Meghan McCain: Dad 'Frustrated,' 'Depressed' By TEA Party.


Slow down son let me explain this to you one time between you and I. This is about how Reagan raised the debt ceiling to collapse the soviet unions economy. Not about firing missiles. And how obama is raising the debt ceiling to bring down America. One of those you cheer.

Reagan's raising the debt ceiling to buy overpriced defective weapons that were never used had nothing to do with bringing down the USSR.




Nor was the fall of the USSR a good thing, really. The world is a lot scarier now than it was when I was growing up, honestly. Just take a walk through the Airport.
Dumb ass what spending during Reagan terms caused the debt ceiling to rise?

Ronald Reagan`s Military Buildup
You're dismissed.

Okay, are you just incapable of understanding English, Cleetus?
Reagan's raising the debt ceiling to buy overpriced defective weapons that were never used had nothing to do with bringing down the USSR.




Nor was the fall of the USSR a good thing, really. The world is a lot scarier now than it was when I was growing up, honestly. Just take a walk through the Airport.
Dumb ass what spending during Reagan terms caused the debt ceiling to rise?

Ronald Reagan`s Military Buildup
You're dismissed.

Okay, are you just incapable of understanding English, Cleetus?

Did what I post go over your head? does it make you feel small in stupid? Yep I believe it does.
Dumb ass what spending during Reagan terms caused the debt ceiling to rise?

Ronald Reagan`s Military Buildup
You're dismissed.

Okay, are you just incapable of understanding English, Cleetus?

Did what I post go over your head? does it make you feel small in stupid? Yep I believe it does.

No, guy, the only thing here that is stupid is listening you try to explain how Reagan spending trillions on weapons we didn't need, never used and some of which didn't even work had anything to do with the fall of the USSR, which Reagan never saw coming.

We spent those trillions because the USSR was just so damned scary. And then we found out that the "Evil Empire" was just a collection of impoverished countries that really didn't like each other.
Okay, are you just incapable of understanding English, Cleetus?

Did what I post go over your head? does it make you feel small in stupid? Yep I believe it does.

No, guy, the only thing here that is stupid is listening you try to explain how Reagan spending trillions on weapons we didn't need, never used and some of which didn't even work had anything to do with the fall of the USSR, which Reagan never saw coming.

We spent those trillions because the USSR was just so damned scary. And then we found out that the "Evil Empire" was just a collection of impoverished countries that really didn't like each other.
blah blah blah facts go over your head.
No facts have been presented by you, guy.

You just repeat the lazy meme that Reagan said, "Tear down this wall" and a bunch of commies slapped themselves on the forehead and said, "Damn, what was I thinking?"
Okay, are you just incapable of understanding English, Cleetus?

Did what I post go over your head? does it make you feel small in stupid? Yep I believe it does.

No, guy, the only thing here that is stupid is listening you try to explain how Reagan spending trillions on weapons we didn't need, never used and some of which didn't even work had anything to do with the fall of the USSR, which Reagan never saw coming.

We spent those trillions because the USSR was just so damned scary. And then we found out that the "Evil Empire" was just a collection of impoverished countries that really didn't like each other.

Coming from someone who obviously didn't serve on the rust buckets in service before we upgraded. I was in the Navy, and the ship I served on was on it's last legs even as we used it for Tanker Escort Missions in the Persian Gulf. The Midway was part of our battle group. Sailors on that boat could go from engine roon to engine room without having to go up and back down to get there. Why...........Steel eaten by rust, as the ship served on the front lines...........

All of the future Presidents had better equipment as a result of Reagan. We were outranged in simple artillery pieces by Iraq in the first gulf War. Not that it mattered, as our air power was overwelming.

Our intercept systems were inproved as a result of Reagan. We now have Laser tech that is capable of shooting down incoming missles. Used in Israel during the latest War, and now going to the Iron Dome.............

Reagan inherited Stagflation from Hell. Volker Slayed the Inflation Dragon, and then turned the whole dang economy around. His economic policies and successes were ASTOUNDING.....

Unlike today, were the LUNATICS rule the roost. Spending TRILLIONS and the economy is still in the dumps.
No facts have been presented by you, guy.

You just repeat the lazy meme that Reagan said, "Tear down this wall" and a bunch of commies slapped themselves on the forehead and said, "Damn, what was I thinking?"

The U.S.SR. the homeland of your heart, could not economically maintain the military industry at the same pace as the U.S.A. I guess you never heard of the cold war Spending on the military complex played a major roll in the down fall of the U.S.S.R.
No facts have been presented by you, guy.

You just repeat the lazy meme that Reagan said, "Tear down this wall" and a bunch of commies slapped themselves on the forehead and said, "Damn, what was I thinking?"

Russia destroyed itself, but the cold War was real. I remember playing tag with Russian Destroyers while a Russian Bear was flying overhead. Was I worried. No. Were they. No. We understood that it was all about perception.

Reagan, stood the line against them during his time. Recovered an economy. Ended Stagflation. And watched as the USSR crumbled under it's own weight.

So since he was President when it happened, I give him praise for being in charge when it happened.

You probably wouldn't have a problem with it if we'd say Obama did it though. It's just the way you people are today.
Coming from someone who obviously didn't serve on the rust buckets in service before we upgraded. I was in the Navy, and the ship I served on was on it's last legs even as we used it for Tanker Escort Missions in the Persian Gulf. The Midway was part of our battle group. Sailors on that boat could go from engine roon to engine room without having to go up and back down to get there. Why...........Steel eaten by rust, as the ship served on the front lines...........

Okay, let's look at that. Part of Reagan's naval buildup was to put the Iowa Class battleships back into service. They were completely unsafe, and 70 sailors died when one of them blew up during a gunnery excercise. (they then tried to slander one of the dead sailors by saying he was gay.)

All of the future Presidents had better equipment as a result of Reagan. We were outranged in simple artillery pieces by Iraq in the first gulf War. Not that it mattered, as our air power was overwelming.

Yeah, guy, frankly, the ability to beat up on a third world country with antiquated equipment hardly impresses me. Of course, we wouldn't have to worry about Iraq had Reagan not built Saddam up and loaned him a bunch of money to buy weapons and turned a blind eye to him gassing the Kurds.

Our intercept systems were inproved as a result of Reagan. We now have Laser tech that is capable of shooting down incoming missles. Used in Israel during the latest War, and now going to the Iron Dome.............

Patriot Missiles missed more often than they hit. ABM technology is one of those fallacies.

Yeah, I guess if you are trying to shoot down something a guy made in his garage, you might be on to something.

Reagan inherited Stagflation from Hell. Volker Slayed the Inflation Dragon, and then turned the whole dang economy around. His economic policies and successes were ASTOUNDING.....

Unlike today, were the LUNATICS rule the roost. Spending TRILLIONS and the economy is still in the dumps.

Guy, you must not have been around during the 1980's, when all those good paying, middle class jobs vanished and were replaced with McJobs.

Otherwise you wouldn't say anything so asspoundingly retarded.

Russia destroyed itself, but the cold War was real. I remember playing tag with Russian Destroyers while a Russian Bear was flying overhead. Was I worried. No. Were they. No. We understood that it was all about perception.

Reagan, stood the line against them during his time. Recovered an economy. Ended Stagflation. And watched as the USSR crumbled under it's own weight.

So since he was President when it happened, I give him praise for being in charge when it happened.

You probably wouldn't have a problem with it if we'd say Obama did it though. It's just the way you people are today.

Well, you know what, guy, Reagan had nothing to do with the USSR falling.

He did have a lot to do with destroying the middle class by signing idiotic trade treaties, right to work laws, busting unions and cutting back on needed infrastructure spending.

But, hey, the Japanese paid him a million dollars after he left office. Ever wonder why?
Your right Joe, Liberal mouthpiece, I wasn't around. I was on the other side of the world serving.

And your reply has no consequence to me, it is expected. Your side hates the military, but you will say differently. Always wanted to cut it.

Picking on a third world country...........Who Invaded Kuwait, killed it's citizens, and used an Ice Rink as a temporary Morgue............The UN and the World was for driving them out of Kuwait. Many countries went there, to fight Saddam's aggression. Bush Sr. gave them chance after chance to withdraw without a fight.

They refused and got their butts kicked. Naturally so. As we have some of the greatest tech edges in the world regarding the military. Bush Sr. didn't want to finish it. We did. We had the forces to finish it, and there was no need to save doing it for another day. So our children could fight another War at a later date.

OBL got ticked because we dared step foot in his holy sand box. The rest is history.

Let's look at Clinton who made MASSIVE CUTS TO THE MILITARY. Cuts to Welfare, and etc........

Both sides agreed to this...........Yet when we went to War after 9/11 Leftist like you YELLED LOOK AT BUSH SENDING IN TROOPS NOT EQUIPPED............ Where was that concern as you were JOYOUS after cutting the military..............

I didn't see the Dems saying, don't cut that, but I sure as hell saw them complaining about it later. Typical Liberal BS.

Russia destroyed itself, but the cold War was real. I remember playing tag with Russian Destroyers while a Russian Bear was flying overhead. Was I worried. No. Were they. No. We understood that it was all about perception.

Reagan, stood the line against them during his time. Recovered an economy. Ended Stagflation. And watched as the USSR crumbled under it's own weight.

So since he was President when it happened, I give him praise for being in charge when it happened.

You probably wouldn't have a problem with it if we'd say Obama did it though. It's just the way you people are today.

Well, you know what, guy, Reagan had nothing to do with the USSR falling.

He did have a lot to do with destroying the middle class by signing idiotic trade treaties, right to work laws, busting unions and cutting back on needed infrastructure spending.

But, hey, the Japanese paid him a million dollars after he left office. Ever wonder why?
Facts are a hard to for you to accept, maybe you should change your view point so that you and the facts can finally agree.
However, this project of creating a unified, centralized socialist state proved problematic for several reasons. First, the Soviets underestimated the degree to which the non-Russian ethnic groups in the country (which comprised more than fifty percent of the total population of the Soviet Union) would resist assimilation into a Russianized State. Second, their economic planning failed to meet the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the United States. This led to gradual economic decline, eventually necessitating the need for reform. Finally, the ideology of Communism, which the Soviet Government worked to instill in the hearts and minds of its population, never took firm root, and eventually lost whatever influence it had originally carried.

Cold War Museum
The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy

Despite the steep recession in 1982--brought on by tight money policies that were instituted to squeeze out the historic inflation level of the late 1970s--by 1983, the Reagan policies of reducing taxes, spending, regulation, and inflation were in place. The result was unprecedented economic growth:
This economic boom lasted 92 months without a recession, from November 1982 to July 1990, the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime and the second-longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history. The growth in the economy lasted more than twice as long as the average period of expansions since World War II.10
The American economy grew by about one-third in real inflation-adjusted terms. This was the equivalent of adding the entire economy of East and West Germany or two-thirds of Japan's economy to the U.S. economy.11
From 1950 to 1973, real economic growth in the U.S. economy averaged 3.6 percent per year. From 1973 to 1982, it averaged only 1.6 percent. The Reagan economic boom restored the more usual growth rate as the economy averaged 3.5 percent in real growth from the beginning of 1983 to the end of 1990.


Amazing how the Statist continue to smear Reagan. History shows a different story.................If you look at the facts we had one of the Largest Economic Growths in the 20th Century. Reagan added 16 Million new jobs, from CARTER'S STAGFLATION ECONOMY.

On the other side of the Ocean, Thatcher did the same..............Liberals attack them because their policies are completely against A TRUE CONSERVATIVE, and try to DITCH HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS as they PRAISE THE UTTER FAILURE OF OBAMANOMICS.......................

Obama and the Dems have a MISERABLE ECONOMY................Yet the Statist praise it.........Offering the people a Shit Sandwich, putting artificial flavoring into it, and SAYING IT'S GOOD....................

Bottom line, the TRUTH IS STILL A SHIT SANDWICH. Take a bite.
Your right Joe, Liberal mouthpiece, I wasn't around. I was on the other side of the world serving.

And your reply has no consequence to me, it is expected. Your side hates the military, but you will say differently. Always wanted to cut it.

Picking on a third world country...........Who Invaded Kuwait, killed it's citizens, and used an Ice Rink as a temporary Morgue............The UN and the World was for driving them out of Kuwait. Many countries went there, to fight Saddam's aggression. Bush Sr. gave them chance after chance to withdraw without a fight.

They refused and got their butts kicked. Naturally so. As we have some of the greatest tech edges in the world regarding the military. Bush Sr. didn't want to finish it. We did. We had the forces to finish it, and there was no need to save doing it for another day. So our children could fight another War at a later date.

Guy, Saddam was never our enemy and never our problem. Seriously, fuck the Emir of Kuwait not having his palace. Not my fucking problem. And incidently I was in the Army during the Gulf War. Got out right after that because I didn't like the thought of dying for the Zionists and the Oil companies.

OBL got ticked because we dared step foot in his holy sand box. The rest is history.

Let's look at Clinton who made MASSIVE CUTS TO THE MILITARY. Cuts to Welfare, and etc........

Actually, the cuts began under Bush. My brigade was slated to be eliminated in 1992, long before Clinton ever got there.

Both sides agreed to this...........Yet when we went to War after 9/11 Leftist like you YELLED LOOK AT BUSH SENDING IN TROOPS NOT EQUIPPED............ Where was that concern as you were JOYOUS after cutting the military..............

I didn't see the Dems saying, don't cut that, but I sure as hell saw them complaining about it later. Typical Liberal BS.

The thing was, the ARMY was the ones who said we weren't equipped, not the leftists. Bush ignored what the Army told him, that either we had to get more allies to sign on, or we had to get more troops. And Bush didn't listen. With the disasterous results.

Well, you know what, guy, Reagan had nothing to do with the USSR falling.

He did have a lot to do with destroying the middle class by signing idiotic trade treaties, right to work laws, busting unions and cutting back on needed infrastructure spending.

But, hey, the Japanese paid him a million dollars after he left office. Ever wonder why?
Facts are a hard to for you to accept, maybe you should change your view point so that you and the facts can finally agree.
However, this project of creating a unified, centralized socialist state proved problematic for several reasons. First, the Soviets underestimated the degree to which the non-Russian ethnic groups in the country (which comprised more than fifty percent of the total population of the Soviet Union) would resist assimilation into a Russianized State. Second, their economic planning failed to meet the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the United States. This led to gradual economic decline, eventually necessitating the need for reform. Finally, the ideology of Communism, which the Soviet Government worked to instill in the hearts and minds of its population, never took firm root, and eventually lost whatever influence it had originally carried.

Cold War Museum[/QUOTE]

Yawn. Bigger fonts don't make your "points" less retarded.

The USSR fell for the same reason the British Empire fell. because all empires fall, eventually.

Well, you know what, guy, Reagan had nothing to do with the USSR falling.

He did have a lot to do with destroying the middle class by signing idiotic trade treaties, right to work laws, busting unions and cutting back on needed infrastructure spending.

But, hey, the Japanese paid him a million dollars after he left office. Ever wonder why?
Facts are a hard to for you to accept, maybe you should change your view point so that you and the facts can finally agree.
However, this project of creating a unified, centralized socialist state proved problematic for several reasons. First, the Soviets underestimated the degree to which the non-Russian ethnic groups in the country (which comprised more than fifty percent of the total population of the Soviet Union) would resist assimilation into a Russianized State. Second, their economic planning failed to meet the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the United States. This led to gradual economic decline, eventually necessitating the need for reform. Finally, the ideology of Communism, which the Soviet Government worked to instill in the hearts and minds of its population, never took firm root, and eventually lost whatever influence it had originally carried.

Cold War Museum

Yawn. Bigger fonts don't make your "points" less retarded.

The USSR fell for the same reason the British Empire fell. because all empires fall, eventually.
Here's your chance show some proof on the cause of the fall of the soviet union. With verifiable sources. I've used two sources you have used none.
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So you served..........................

We weren't well equiped..................

But it was only a rag tag 3rd World Country................

Make up your damn mind.............................

Which is it, kicking the shit out of a inept military so we don't need more, or we should have had more troops..................You sound like Kerry..............

Flip Flop Kerry........One minute, I'd have sent more troops, the next minute I wouldn't have sent that many....................Depending on what the polls said to him...........

The military GOES in when ordered. If we don't have all we would like to go with, WE GO ANYWAY..............That's the job......................I imagine adjfkad;f like you got pissed off that you had to go when called. If you were actually in, you were probably a Reservist who only joined to get money for College anyway............Who complained, when they had to SHOW UP.

You want the dime for college, then you HAVE TO SHOW UP WHEN CALLED. Too bad.
That's my jest of you.
So you served..........................

We weren't well equiped..................But it was only a rag tag 3rd World Country................

Make up your damn mind.............................Which is it, kicking the shit out of a inept military so we don't need more, or we should have had more troops..................You sound like Kerry..............

Flip Flop Kerry........One minute, I'd have sent more troops, the next minute I wouldn't have sent that many....................Depending on what the polls said to him...........

The military GOES in when ordered. If we don't have all we would like to go with, WE GO ANYWAY..............That's the job......................I imagine adjfkad;f like you got pissed off that you had to go when called. If you were actually in, you were probably a Reservist who only joined to get money for College anyway............Who complained, when they had to SHOW UP.

You want the dime for college, then you HAVE TO SHOW UP WHEN CALLED. Too bad.
That's my jest of you.

Actually, i used to buy all that horseshit about freedom and liberty and stuff when I was in. If I was smart, I'd have done the bare minimum for the college money and been done with it.

Then the Gulf War came along, and we were essentially fighting for the right of a senile old despot to live in a palace. It really wasn't anything to do with us. We had no treaty with Kuwait (as our ambassador, April Glaspie, admitted to Saddam) and any conflict between Kuwait and Iraq was really between them.

Also- one more time- the reason why Saddam had become such a threat was because the US, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia propped him up and financed him when his war with Iran went south. He started a war, he was getting his ass kicked by the crazy mullahs, and we just couldn't have that.

Our middle east policy is sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

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