Megyn Kelly Asks Fox News For $20 Million Per Year In New Contract

When you win your time slot week after week year after year that gives you the leverage to ask for that type of money. She does something the partisans on both sides can't stand she challenges both sides.

No one minds challenging both sides as long as you do it honestly.
In my opinion she does.

She lied on her apprentice question to Trump and showed her clear bias against Trump in her interview with Newt.

WOW! Newt Gingrich UNLOADS on Megyn Kelly After She Calls Trump a "SEXUAL PREDATOR" (VIDEO)
What makes you say that?
I think he says whatever will enamor him to the largest possible percentage of conservatives. He is as partisan as it gets. His mind is absolutely closed to any and all contrary thought..
You could make that charge against anyone with strong opinions.
I make that charge against hardcore partisan ideologues in general, hence my sig.

But some have the capacity to bend a bit here and there. They demonstrate an ability to at least understand other points of view. They provide hints that they have even the slightest empathy for the the opinions of others. They show a fundamental respect for opposing opinions.

Not Hannity. He's a non-stop string of simplistic talking points.

Untrue. I've heard him give props to Clinton as well as other political figures on the Left. Just because a commentator has strong opinions, it doesn't make them obedient to ratings. If anyone is obedient to ratings, it's Kelly. Kelly presents false narratives - Hannity doesn't.
What makes you say that?
I think he says whatever will enamor him to the largest possible percentage of conservatives. He is as partisan as it gets. His mind is absolutely closed to any and all contrary thought..
You could make that charge against anyone with strong opinions.
I make that charge against hardcore partisan ideologues in general, hence my sig.

But some have the capacity to bend a bit here and there. They demonstrate an ability to at least understand other points of view. They provide hints that they have even the slightest empathy for the the opinions of others. They show a fundamental respect for opposing opinions.

Not Hannity. He's a non-stop string of simplistic talking points.

Untrue. I've heard him give props to Clinton as well as other political figures on the Left. Just because a commentator has strong opinions, it doesn't make them obedient to ratings. If anyone is obedient to ratings, it's Kelly. Kelly presents false narratives - Hannity doesn't.
Kelly dared to challenge Trump and her ratings have dropped.

Hannity plays footsie with Trump and his ratings have increased.
What makes you say that?
I think he says whatever will enamor him to the largest possible percentage of conservatives. He is as partisan as it gets. His mind is absolutely closed to any and all contrary thought..
You could make that charge against anyone with strong opinions.
I make that charge against hardcore partisan ideologues in general, hence my sig.

But some have the capacity to bend a bit here and there. They demonstrate an ability to at least understand other points of view. They provide hints that they have even the slightest empathy for the the opinions of others. They show a fundamental respect for opposing opinions.

Not Hannity. He's a non-stop string of simplistic talking points.

Untrue. I've heard him give props to Clinton as well as other political figures on the Left. Just because a commentator has strong opinions, it doesn't make them obedient to ratings. If anyone is obedient to ratings, it's Kelly. Kelly presents false narratives - Hannity doesn't.

You're out of your mind. Hannity is a full time pimp for the repub party. He even admits as much.
As long as MSNBC/CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC are blatantly in the tank for the Clinton Crime INC. I want a cable network like FOX around.
One America News OAN is the best place for news.

One America News Network

Oh, and their anchors....

Toni Lahren


Kaushal Patel


Cassie Leuffen


There you go. I hardly have it on Fox anymore. What is obvious is they are getting their orders from old Rupert. Fox is co owned by a saudi prince.

Okay, moron, I can't resist. Please tell the class about this #2 Owner stuff. That is assuming you understand it would mean he'd be the second largest shareholder.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the second biggest shareholder in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, has revealed his frustration with the fallout from the News of the World phone-hacking scandal and admitted that it is harming the reputation of the company overall, not just its publishing interests.

Alwaleed is a nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, and, according to Forbes magazine, is the 29th wealthiest person in the world, with a fortune of $18bn (£11bn). He owns large stakes in Citigroup, Apple, Canary Wharf and London's Savoy hotel as well as 7% of the voting shares in News Corp, which on Wednesday announces its results for the three months to the end of March. Analysts expect profits to rise around 19% from the same quarter last year.

"We have a strategic alliance with Rupert Murdoch for sure and I have been with him for the last 15 or 20 years," Alwaleed said. "My backing of Rupert Murdoch is definitely unwavering."

Rupert Murdoch's big backer sounds News Corp warning

Just saying there are strange connections between this saudi prince and Rupert Murdoch. Has been for a while now.
When you win your time slot week after week year after year that gives you the leverage to ask for that type of money. She does something the partisans on both sides can't stand she challenges both sides.

No one minds challenging both sides as long as you do it honestly.
In my opinion she does.

She lied on her apprentice question to Trump and showed her clear bias against Trump in her interview with Newt.

WOW! Newt Gingrich UNLOADS on Megyn Kelly After She Calls Trump a "SEXUAL PREDATOR" (VIDEO)
No she didn't but your entitled to your opinion as well I don't agree with it but respect your right to express it.
Good for her, she certainly deserves it more than the hyper-partisan, hyper-obedient Hannity.

I just wonder if FOX is the place for her, now that she has enraged the Trumpsters for challenging their hero.

Doesn't challenging Trump make you a radical progressive pinko commie Stalinist Marxist communist socialist left winger who wants to destroy America and turn it into Cuba?

She's probably better off somewhere else.
It doesnt really matter now, as FOX is a libtard waste dump now.

I have pretty much stopped watching FOX, my wife tells me if I put it on "You want me to leave the room?", and I dont personally know anyone that watches it any more.

I like Lou Dobbs, one of the few real journalists that have not sold out to either the Neocons or the Marxists, but he is on FOX business, and I sometimes watch FOX and Friends, though that blonde guy just makes me shudder with his goofy stuff.

But then F&F rolls into some other show with another leggy blonde and metrosexual male that dont know what the hell they are talking about. This morning the Metro dude gave an analysis of the election that he insisted showed that Trump, even with all the close states given to Trump, still comes up short. He left out the latest poll results showing Trump close in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Minnesota that would easily put Trump over the top, the driveling drooling idiot.

So I turned it to One America News before I destroyed my TV.

I find less and less desire to put FOX on any more at all.

"Fair and Balanced" my ass.
A misogynist is a person who hates women. I don't hate women. I don't even hate Kelly. I just don't like her. So your comment is BS. Just what we expect from the likes of you.
Not according to the libtards who want to silence dissent.

According to them if you say anything critical of any black person, you are a racist, if you say anything critical of any woman any time any where, then you are a misogynist.

All of that is simply absurd. Just because I observe that Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig and a disgusting bitch, that does not mean I think this true of all women, and it is obvious.

The real point by the left is not to stop Misogyny but to stop people from DISAGREEING WITH THEM.
When you win your time slot week after week year after year that gives you the leverage to ask for that type of money. She does something the partisans on both sides can't stand she challenges both sides.
She has recently been losing to Rachel Madcow, so your statement is irrelevant.
One America News OAN is the best place for news.

One America News Network

Oh, and their anchors....

Toni Lahren


Kaushal Patel


Cassie Leuffen


There you go. I hardly have it on Fox anymore. What is obvious is they are getting their orders from old Rupert. Fox is co owned by a saudi prince.

Okay, moron, I can't resist. Please tell the class about this #2 Owner stuff. That is assuming you understand it would mean he'd be the second largest shareholder.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the second biggest shareholder in Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, has revealed his frustration with the fallout from the News of the World phone-hacking scandal and admitted that it is harming the reputation of the company overall, not just its publishing interests.

Alwaleed is a nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, and, according to Forbes magazine, is the 29th wealthiest person in the world, with a fortune of $18bn (£11bn). He owns large stakes in Citigroup, Apple, Canary Wharf and London's Savoy hotel as well as 7% of the voting shares in News Corp, which on Wednesday announces its results for the three months to the end of March. Analysts expect profits to rise around 19% from the same quarter last year.

"We have a strategic alliance with Rupert Murdoch for sure and I have been with him for the last 15 or 20 years," Alwaleed said. "My backing of Rupert Murdoch is definitely unwavering."

Rupert Murdoch's big backer sounds News Corp warning

Just saying there are strange connections between this saudi prince and Rupert Murdoch. Has been for a while now.
So he's not the #2 owner of Fox News, thanks.

Now, please explain to the class why you think anyone who owned 7% and then 5% and now only 1% of a company is a "strange connection" in your world.
I make that charge against hardcore partisan ideologues in general, hence my sig.
But some have the capacity to bend a bit here and there. They demonstrate an ability to at least understand other points of view. They provide hints that they have even the slightest empathy for the the opinions of others. They show a fundamental respect for opposing opinions.
Not Hannity. He's a non-stop string of simplistic talking points.
Hannity is more ideological than partisan as his criticism of the GOP Establishment shows.

But yeah, I got tired of his machine-gun rapid fire spitting out of the facts as he sees them years ago. Alan Colmes softened him some on the show, but without Alan, Sean is just like too harsh on the ears for me.

Every once in a while if I have him on for some reason like a Trump interview, I find myself thinking, "Sean, take a breath!"

He also is very hard core conservative on economic and national security, and I dont doubt the mans honesty or integrity, but I just find it hard to believe that a well informed and intelligent man like he obviously is can be so 100% straight down the line a war hawk.
Now, please explain to the class why you think anyone who owned 7% and then 5% and now only 1% of a company is a "strange connection" in your world.
Jeebus, how many people do you know that own 1% of a major US television network?
Kelly dared to challenge Trump and her ratings have dropped.
Hannity plays footsie with Trump and his ratings have increased.
None of which proves that Kelly is being honest and Hannity not so.

Kelly is a liar and Hannity has not been caught by me in a lie directed to a POTUS candidate, but I dont watch ether of them very much.
For the 14th consecutive year, Fox News led in total viewers and in the 25-to-54-year-old demographic crucial to advertisers. The network’s average of 1.8 million viewers in prime time placed it second among all cable channels, the highest finish for a cable news channel ever. (ESPN came in first.)

I love the way liberals frame success as failure. Fox viewership is more than three times more than CNN. And fox had the smarts to hire a megyn Kelly to appeal to a younger audience and they have plenty more babes to take her place. Jessie waters is another young rising star and his waters world is a big hit. My problem with Kelly is not that she challenges trump but she has made it personal and she is using her position to attack him and build her bona fides as a second generation feminist.inotherwards it is all about her and not the news. Without a lead in like oreilly she will not have the same level of success anywhere else.
What makes you say that?
I think he says whatever will enamor him to the largest possible percentage of conservatives. He is as partisan as it gets. His mind is absolutely closed to any and all contrary thought..
You could make that charge against anyone with strong opinions.
I make that charge against hardcore partisan ideologues in general, hence my sig.

But some have the capacity to bend a bit here and there. They demonstrate an ability to at least understand other points of view. They provide hints that they have even the slightest empathy for the the opinions of others. They show a fundamental respect for opposing opinions.

Not Hannity. He's a non-stop string of simplistic talking points.

Untrue. I've heard him give props to Clinton as well as other political figures on the Left. Just because a commentator has strong opinions, it doesn't make them obedient to ratings. If anyone is obedient to ratings, it's Kelly. Kelly presents false narratives - Hannity doesn't.
Kelly dared to challenge Trump and her ratings have dropped.

Hannity plays footsie with Trump and his ratings have increased.
Well, look at the target audience.....(just watch the kind of commercials they have)
Exactly none. Which is also the degree of influence a 1% stockholder has in any Boardroom.

Are you fucking serious?

Annual general meeting - Wikipedia

An annual general meeting (commonly abbreviated as AGM, also known as the annual meeting) is a meeting of the general membership of an organization.

These organizations include membership associations and companies with shareholders.

These meetings may be required by law or by the constitution, charter, or by-laws governing the body. The meetings are held to conduct business on behalf of the organization or company.

An organization may conduct its business at the annual general meeting. The business may include electing a board of directors, making important decisions regarding the organization, and informing the members of previous and future activities.[1] At this meeting, the shareholders and partners may receive copies of the company's accounts, review fiscal information for the past year, and ask any questions regarding the directions the business will take in the future.

At the annual general meeting, the president or chairman of the organization presides over the meeting and may give an overall status of the organization.[2] The secretary prepares the minutes and may be asked to read important papers.[3] The treasurer may present a financial report.[4]Other officers, the board of directors, and committees may give their reports.[2][5][6] Attending this meeting are the members or the shareholders of the organization, depending on the type of organization.

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