Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?

Counterfeiting currency is a federal crime, Dick Tuck, but if a state or local cop sees good evidence of it, he can make an arrest. Just needs a federal prosecutor.
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?
They do it all the time for drug cases.

False, they enforce state law. If there's a federal violation, they refer it to federal authorities.
Meg and her husband thinking the SS office had made a mistake and ask Nicky to "handle this" is credible. Mistakes are made and this may have such instance because Nicky has gone through an agent and said she was legal. She had a SS # and a driver's license. Why would Meg and her husband think differently?
What exactly is Allred's interest in all of this?
Media whoring, smearing someone with an (R) by their name.

LOLOLOL...this is such fun. They should disqualify Whitman AND Brown and elect Gloria!

For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?

Counterfeiting currency is a federal crime, Dick Tuck, but if a state or local cop sees good evidence of it, he can make an arrest. Just needs a federal prosecutor.

Exactly. They arrest, and refer the issue to federal authority. So the issue of whether Jerry Brown has the power of deportation, as was suggested, is bullshit.
Meg and her husband thinking the SS office had made a mistake and ask Nicky to "handle this" is credible. Mistakes are made and this may have such instance because Nicky has gone through an agent and said she was legal. She had a SS # and a driver's license. Why would Meg and her husband think differently?

Read a few pages back, LilOlLady, Whitman has no defense. BTW, anyone besides me wonder whether the maid's DL was counterfeit (fraud) or stolen (fraud)? Did someone at the California DMV engage in a crime?

O, this will be fun!
Allred does nothing without getting some kind of payback,money,exposure,advancing here career,helping
the Democrats because the Dems can't run on their record so they need to drag people into the gutter to try to slime them.Not one media outlet on the left has laid any of this on the doorstep of the person who should be getting all the blame.
Meg and her husband thinking the SS office had made a mistake and ask Nicky to "handle this" is credible. Mistakes are made and this may have such instance because Nicky has gone through an agent and said she was legal. She had a SS # and a driver's license. Why would Meg and her husband think differently?

Then why did Meg claim that they never received the letter? Why was there no follow-up?
Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?

Counterfeiting currency is a federal crime, Dick Tuck, but if a state or local cop sees good evidence of it, he can make an arrest. Just needs a federal prosecutor.

Exactly. They arrest, and refer the issue to federal authority. So the issue of whether Jerry Brown has the power of deportation, as was suggested, is bullshit.

Jerry Brown said "we should deport illegal aliens". The man is an American, Dick Tuck. Presumably, he was referring to ICE, not CHIPS.
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?

"I now send them to the immigration office" I don't believe he said that HE would do the enforcing.
It would be interesting to know why the SSA did not send a yearly letter. Once a number is flagged it is pretty basic that the flag would not go away until the matter was resolved.

If a new SS# was used after 2003, then it looks as if Whitman was lying about being in the dark.

Perhaps she simply stopped reporting the maid's earnings.


Allred was on John and Ken (conservative radio hosts in LA) yesterday. One of the things she stated Nicky (the illegal maid) saw subsequent letters in the trash and Whitman ONLY fired her last year when she decided to run for governor.

Now...that begs the question...why fire her if Whitman and her husband didn't know she was an illegal?

Finally, Nicky should be deported. She's an illegal...end of story for her.

John and Ken are not Conservative talk show hosts.....they rag on both sides.....especially if the politician comes on their show and tells them outright lies,like Whitman or will not come on the show,like Brown......Arnold knows this all to well....he has done both, lied first and then after they ragged on him for a few months he wont go on the show anymore....
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown's own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”
Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan? - FlashReport - Presented by Jon Fleischman

Since when does a state AG get to enforce federal law?

"I now send them to the immigration office" I don't believe he said that HE would do the enforcing.

When my agency made an arrest, we notified INS (ICE today). Getting a phone call back was problematic (they never answered the phone).
You might want to check up a little more on that....Allred does a lot of this stuff pro bono....she's all about the media attention, not the money. Those of us in the SoCal region have known that about her for a long time.

this is true....she "settles" later.....
John and Ken are not Conservative talk show hosts.....they rag on both sides.....especially if the politician comes on their show and tells them outright lies,like Whitman or will not come on the show,like Brown......Arnold knows this all to well....he has done both, lied first and then after they ragged on him for a few months he wont go on the show anymore....
John & Ken kick ass...They should be nationwide. :thup:
You and the other RW fringers know all about smear; it's your stock and trade.

yea because you and your Left wing Fringers dont do that kind of stuff ....right Wry?....dishonest sack of shit....

The Left does it too, Harry. Each side, each party, each politican does it.

However, this ain't onna those times. This time, Whitman is getting bitchslapped with the Truth.

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