the fool, than speak up and remove all doubt.

We need to build an ‘economic fence’ with a strong e-verification system that holds employers accountable for following the law. – Meg Whitman

I don't think that's what she said in her spanish speaking ads.
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

Exactly and here are the ILLEGAL documents she gave to Whitman and the Employment agency:

( scrolll to page 12)

Note the fake SS card ( her sisters number) and the Fake CDL.
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

When you cant discuss your record. Point at the other guy.
Of course this is all about politics, Charles Main, but Meg's hands are obviously not clean. The fact is this, once again: if the Hispanics believe the domestic, Meg is toast, and if the Hispanics give Meg a pass, she will be governor.
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

Of course it is political....but it is a REAL scandal, Charles Main.
Of course this is all about politics, Charles Main, but Meg's hands are obviously not clean. The fact is this, once again: if the Hispanics believe the domestic, Meg is toast, and if the Hispanics give Meg a pass, she will be governor.

I think she's toast either way. How long can she hold office after being indicted?
The I9 was supposed to be handled by the employment service.
No. The employer is responsible for getting the I-9 from the employee.

Maybe you should stfu instead of looking like a fool. :lol:

Might be legal to allow a third party to do up the I-9, but what about the SEVENTY TWO occasions Whitman did or should have filed a 941, or the EIGHTEEN times she should have filed a W-2? What about the dozens of tax payment checks that went uncashed?

Sorry where are you saying she did not do this? The maid used her sisters SS# so payments that were made most likely went into her SS sisters account.

Here are the employment documents where the maid swears she is legal and provids fake ID and SS:
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So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

Why should it matter if it is or isn't. The facts are what they are. Whitman is an idiot. She thinks she's a CEO who can get away with bullshitting. Welcome to the bare knuckles world of politics. If you preach one thing, and your personal life shows something completely different, you're fair game, and no one is going to feel sorry for you or let you try to talk your way out of your actions.

The fact remains that Whitman put herself on the public stage, spending $119 million of her money to do so, and she becomes fair game. It's still good to see the super rich waste their wealth. I haven't been this amused since Ariana's old man decided to come out of the closet.
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So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

When you cant discuss your record. Point at the other guy.

What is the problem, Full Auto? Whitman broke the law...over and over again. Why is that so hard to admit? You can believe Whitman has private investigators working overtime to find all of Brown's former employees.
Of course this is all about politics, Charles Main, but Meg's hands are obviously not clean. The fact is this, once again: if the Hispanics believe the domestic, Meg is toast, and if the Hispanics give Meg a pass, she will be governor.

And I never said her hands we clean. I said the timing seems fishy, and the effects on the Election will happen regardless of the facts.

And for that I get Neg rep lol
CaféAuLait;2797001 said:
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

Exactly and here are the ILLEGAL documents she gave to Whitman and the Employment agency:

( scrolll to page 12)

Note the fake SS card ( her sisters number) and the Fake CDL.

You cannot have it both ways, Cafe'AuLait. If Whitman is innocent of any tax charges, she is guilty of identity theft and violations of US immigration law.
Of course this is all about politics, Charles Main, but Meg's hands are obviously not clean. The fact is this, once again: if the Hispanics believe the domestic, Meg is toast, and if the Hispanics give Meg a pass, she will be governor.

And I never said her hands we clean. I said the timing seems fishy, and the effects on the Election will happen regardless of the facts.

And for that I get Neg rep lol

You did not deserve to be negged, Charles Main. I am out of rep gas ATM, but I will hit you with some rep love tomorrow, k?
CaféAuLait;2797001 said:
So funny to me that I get neg rep just for pointing out that the Effect on the Election from this will happen regardless of what the truth ends up being.

She fired her maid 2 years ago. Yet now, a month before the election is when it all comes out.


Guilty or not, you can not deny that the timing of this is all about politics.

Exactly and here are the ILLEGAL documents she gave to Whitman and the Employment agency:

( scrolll to page 12)

Note the fake SS card ( her sisters number) and the Fake CDL.

You cannot have it both ways, Cafe'AuLait. If Whitman is innocent of any tax charges, she is guilty of identity theft and violations of US immigration law.

Please explain how Madeline?

She was lied to, she was presented fraudulent documents and when she did get a letter that letter says this notification had NOTHING to do with her employee’s legal status.

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