Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.

So you served..........................

We weren't well equiped..................But it was only a rag tag 3rd World Country................

Make up your damn mind.............................Which is it, kicking the shit out of a inept military so we don't need more, or we should have had more troops..................You sound like Kerry..............

Flip Flop Kerry........One minute, I'd have sent more troops, the next minute I wouldn't have sent that many....................Depending on what the polls said to him...........

The military GOES in when ordered. If we don't have all we would like to go with, WE GO ANYWAY..............That's the job......................I imagine adjfkad;f like you got pissed off that you had to go when called. If you were actually in, you were probably a Reservist who only joined to get money for College anyway............Who complained, when they had to SHOW UP.

You want the dime for college, then you HAVE TO SHOW UP WHEN CALLED. Too bad.
That's my jest of you.

Actually, i used to buy all that horseshit about freedom and liberty and stuff when I was in. If I was smart, I'd have done the bare minimum for the college money and been done with it.

Then the Gulf War came along, and we were essentially fighting for the right of a senile old despot to live in a palace. It really wasn't anything to do with us. We had no treaty with Kuwait (as our ambassador, April Glaspie, admitted to Saddam) and any conflict between Kuwait and Iraq was really between them.

Also- one more time- the reason why Saddam had become such a threat was because the US, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia propped him up and financed him when his war with Iran went south. He started a war, he was getting his ass kicked by the crazy mullahs, and we just couldn't have that.

Our middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

It bothers me that I agree with some of what you said. The USA is not the worlds police force or morals enforcer. We still have not learned the lesson of Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco---58,000 dead americans and billions of dollars for NOTHING. I am afraid that our sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan will result in the same thing---nothing.

Russia and China just sit back and laugh as we get our kids killed and spend billions trying to force our morals on people who do not want them.

We should close every base on foreign soil, or tell the host country we will stay if they pick up the entire bill.
So you served..........................

We weren't well equiped..................But it was only a rag tag 3rd World Country................

Make up your damn mind.............................Which is it, kicking the shit out of a inept military so we don't need more, or we should have had more troops..................You sound like Kerry..............

Flip Flop Kerry........One minute, I'd have sent more troops, the next minute I wouldn't have sent that many....................Depending on what the polls said to him...........

The military GOES in when ordered. If we don't have all we would like to go with, WE GO ANYWAY..............That's the job......................I imagine adjfkad;f like you got pissed off that you had to go when called. If you were actually in, you were probably a Reservist who only joined to get money for College anyway............Who complained, when they had to SHOW UP.

You want the dime for college, then you HAVE TO SHOW UP WHEN CALLED. Too bad.
That's my jest of you.

Actually, i used to buy all that horseshit about freedom and liberty and stuff when I was in. If I was smart, I'd have done the bare minimum for the college money and been done with it.

Then the Gulf War came along, and we were essentially fighting for the right of a senile old despot to live in a palace. It really wasn't anything to do with us. We had no treaty with Kuwait (as our ambassador, April Glaspie, admitted to Saddam) and any conflict between Kuwait and Iraq was really between them.

Also- one more time- the reason why Saddam had become such a threat was because the US, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia propped him up and financed him when his war with Iran went south. He started a war, he was getting his ass kicked by the crazy mullahs, and we just couldn't have that.

Our middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

It bothers me that I agree with some of what you said. The USA is not the worlds police force or morals enforcer. We still have not learned the lesson of Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco---58,000 dead americans and billions of dollars for NOTHING. I am afraid that our sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan will result in the same thing---nothing.

Russia and China just sit back and laugh as we get our kids killed and spend billions trying to force our morals on people who do not want them.

We should close every base on foreign soil, or tell the host country we will stay if they pick up the entire bill.

As a veteran of VietNam and a black veteran at that, I couldn't agree more. After 22 years of active duty, my views of the military have changed drastically, unfortunately. I would still (at my old age) take up arms to defend America, but I don't believe that I would serve in this "nation building police force" again.

The role of the military has changed from a defensive/offensive posture to one of "enforcement" for whatever a sitting president decides to use them for. The military was NEVER intended to be used in this manner and now, under Barry, it is becoming increasingly clear that our military serves as a "global police force" and an "enforcement" wing of the oval office more than ever before.

It's not to cast dispersions on Barry for this. This is nothing new. It started, in earnest, with Kennedy and continues to this day. I truly believe that with the death of the draft, and having incurred "professional" soldiers (those who sell their services to a company after active duty) we have actually created a monster of sorts.
Actually, i used to buy all that horseshit about freedom and liberty and stuff when I was in. If I was smart, I'd have done the bare minimum for the college money and been done with it.

Then the Gulf War came along, and we were essentially fighting for the right of a senile old despot to live in a palace. It really wasn't anything to do with us. We had no treaty with Kuwait (as our ambassador, April Glaspie, admitted to Saddam) and any conflict between Kuwait and Iraq was really between them.

Also- one more time- the reason why Saddam had become such a threat was because the US, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia propped him up and financed him when his war with Iran went south. He started a war, he was getting his ass kicked by the crazy mullahs, and we just couldn't have that.

Our middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

It bothers me that I agree with some of what you said. The USA is not the worlds police force or morals enforcer. We still have not learned the lesson of Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco---58,000 dead americans and billions of dollars for NOTHING. I am afraid that our sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan will result in the same thing---nothing.

Russia and China just sit back and laugh as we get our kids killed and spend billions trying to force our morals on people who do not want them.

We should close every base on foreign soil, or tell the host country we will stay if they pick up the entire bill.

As a veteran of VietNam and a black veteran at that, I couldn't agree more. After 22 years of active duty, my views of the military have changed drastically, unfortunately. I would still (at my old age) take up arms to defend America, but I don't believe that I would serve in this "nation building police force" again.

The role of the military has changed from a defensive/offensive posture to one of "enforcement" for whatever a sitting president decides to use them for. The military was NEVER intended to be used in this manner and now, under Barry, it is becoming increasingly clear that our military serves as a "global police force" and an "enforcement" wing of the oval office more than ever before.

It's not to cast dispersions on Barry for this. This is nothing new. It started, in earnest, with Kennedy and continues to this day. I truly believe that with the death of the draft, and having incurred "professional" soldiers (those who sell their services to a company after active duty) we have actually created a monster of sorts.

Thank you for your service. I am a USAF Vet myself...10 years...and Navy brat...lifetime. ;)
Held my nose the whole time, but what can you do when the choice is commie or commie-lite?

The choice is STAY HOME.

That would be the cowards way out, refusing to vote against the greater of two evils is supporting it. Do you really think McCain would have been as bad for the country as your chosen one.

Who in the hell are you calling "My Chosen One"? I don't have a "Chosen One", asshole. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I choose not to participate.

And don't give me this bullshit that I have no right to complain about what lunatic gets in office. I didn't contribute to your need of a fucking leader, so don't blame me when your leader fucks you.
It bothers me that I agree with some of what you said. The USA is not the worlds police force or morals enforcer. We still have not learned the lesson of Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco---58,000 dead americans and billions of dollars for NOTHING. I am afraid that our sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan will result in the same thing---nothing.

Russia and China just sit back and laugh as we get our kids killed and spend billions trying to force our morals on people who do not want them.

We should close every base on foreign soil, or tell the host country we will stay if they pick up the entire bill.

As a veteran of VietNam and a black veteran at that, I couldn't agree more. After 22 years of active duty, my views of the military have changed drastically, unfortunately. I would still (at my old age) take up arms to defend America, but I don't believe that I would serve in this "nation building police force" again.

The role of the military has changed from a defensive/offensive posture to one of "enforcement" for whatever a sitting president decides to use them for. The military was NEVER intended to be used in this manner and now, under Barry, it is becoming increasingly clear that our military serves as a "global police force" and an "enforcement" wing of the oval office more than ever before.

It's not to cast dispersions on Barry for this. This is nothing new. It started, in earnest, with Kennedy and continues to this day. I truly believe that with the death of the draft, and having incurred "professional" soldiers (those who sell their services to a company after active duty) we have actually created a monster of sorts.

Thank you for your service. I am a USAF Vet myself...10 years...and Navy brat...lifetime. ;)

And yours as well. Air Force brat here. Served in the Army. 11B and 97B
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Did what I post go over your head? does it make you feel small in stupid? Yep I believe it does.

No, guy, the only thing here that is stupid is listening you try to explain how Reagan spending trillions on weapons we didn't need, never used and some of which didn't even work had anything to do with the fall of the USSR, which Reagan never saw coming.

We spent those trillions because the USSR was just so damned scary. And then we found out that the "Evil Empire" was just a collection of impoverished countries that really didn't like each other.
blah blah blah facts go over your head.

Facts don't go over his head, they just fail to enter his mind because he really could not give a shit less about facts.
The Soviets defeated the Nazis with American help. Stalin threw millions of bodies into the war effort, and defeated the Nazi's after years of petitioning America to open a second front.

And we defeated the Nazis with Soviet help; see how it is an entirely reversible statement when two groups help each other? However while we were fighting the Nazis in Europe with Soviet and Brit help, the Soviets did nothing to help us against Japan until the very end of the war after we dropped nukes. The Soviets exploited us, not we them.

And throwing corpses at an almost fruitless task is a hallmark of leftwing regimes, maybe eventually to include Obama's regime also.

And 'what years of petitioning' are you talking about? Stalin was butt-buddies with Hitler until Hitler pulled off a sneak attack on Stalin in 1941. Then after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hitler declared war on the US, and we started going to war, opening up a second front in Africa in the early summer of the following year. The Brits redoubled their efforts in Egypt also. the combined efforts drew crucial armor and aircraft from the Eastern front allowing the Soviets to win at Stalingrad. That is one damned year Stalin whined about fixing a problem he brought on himself by trusting a bastard like Hitler.

Arming Stalin was the ONLY option we had to defeat the Nazi's.

No, but it was the better option, then after the Germans surrendered we should have gone to Moscow and given the Russians an honest free government.

Arming the Taliban was a miserable idea in retrospect, but we were still trying to be the world police, and really wanted to beat the Russians in the 80's.

We never armed the Taliban, dude. They didn't exist when the Soviet were in Afghanistan.

Just have to move on from that idea, and try and contain the ever-growing fundamentalism in the Middle East and Africa. I wonder why they hate us so much?

There are many reasons that some of them hate us, and they have different reasons for doing so, depending on who we are speaking of. But there is no doubt that after we helped to run the Soviets out of Afghanistan, the Jihadists turned on us and attacked us repeatedly, finally getting our full attention on 9-11-01.

Most Muslims around the world hate us for the predominately same reasons that people have hated other nations for millennia; it is in the interests of their leaders and so their leaders fan the flames of hatred.

Reagan did a lot of good, but was also faced with a large problem in the USSR. It was a fleeting government that probably didn't require billions of dollars in debt to bring down, but its hard to argue with results.

The Soviet Union collapsed primarily because the Soviets could not match us dollar for dollar, so how does one do that to a rival SUPER POWER without spending billions?

The sad thing is, our GOP hero (at least mine) would have been lambasted off of any GOP primary today for being a "RINO" for raising taxes, the debt ceiling, working with Democrats, all big no no's in today's GOP.

Your command of the facts is sadly lacking. Reagan did not raise taxes until he was faced with a serious government shut down and he finally compromised and signed a tax increase into law that was miniscule compared to what every president since FDR has done. The Democratic Congress at the time had the full support of the Big Media and so Reagan had to yield a bit. But there is no doubt about two things: 1) he is not comparable to men like Bush the Elder who completely broke his no new taxes pledge as he never made a similar pledge. 2) The Democrats drove the tax hikes, not Reagan.

Now, while he did all of these things, he also pulled America out of one deep fiscal pit, added millions of jobs, and freed up American manufacturing.

To the good he did, he reduced much of the regulatory burden that Bush the Elder immediately put back in place when he took office from Reagan. But he also began the 'free trade' agreements like NAFTA that are not worthy of the phrase 'free trade' since they do not protect domestic manufacturing as all the early advocates of free trade demanded, else they claimed it was too cruel to the folks at home.

Reagan had great conservative policies that worked, minus his over-funding of the DOD, but who knows what the nuts that put this congress into office would do with a modern Reagan.

lol, you agree his funding helped defeat the Soviets, so how do you know it was 'over funded'?

My guess, compare him to John McCain, and move on to the next "Pizza King of America" because he hates gays like rest of us!

Who hates gays? I know why the libtards say that; to try to shame everyone into going along with everything the militant Lavender Lobby demands.

But why would a Young Republican say such a thing, Socky? You keep falling out of character, and Soros expects more for his money, lol.
The choice is STAY HOME.

That would be the cowards way out, refusing to vote against the greater of two evils is supporting it. Do you really think McCain would have been as bad for the country as your chosen one.

Who in the hell are you calling "My Chosen One"? I don't have a "Chosen One", asshole. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I choose not to participate.

And don't give me this bullshit that I have no right to complain about what lunatic gets in office. I didn't contribute to your need of a fucking leader, so don't blame me when your leader fucks you.
As a veteran of VietNam and a black veteran at that, I couldn't agree more. After 22 years of active duty, my views of the military have changed drastically, unfortunately. I would still (at my old age) take up arms to defend America, but I don't believe that I would serve in this "nation building police force" again.

The role of the military has changed from a defensive/offensive posture to one of "enforcement" for whatever a sitting president decides to use them for. The military was NEVER intended to be used in this manner and now, under Barry, it is becoming increasingly clear that our military serves as a "global police force" and an "enforcement" wing of the oval office more than ever before.

It's not to cast dispersions on Barry for this. This is nothing new. It started, in earnest, with Kennedy and continues to this day. I truly believe that with the death of the draft, and having incurred "professional" soldiers (those who sell their services to a company after active duty) we have actually created a monster of sorts.

Thank you for your service. I am a USAF Vet myself...10 years...and Navy brat...lifetime. ;)

And yours as well. Air Force brat here. Served in the Army. 11B and 97B
USAF 304X0...Wideband Communications Warrior...:)

Thanks 'Bro.

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