Megyn Kelly Gets a Taste of Her Own Medicine!!!

I would have loved to be a mouse in Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace'. Bret Baier or Meryn Kelly's office yesterday and today.

Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
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Yes the implication is clear: Donald Trump is a pig.
And the rest of the sellouts are all perfect people.
As if Trump isn't a sellout too. He doesn't stand for anything.
You just don't like him. Now you're making a bunch of shit up about him.
Like what? What has been made up about Trump? He gives everyone all the ammunition they need. I wonder what kind of business arrangements Trump made with Clinton before he decided to run?
He allowed Bill to splatter some stuff on his blue suit.
And Trump is such a showman that he would suck Bill Clinton's cock......if he thought he could promote himself by doing so.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
I would have loved to be a mouse in Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace'. Bret Baier or Meryn Kelly's office yesterday and today.

Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump, I hope he buries himself.
I'm not there at this time, but tend to think he is a plant.........

What I like is that the pot is getting stirred and I hope some good will come out of it.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
So what does everyone who is so upset with Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and FOX want? Would you have wanted them to treat Trump the way the MSM treated Obama in 2008 and 2012 especially 2008 which was to kiss his ass toss him nothing but softball questions and not challenge him in any way? That helped get us our current whiney thin skined President who can't handle tough questions or being challenged I for one would just as soon not have another one.
Totally loaded question.

I expect them to treat him the way they treated everyone else on that less. Their job isn't to destroy the candidates we want and select the empty-suit yes-men politicians the Republican Establishment wants to set up to lose the next election to Hillary.
Everyone else on that stage got tough questions about things they have said or done in the past. The Democrats are going to run their war on women theme again next year that is why Trump got the question he did that is also why Rubio and Walker got the questions they did on their abortion stances. If your not ready for this then your not ready for the job.
Abortion is one thing......making up shit about how Trump is calling all women Fat, Ugly slobs is going a bit far.
No one claimed Trump was calling all women fat, ugly, slobs that was in reference to some of his twitter post.
I remember Megan saying he was saying it about women.....not some women.....the implication was clear. She wanted to accuse him of calling all women that he comes in contact terrible names.

She did imply more than one.

I bet you think that was clever.

There's nothing funnier to me than right-wing butthurt.

Waahh! Megyn Kelly was so mean to Donald! Waahh! It's so unfair!! Waah!!

How dare she ask him questions! We must destroy her!

She is just getting return fire for the debate...................
Play with fire and get burned..........

And I'm laughing my ass off over it.................Both parties and the media want to attack Trump and he still gets the better of them.

Butt shit is funny.

It takes quite a ridiculous worldview to think that Trump "got the better" of either FOX or Megyn Kelly.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

I would have loved to be a mouse in Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace'. Bret Baier or Meryn Kelly's office yesterday and today.

Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.

She is just getting return fire for the debate...................
Play with fire and get burned..........

And I'm laughing my ass off over it.................Both parties and the media want to attack Trump and he still gets the better of them.

Butt shit is funny.

It takes quite a ridiculous worldview to think that Trump "got the better" of either FOX or Megyn Kelly.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884
So you're saying we should defend them like you liberals defend Obama?

Hypocritical much?

She is just getting return fire for the debate...................
Play with fire and get burned..........

And I'm laughing my ass off over it.................Both parties and the media want to attack Trump and he still gets the better of them.

Butt shit is funny.

It takes quite a ridiculous worldview to think that Trump "got the better" of either FOX or Megyn Kelly.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884

They just can't let that birther thing go. There's a fringe constituency within the GOP that gravitates toward all kinds of wacky conspiracy's like religion for them. It's the new fundamentalism.
I would have loved to be a mouse in Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace'. Bret Baier or Meryn Kelly's office yesterday and today.

Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
It takes quite a ridiculous worldview to think that Trump "got the better" of either FOX or Megyn Kelly.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884
So you're saying we should defend them like you liberals defend Obama?

Hypocritical much?

Wow - you guys love strawman arguments.
So what does everyone who is so upset with Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and FOX want? Would you have wanted them to treat Trump the way the MSM treated Obama in 2008 and 2012 especially 2008 which was to kiss his ass toss him nothing but softball questions and not challenge him in any way? That helped get us our current whiney thin skined President who can't handle tough questions or being challenged I for one would just as soon not have another one.
You are going to the other extreme. We just want a straight debate where the is equal time for everyone on the panel. No attempts to make anyone look good or look bad. Just play it straight.
It takes quite a ridiculous worldview to think that Trump "got the better" of either FOX or Megyn Kelly.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884

They just can't let that birther thing go. There's a fringe constituency within the GOP that gravitates toward all kinds of wacky conspiracy's like religion for them. It's the new fundamentalism.
Sounds like liberals. Anything the media said about Bush was gulped up like Kool-aid.
He's stirring the pot..................and stirring the establishment up.............He's getting hit from all sides and doesn't care one bit.................

They are not used to getting this type of return fire. I'm loving it. Poetic justice to the establishment and the media.............

Trump is putting on a show. It is what he does............and he's flaming the entire sphere............

Got any popcorn. LOL

I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884
So you're saying we should defend them like you liberals defend Obama?

Hypocritical much?

Wow - you guys love strawman arguments.
Excuse me.......but is English your second language?

You sound like an imbecile.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
On the vet situation..........he has donated millions to that already.
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Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
I don't disagree.

But how has he "won" against FOX or Megyn Kelly? How has his clown show hurt them?

You can shout victory for Trump as loudly as you can, but it doesn't mean much by itself.
So you love Faux News all of the sudden?

The moment they become a sellout like the rest of the mainstream?

What about all the loyal FOX news viewers who would defend FOX tooth and nail on this forum? Hypocritical much?

View attachment 46884
So you're saying we should defend them like you liberals defend Obama?

Hypocritical much?

Wow - you guys love strawman arguments.
Excuse me.......but is English your second language?

You sound like an imbecile.
English is your first what's your excuse?

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