Meghan McCain calls out internet bullies

Am I the only one who notes the irony of going on Sharptons show to talk about extremism we all saw how tolerant the Democrats were of Corey Booker when he dared to step of the reservation and speak his mind didn't we they showed him so much tolerance he had to reverse himself about two hours later.

And Chris Mathews was spittin up blood about it.
Mathews always gives Republicans a hard time when Rush Limbaugh
calls one of them out and the next day The guy does damage control.
Mathews does the same thing and no one calls him on it.
Meghan McCain: Cut It Out, Internet Bullies! - The Daily Beast

Moderates arent allowed in the republican party...thats their view of tolerance.

Meanwhile the Democratic party kicked its right of center high profile Senators out of the party. Lieberman and Zell Miller. And routinely bad mouths the supposed blue dogs in the House.

Lieberman lost a dem election then in his thirst for power, decided after losing to run as a Independent. Did you forget that already? Yep: Joe Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anywho...Republicans dont like Moderates and gays lose jobs because they're gay. It's a big tent tolerant party everybody.

'Thirst for power' Gracie?

Meanwhile the Democratic party kicked its right of center high profile Senators out of the party. Lieberman and Zell Miller. And routinely bad mouths the supposed blue dogs in the House.

Lieberman lost a dem election then in his thirst for power, decided after losing to run as a Independent. Did you forget that already? Yep: Joe Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anywho...Republicans dont like Moderates and gays lose jobs because they're gay. It's a big tent tolerant party everybody.

Yeah the liberals are all for tolerance, as long as you agree with them, if not, no tolerance. And dont be bisexual, they really really hate switch hitters.

who knows if that was said to her or not...? if she doesn't want the harshness of things said, she should stay off the Internet.
or she can cry us a river

Tolerance :doubt:

Go check her Twitter: Twitter

I know it's hard for you to believe...even harder for you to admit its true

So democrats never threaten people, please this is rediculous. First Sharpton has gotten people killed

Sharpton just loves to accuse white folks of stuff....
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She was dumb to go on his show, and she's trying to get in with the liberal elites to be accepted. Easy way to do that is to piss off conservatives.

Deflection because the OP is indefensible so lets talk about how Sharpton believed a girl who said she was raped. What kinda sick bastard does that?

Back to the topic...Moderates are not allowed in the GOP. They say it publicly and often..then accuse the left of doing what do.
Didn't take long for her point to be made....right here.

By shitting down the throat of the newly deceased Andrew Breitbart by calling him a hateful extremist, Meghan picked one hell of a fight.

Tell me bodecea, is GOProud crazy right wing extremists who want to push her out of the Party?

Is GOProud intolerant? Or is Meghan McCain who routinely insults anyone she considers a tad more conservative than her the truly intolerant one?

I put this up in another thread. It is relevant to why she is receiving negative comments.

For those that don't know Breitbart's history with the conservative gay movement, here ya go. From a thread I made the other day:

The moron McCain didn't even know Breitbart's history of supporting gays when she went on Al Sharpton's show and opened her big fat trap about Breitbart being an extremist.

I love this quote:

“Meghan McCain should be absolutely ashamed of herself,” GOProud co-founders Christopher R. Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia said in a joint statement.

“She went on a liberal network with a liberal host and demonized Andrew Breitbart. During his life, Andrew Breitbart did more for gay people, and showed more political courage on behalf of gay people, than Meghan McCain could ever dream of,” they said.

And for those that don't know. Andrew was a serious supporter of gays and gay rights.

“When GOProud was just getting started and under intense fire from anti-gay forces within the conservative movement, Andrew Breitbart reached out to us and took up our fight as his own.

Andrew showed real courage, standing up to the intolerance of some in the conservative movement,” LaSalvia and Barron added, noting that Breitbart was neither hateful nor extremist.

And Breitbart truly championed GOProud.

GOProud is a national organization of gay conservatives and their straight supporters. Breitbart served on the organization’s board and memorably hosted a party with the group during the 2011 CPAC conference.

Read more: GOProud slams Meghan McCain for calling Breitbart ‘extremist’ | The Daily Caller
Tolerance :doubt:

Go check her Twitter: Twitter

I know it's hard for you to believe...even harder for you to admit its true

So democrats never threaten people, please this is rediculous. First Sharpton has gotten people killed

Sharpton just loves to accuse white folks of stuff....
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She was dumb to go on his show, and she's trying to get in with the liberal elites to be accepted. Easy way to do that is to piss off conservatives.

Deflection because the OP is indefensible so lets talk about how Sharpton believed a girl who said she was raped. What kinda sick bastard does that?

Back to the topic...Moderates are not allowed in the GOP. They say it publicly and often..then accuse the left of doing what do.

Look man both parties have bases and the bases dont like the moderates.
The difference is the republicans are more vocal. We have Allen Simpson and apparently MEghan McCain, who do the democrats have?
The Democrats call Harry Reid a moderate, hahhaahaha (because he says he's prolife, but he votes with the democrats ALL the time)

Back to McCain, she wants to be in with the social elite that like their abortion, homos and happen to be rich, very rich, maybe even onepercenters.....that's why she says that stuff.
What iritates republicans is not to go on CNN and give your views, but is to go on Sharpton's show? Why do that UNLESS you're trying to piss off conservatives AND get in with the wine and cheese crowd?
Am I the only one who notes the irony of going on Sharptons show to talk about extremism we all saw how tolerant the Democrats were of Corey Booker when he dared to step of the reservation and speak his mind didn't we they showed him so much tolerance he had to reverse himself about two hours later.

2 mentions of Corey Booker yet you havent posted anything showing how he was attacked so viciously. :eusa_boohoo: I can show you Megan comments..Show me the attacks on Booker. Go 'head
Here are a couple of accounts one from Chris Matthews the other from David Alexrod two people who carry a little more weight than people posting on twitter I can't tell you what might be on Booker's or McCains twitter accounts I follow neither one in fact I follow no one on twitter I find it to be rather pointless but if you really think Booker didn't get any hate for going against the Obama line your either very naive, partisan or both.
Tolerance :doubt:

Go check her Twitter: Twitter

I know it's hard for you to believe...even harder for you to admit its true

So democrats never threaten people, please this is rediculous. First Sharpton has gotten people killed

Sharpton just loves to accuse white folks of stuff....
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She was dumb to go on his show, and she's trying to get in with the liberal elites to be accepted. Easy way to do that is to piss off conservatives.

Deflection because the OP is indefensible so lets talk about how Sharpton believed a girl who said she was raped. What kinda sick bastard does that?

Back to the topic...Moderates are not allowed in the GOP. They say it publicly and often..then accuse the left of doing what do.

Meghan voted for John Kerry in 2004. She is a closet Democrat.

A "valley girl" version of David Frum and Andrew Sullivan, if you will. They play at being Republican.

The three are quite alike in the sense that they have this unique opinion of themselves that they are "moderate" whilst everyone else in the party is extreme.

A persecution complex; a martyr complex. And they revel in insulting conservatives and being rewarded like all good lap dogs with accolades from the left and the ability to attend all the crucial left wing dinner parties in Washington on the circuit for being "good little mavericks".
So democrats never threaten people, please this is rediculous. First Sharpton has gotten people killed

Sharpton just loves to accuse white folks of stuff....
Tawana Brawley rape allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She was dumb to go on his show, and she's trying to get in with the liberal elites to be accepted. Easy way to do that is to piss off conservatives.

Deflection because the OP is indefensible so lets talk about how Sharpton believed a girl who said she was raped. What kinda sick bastard does that?

Back to the topic...Moderates are not allowed in the GOP. They say it publicly and often..then accuse the left of doing what do.

Look man both parties have bases and the bases dont like the moderates.
The difference is the republicans are more vocal. We have Allen Simpson and apparently MEghan McCain, who do the democrats have?
The Democrats call Harry Reid a moderate, hahhaahaha (because he says he's prolife, but he votes with the democrats ALL the time)

Back to McCain, she wants to be in with the social elite that like their abortion, homos and happen to be rich, very rich, maybe even onepercenters.....that's why she says that stuff.
What iritates republicans is not to go on CNN and give your views, but is to go on Sharpton's show? Why do that UNLESS you're trying to piss off conservatives AND get in with the wine and cheese crowd?

I get it, republicans say it but liberals believe it even tho they do not say it. Check the blue dog dems if you are looking for dems who dont side with dems. But how could that be? Dems are intolerant! Yes, I know that confuses you.

Then you name Allen Simpson who hasnt served since 1997 as proof and Meghan McCain as being moderates :lol: Hell, why not throw a few more unelected "republicans" in there like that guy down the street and some lady you know :lol:
Oh for crying out loud, people insult each other without reservation on the internet all the time.

Who said "die whore"? Some 13 year old in Omaha?:lol:

Give me a break. Show me where Michelle Malkin or Laura Ingram or Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman has said "die whore" and I'll condemn it.

ETA: if Meghan can't take twitter insults from no name faceless people on the net, then she's not even worthy of a day's worth of posting at the USMB. I've had it suggested in my pm's from a lib that I should set myself on fire and burn to death for my political opinions.

Special. :lol: it's the internet. I'm not running around going "boo hoo".

Well, that's where you and I differ. You appear to think that political parties can ignore what is said in their name, so long as they don't say it themselves. I think that the longer they ignore it the worse it becomes and they should exhibit leadership by distancing themselves publicly from such comments. Difference of opinion.

It seems to be the case, and has been for a while now, that both sides of the aisle have pitbulls that they will deliberately allow latitude in order to placate the more extreme wings of their parties, while themselves maintaining a discreet but largely silent distance.

This kind of thing stifles policy debate because so much bandwidth is dedicated to personal attacks. Then again, a lot of people seem more comfortable with personal issues because they don't fully understand the political ones. For clarity, this is a generalization and not an observation about you personally.

Anyway, it's a beautiful day and I'm taking the kids to the pool now. I'll happily continue this philosophical exchange later.

Does that mean I get to hold Obama responsible for the idiotic stuff that comes off the fingers of Truthmatters? Does he have to spend his time repudiating every bit of idiocy she posts?

Of course it doesn't, which is why your position is stupid.


Targeted personal attack on a public figure directly calling them a whore using their twitter account on the one hand.

General indirect rantings on a message board that is well known to descend into ad hominem and invective on the first page of every thread on the other hand.

If my position were that these are the same then it would indeed be stupid.
Am I the only one who notes the irony of going on Sharptons show to talk about extremism we all saw how tolerant the Democrats were of Corey Booker when he dared to step of the reservation and speak his mind didn't we they showed him so much tolerance he had to reverse himself about two hours later.

2 mentions of Corey Booker yet you havent posted anything showing how he was attacked so viciously. :eusa_boohoo: I can show you Megan comments..Show me the attacks on Booker. Go 'head
Here are a couple of accounts one from Chris Matthews the other from David Alexrod two people who carry a little more weight than people posting on twitter I can't tell you what might be on Booker's or McCains twitter accounts I follow neither one in fact I follow no one on twitter I find it to be rather pointless but if you really think Booker didn't get any hate for going against the Obama line your either very naive, partisan or both.

Ohh tough stuff there

Matthews accused Booker of engaging in “sabotage.” Matthews implied that Booker had dealt a major blow to the Obama campaign’s attacks on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s tenure with the private equity firm Bain Capital.

Oh dear, this is an attack? My word, being called a whore and telling someone they should die is just like saying Booker "sabotaged" Obamas message.

Well, this is a good comparison since the right sees shoving a girl as the same as holding someone down and cutting their hair. Or sees being the CEO of Bain wanting to be president as being just like a Bain CEO(?) donating to Obama. Yes, these things are all the same. :eusa_boohoo:
Re: Corey Booker and Harold Ford with twitter criticism. I guess Democrats don't like moderates in their party. Surprise, surprise surprise.

Hostage watch: Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker, branded ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘corporate prostitute’

@Morning_Joe @CoryBooker & @HFord2 are the oreo cookie, Uncle Tom, race traitors, class traitor sell outs who $ell their $oul$ 2 GOP #SHAME—
Steven Fitzgerald (@sfitzgeraldva) May 21, 2012


surprised that Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker's comments on Bain? (No! Corporate prostitutes always support each other!) @Morning_Joe

@sdanielle say what @HFord2 a WS whore for his wife's family & Booker also WS - why do ppl forget those Tower ppl moving to NJ

Hostage watch: Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker, branded ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘corporate prostitute’ | Twitchy
2 mentions of Corey Booker yet you havent posted anything showing how he was attacked so viciously. :eusa_boohoo: I can show you Megan comments..Show me the attacks on Booker. Go 'head
Here are a couple of accounts one from Chris Matthews the other from David Alexrod two people who carry a little more weight than people posting on twitter I can't tell you what might be on Booker's or McCains twitter accounts I follow neither one in fact I follow no one on twitter I find it to be rather pointless but if you really think Booker didn't get any hate for going against the Obama line your either very naive, partisan or both.

Ohh tough stuff there

Matthews accused Booker of engaging in “sabotage.” Matthews implied that Booker had dealt a major blow to the Obama campaign’s attacks on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s tenure with the private equity firm Bain Capital.

Oh dear, this is an attack? My word, being called a whore and telling someone they should die is just like saying Booker "sabotaged" Obamas message.

Well, this is a good comparison since the right sees shoving a girl as the same as holding someone down and cutting their hair. Or sees being the CEO of Bain wanting to be president as being just like a Bain CEO(?) donating to Obama. Yes, these things are all the same. :eusa_boohoo:

How do you feel about Obama's million dollar donor Bill Maher? And all the nasties he's said in his time about conservative women?
2 mentions of Corey Booker yet you havent posted anything showing how he was attacked so viciously. :eusa_boohoo: I can show you Megan comments..Show me the attacks on Booker. Go 'head
Here are a couple of accounts one from Chris Matthews the other from David Alexrod two people who carry a little more weight than people posting on twitter I can't tell you what might be on Booker's or McCains twitter accounts I follow neither one in fact I follow no one on twitter I find it to be rather pointless but if you really think Booker didn't get any hate for going against the Obama line your either very naive, partisan or both.

Ohh tough stuff there

Matthews accused Booker of engaging in “sabotage.” Matthews implied that Booker had dealt a major blow to the Obama campaign’s attacks on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s tenure with the private equity firm Bain Capital.

Oh dear, this is an attack? My word, being called a whore and telling someone they should die is just like saying Booker "sabotaged" Obamas message.

Well, this is a good comparison since the right sees shoving a girl as the same as holding someone down and cutting their hair. Or sees being the CEO of Bain wanting to be president as being just like a Bain CEO(?) donating to Obama. Yes, these things are all the same. :eusa_boohoo:
Like I said which one do you think carries more weight and influence the rants of anonymous twitter posters or one of Obama's top people and a leader of his reelection drive and the host of a national cable talk show even on a network as low rated as MSNBC? What kind of impact have the twitter post had on Meghan McCains political views? as far as we know none now what kind of impact did the comments of Alexrod, Matthews and other's from the left have on Corey Booker's political views backtracking in two hours say's a lot far more than any twitter post.
Here are a couple of accounts one from Chris Matthews the other from David Alexrod two people who carry a little more weight than people posting on twitter I can't tell you what might be on Booker's or McCains twitter accounts I follow neither one in fact I follow no one on twitter I find it to be rather pointless but if you really think Booker didn't get any hate for going against the Obama line your either very naive, partisan or both.

Ohh tough stuff there

Matthews accused Booker of engaging in “sabotage.” Matthews implied that Booker had dealt a major blow to the Obama campaign’s attacks on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s tenure with the private equity firm Bain Capital.

Oh dear, this is an attack? My word, being called a whore and telling someone they should die is just like saying Booker "sabotaged" Obamas message.

Well, this is a good comparison since the right sees shoving a girl as the same as holding someone down and cutting their hair. Or sees being the CEO of Bain wanting to be president as being just like a Bain CEO(?) donating to Obama. Yes, these things are all the same. :eusa_boohoo:

How do you feel about Obama's million dollar donor Bill Maher? And all the nasties he's said in his time about conservative women?

I'm starting to understand that Conservative women are only attacked when a liberal tells jokes about them. When Conservatives do it to other conservative women it's justified. I think I'm getting the hang of this..

BTW..Is what Matthews said the same as telling someone they are a whore or wishing they would die? You made the comparison so let me hear you say it is
Last edited:
Re: Corey Booker and Harold Ford with twitter criticism. I guess Democrats don't like moderates in their party. Surprise, surprise surprise.

Hostage watch: Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker, branded ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘corporate prostitute’

@Morning_Joe @CoryBooker & @HFord2 are the oreo cookie, Uncle Tom, race traitors, class traitor sell outs who $ell their $oul$ 2 GOP #SHAME—
Steven Fitzgerald (@sfitzgeraldva) May 21, 2012


surprised that Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker's comments on Bain? (No! Corporate prostitutes always support each other!) @Morning_Joe

@sdanielle say what @HFord2 a WS whore for his wife's family & Booker also WS - why do ppl forget those Tower ppl moving to NJ

Hostage watch: Harold Ford agrees with Cory Booker, branded ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘corporate prostitute’ | Twitchy
Those comments will be ignored as they don't fit with the liberal agenda that extremism does not exist on the left.

Are you stupid? I asked if they were kicked out by the left and you post a link to a democratic election showing they couldnt get votes. :lol: That happens in elections but the Right are the ONLY bunch who says moderates are bad.

:lol: No defense

I actually used to think you were one of those that made sense and would make and discuss points minus the uber partisanship. ....I'll try and forgive myself...

Are you stupid? I asked if they were kicked out by the left and you post a link to a democratic election showing they couldnt get votes. :lol: That happens in elections but the Right are the ONLY bunch who says moderates are bad.

:lol: No defense

Thanks for admitting you didn't read the link.

From your link:

there were just 25 Blue Dogs left in Congress, after the coalition's members were wiped out in the 2010 election.

Now can you show me where there are 25...hell 10 moderate republicans holding office? I'll wait..

Are you stupid? I asked if they were kicked out by the left and you post a link to a democratic election showing they couldnt get votes. :lol: That happens in elections but the Right are the ONLY bunch who says moderates are bad.

:lol: No defense

I actually used to think you were one of those that made sense and would make and discuss points minus the uber partisanship. ....I'll try and forgive myself...

you shouldve stopped after the word think

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