Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

What color is the sky in your world, Oddball? Do you truely feature some IRS dude or California tax collector dropping in at Whitman's house to see who her employees might be?
You don't know jack about the California Franchise Tax Board, do you?...They rigorously compare their records with federal W-4 and 1099 filings...Those hooligans make the IRS look like Cub Scouts.

If Whitman had an employee whom she wasn't withholding taxes on, you can bet you ass that they'd be hassling her morning, noon and night.
Not if she was paying the maid under the that case they wouldn't even know.
Wow.....Just wow. :eusa_wall:
You don't know jack about the California Franchise Tax Board, do you?...They rigorously compare their records with federal W-4 and 1099 filings...Those hooligans make the IRS look like Cub Scouts.

If Whitman had an employee whom she wasn't withholding taxes on, you can bet you ass that they'd be hassling her morning, noon and night.
Not if she was paying the maid under the that case they wouldn't even know.
Wow.....Just wow. :eusa_wall:

Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?
CaféAuLait;2796744 said:
Smells like good campaigning to me. Whitman has an Achilles heel, and her opponent's supporters are exploiting it.

Doesn't make it any less TRUE.

Jesus H. Christ I better never see any of you GOP hacks whining about the deficit or illegal immigration. Hypocritical much?

Oh please. it sounds like a SETUP, the woman was fired a 1.5 years ago and all of a sudden she thinks she has some case and on the same day the case is announced the SEIU just happens to have an ad about it to release and it is on air the very same day?

She was fired right after Whitman decided to run for office.

So tell me why she did not say a word until a few weeks before mids if this happened a year and a half ago.

Why does Whitman change her story on a daily basis? That tends to be an indicator that the woman is lying.

Whitman started running for office near 2 years ago and the maid was fired in June of 2009.Whitman changed her story? Where do you get that? DID YOU hear a word about this maid before yesterday? Nope, it was announced yesterday. Meaning that this maid did not say a word for 1.5 years if she had, Allred or someone else would have been all over it. The maid was fired in June of 2009 according to Allred.

As far as her saying we did not get a letter about her being an illegal immigrant they never did. And I do not blame them for not remembering a letter that was sent 7.5 years ago that said this has nothing to do with the immigration status of your employee!
Not if she was paying the maid under the that case they wouldn't even know.
Wow.....Just wow. :eusa_wall:

Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?
The possibility is that the taxes were paid on behalf of the faked/stolen SS account....Looks to me that the letter was intended to make sure that the employee's SS account got properly credited.
Wow.....Just wow. :eusa_wall:

Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?

Independent contractor.

For the reasons I have already given, designating the maid as an independent contractor would have constituted illegal employment tax evasion, illegal workers' compensation insurance payment evasion, etc. However.....

....even an independent contractor would have been third party reported by Whitman at least EIGHTEEN TIMES on a 1099, so once again, this would be an......

CaféAuLait;2796822 said:
CaféAuLait;2796744 said:
Oh please. it sounds like a SETUP, the woman was fired a 1.5 years ago and all of a sudden she thinks she has some case and on the same day the case is announced the SEIU just happens to have an ad about it to release and it is on air the very same day?

She was fired right after Whitman decided to run for office.

So tell me why she did not say a word until a few weeks before mids if this happened a year and a half ago.

Why does Whitman change her story on a daily basis? That tends to be an indicator that the woman is lying.

Whitman started running for office near 2 years ago and the maid was fired in June of 2009.Whitman changed her story? Where do you get that? DID YOU hear a word about this maid before yesterday? Nope, it was announced yesterday. Meaning that this maid did not say a word for 1.5 years if she had, Allred or someone else would have been all over it. The maid was fired in June of 2009 according to Allred.

As far as her saying we did not get a letter about her being an illegal immigrant they never did. And I do not blame them for not remembering a letter that was sent 7.5 years ago that said this has nothing to do with the immigration status of your employee!
Clearly, whether the allegations are true or not. The maid has been coached by Megs opponents to bring it up now.

The Democrats are desperate. They are looking at a possible gain of 6 or 7 Governorships for the GOP.

As Governors have power of redistricting this is very important to them.
Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?
The possibility is that the taxes were paid on behalf of the faked/stolen SS account....Looks to me that the letter was intended to make sure that the employee's SS account got properly credited.

Then where did the W-2's go, Oddball?

All this speculation is point less. The facts of this case are not even going to matter. True or not. These allegations are going to have a very real effect on the election, and that was the intent. The timing is undeniable.
[ame=]YouTube - Fiorina: Send Meg Whitman to Jail for Employing Undocumented Immigrant[/ame]
The possibility is that the taxes were paid on behalf of the faked/stolen SS account....Looks to me that the letter was intended to make sure that the employee's SS account got properly credited.

Then where did the W-2's go, Oddball?

All this speculation is point less. The facts of this case are not even going to matter. True or not. These allegations are going to have a very real effect on the election, and that was the intent. The timing is undeniable.

Then Whitman should have behaved as a law-abiding citizen to avoid this. I dislike blatant hypocrisy in my electeds, Charles Main. Dun you?
Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?
The possibility is that the taxes were paid on behalf of the faked/stolen SS account....Looks to me that the letter was intended to make sure that the employee's SS account got properly credited.

Then where did the W-2's go, Oddball?

Why do you claim there are no W-2's she used her sisters SS number.
CaféAuLait;2796822 said:
She was fired right after Whitman decided to run for office.

Why does Whitman change her story on a daily basis? That tends to be an indicator that the woman is lying.

Whitman started running for office near 2 years ago and the maid was fired in June of 2009.Whitman changed her story? Where do you get that? DID YOU hear a word about this maid before yesterday? Nope, it was announced yesterday. Meaning that this maid did not say a word for 1.5 years if she had, Allred or someone else would have been all over it. The maid was fired in June of 2009 according to Allred.

As far as her saying we did not get a letter about her being an illegal immigrant they never did. And I do not blame them for not remembering a letter that was sent 7.5 years ago that said this has nothing to do with the immigration status of your employee!
Clearly, whether the allegations are true or not. The maid has been coached by Megs opponents to bring it up now.

The Democrats are desperate. They are looking at a possible gain of 6 or 7 Governorships for the GOP.

As Governors have power of redistricting this is very important to them.

This is so transparent it is not funny. I have friends who are disgusted with Brown and Allred and they are hard core democrats.
The possibility is that the taxes were paid on behalf of the faked/stolen SS account....Looks to me that the letter was intended to make sure that the employee's SS account got properly credited.

Then where did the W-2's go, Oddball?

All this speculation is point less. The facts of this case are not even going to matter. True or not. These allegations are going to have a very real effect on the election, and that was the intent. The timing is undeniable.

Why do you think that a major right wing, anti-immigrant group is calling for Whitman's arrest?

Conservative Immigration Group Calls for Whitman’s Arrest

For National Release

Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864 [email protected]

In response to the explosive revelations that California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman employed illegal alien Nicky Diaz for nine years, ALIPAC is asking Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest and charge both Whitman and Diaz for numerous immigration and employment law violations.

"We need equal justice for both the illegal alien and the employer," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Nicky Diaz should be charged and deported and Meg Whitman should face the existing penalties under current US law as well. No Amnesty for Whitman or Diaz, the Rule of Law must be restored in America."

Nicki Diaz gave a tearful interview to reporters today, accompanied by Gloria Allred, a longtime Democratic supporter. Diaz claims that Whitman, a Republican candidate for Governor of California, knew she was an illegal alien and was abusive to her and failed to pay her all her wages. Diaz cried through most of the interview in what was an obviously contrived display of political theater.

"Best illegal alien actor award of 2010 should go to Nicki Diaz for her role as the tearful victimized invader," said William Gheen. "Meg Whitman's financial gain from the movie rights should be seized by the courts to compensate the American taxpayers who have paid the price for her illegal laborer over the years."

Americans curious about Meg Whitman's support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty (CIRA) that would lift current laws and penalties for both illegal aliens and their employers now know why. If CIRA were to pass, exploitative employers like Whitman would escape the existing penalties under US law which have a nine year statute of limitations.

The American public has indicated in numerous scientific polls that well over 80% of Americans want employers like Meg Whitman heavily fined. Over 50% want the employers of illegals, like Whitman, jailed.

Americans have also shown overwhelming support for the arrest, detention, and deportation of illegal immigrants like Nicki Diaz. Both the US Constitution and the existing laws of Congress mandate that both Whitman and Diaz should be charged and treated equally under those laws.

"We stand with the majority of American citizens who want our existing border and immigration laws enforced!" said William Gheen. "Therefore we call on all appropriate authorities to arrest and charge both Meg Whitman and Nicki Diaz."

For more information about how America's existing border and immigration laws go woefully unenforced, and for information about the thousands of Americans killed each year at the hands of illegal aliens, while millions of other Americans suffer lost jobs, depreciated wages, and massive multi-billion dollar tax resource theft, please visit Illegal Immigration: Americans Fighting Back
So much for the "not paying taxes" gambit:

We can't put these earnings (You know...the taxes you forwarded to us) on the employee's Social Security record until the name and Slave Surveillance number you reported agree with our records.

Myth that the letter was meant to construe the housekeeper's immigration status: BUSTED!

This letter does not imply that you or your employee intentionally provided incorrect information about the employee's name or SSN. It is not a basis, in and of itself, for you to take any adverse action against the employee, such as laying off, suspending, firing, or discriminating against the individual. Any employer that uses the information in this letter to justify taking adverse action against an employee may violate state or federal law and be subject to legal consequences. Moreover, this letter makes no statement about your employee's immigration status.
Well, Oddball? There was no valid SSN. So what other possibility is there?

Independent contractor.
You don't deduct SS from an independent contractor. Plus, you still need a SSN to report the earnings via 1099 on an independent contractor.

In order to dispel doubts, Whitman is going to have to release the tax records.

If they exist, she cannot legally do that, Ravi. The taxpayer is the maid, and a taxpayer has a VERY high privacy right in her own tax reports, including 941's or 1099's.
She shouldn't be arrested, even if she knowingly hired an illegal. Sadly, though...that is the law and a law she supports.

It's also very amusing that Whitman is blaming her problems on others.

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