Megyn Kelly Gets a Taste of Her Own Medicine!!!

He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
On the vet situation..........he has donated millions to that already.
Donald Trump Charity Work Causes - Look to the Stars
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About Donald Trump:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
Damage control... "My God, what did we do?" That had to be the topic of the morning.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
As if he has some special power to do so.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up fuckers will do the same number on him. By the time they get done with him liberals will think he's Jack The Ripper. What we need is someone who takes all of that mud and slings it back at them and put some stank on it.
So what does everyone who is so upset with Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and FOX want? Would you have wanted them to treat Trump the way the MSM treated Obama in 2008 and 2012 especially 2008 which was to kiss his ass toss him nothing but softball questions and not challenge him in any way? That helped get us our current whiney thin skined President who can't handle tough questions or being challenged I for one would just as soon not have another one.
You are going to the other extreme. We just want a straight debate where the is equal time for everyone on the panel. No attempts to make anyone look good or look bad. Just play it straight.
Trump was the frontrunner going in the frontrunner always gets more attention if they had gone the way you are asking most of the same people would be accusing FOX of being dismissive of Trump and trying to marginalize him.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
On the vet situation..........he has donated millions to that already.
Donald Trump Charity Work Causes - Look to the Stars
Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:

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Tax Reform

About Donald Trump:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.
Megyn is probably used to it... Only it is normally progressives stalking her twitter and facebook page.

No, they have jobs.

Fox viewers are largely unemployed and retirees living off Government pensions and Social Programs.
Actually it was Trump, what a little dick. Oh well, as long as the numbers were good and we're sorry he called you a bitchy **** on the rag.

Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
As if he has some special power to do so.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up fuckers will do the same number on him. By the time they get done with him liberals will think he's Jack The Ripper. What we need is someone who takes all of that mud and slings it back at them and put some stank on it.
Right, I forgot Megyn Kelly was part of the whole liberal media conspiracy thing.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
On the vet situation..........he has donated millions to that already.
Donald Trump Charity Work Causes - Look to the Stars
Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:

Donald Trump on War Peace
Donald Trump on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

About Donald Trump:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
He wants to seal the border. Stop illegal immigration.

He has a history of donating to Veterans affairs, and wants our veterans to be taken care of and has a history of personally already doing it.

Wants a strong military...we are still cutting.....recently 40,000 from the army.

Wants to bring jobs back. aka Tariffs on Mexico and China............the question on this one is how will he do that since they were signed in by the congress and senate..............catch 22 there.

On the Iran deal, stated he would have doubled down on sanctions even triple them and then DO NOTHING............Stated that they would have to come to him and not the other way around. And just to get him to the table, they would have to give our people back first...........

Wants job killing regulations to go away.

He has stated that we must get rid of Obamacare................dangerous area with him here........said we must have a replacement for it..........and in the past wanted single payer....................which was the reason for Obamacare to begin with...........Write a shitty law to be replaced by the wet dream single payer system which is the ultimate goal. He may very well be the one to do that...................

If you listen to his speeches he's said these things.............

Anyone want to add to it..............
Those aren't positions, those are just opinions. Trump will have study up on a few details, about something...... anything, before claiming to have actual positions.
On the vet situation..........he has donated millions to that already.
Donald Trump Charity Work Causes - Look to the Stars
Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:

Donald Trump on War Peace
Donald Trump on other issues:
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

About Donald Trump:
AmericansElect quiz
MyOcracy quiz

He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
So now you want an argument on facts and not BS Mr. Lame.............

He admitted to donating to them and many others.
He has also said its a matter of business most of the time, especially in New York.
Saying it's the problem and that he knows this because he has done it for business purposes already.

Grow want to build in New have to pay to play.............Not anything new here, he's just letting people know the real deal here.

He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.
Trump and Megyn are appealing to those voters who like blood sports. Trump is not trustworthy. He is a chump and I hope he buries himself.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
As if he has some special power to do so.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up fuckers will do the same number on him. By the time they get done with him liberals will think he's Jack The Ripper. What we need is someone who takes all of that mud and slings it back at them and put some stank on it.
Right, I forgot Megyn Kelly was part of the whole liberal media conspiracy thing.
She's the liberal media's darling now. Far as I'm concerned, I won't watch her anymore. She might as well get a job with MSNBC now.

It think I've seen this movie before......?

Illegal aliens are rapists. Trump is dead!!
McCain is loser. Trump is dead!!
Megyn Kelly had blood coming from her eyes, blood from her wherever. Trump is dead!!!

Methinks Trump will survive this latest fake scandal too.

He eats media outrage for a snack, then belches back contempt. He absorbs every hit, then throws it back in their faces.

Megyn (at the behest of Rupert Murdoch and other "establishment types) asked him a loaded "gotcha" question. He laughed in her face and later he blasted her for being a lightweight. That's life in the big leagues.

Of course the denunciations will continue, but the entire time Trump’s name is going to continue to dominate the news cycle.

Trump is not dead. He's DOMINATING.
He's a chickhawk draft dodger who doesn't stand for anything. You left off a few things from your list. You seem to have missed all the generous donations Trump has made to the Clinton Foundation and to Hilary's Senate campaign. How could you have forgotten about that?
My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
The cabal behind the attacks on Trump??


My post was in direct response to he had no platform or positions on anything. It was to say you simply aren't looking and are biased on it.

Those are his positions that you said didn't enjoy...........

Nice attempt at diversion.............ummmmm he gave the Clintons money. No shit Sherlock.

I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.
Hilary must be having a good laugh about now.
I don't see why. She is totally out of the public debate and is under a criminal investigation by the FBI.

She's nothing but a plastic politician with nothing to offer.
If Donald Trump were the GOP candidate Hilary would obviously win. He's the one, so called, Republican who could unite Democrats.
As if he has some special power to do so.

It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up fuckers will do the same number on him. By the time they get done with him liberals will think he's Jack The Ripper. What we need is someone who takes all of that mud and slings it back at them and put some stank on it.
Right, I forgot Megyn Kelly was part of the whole liberal media conspiracy thing.
She's the liberal media's darling now. Far as I'm concerned, I won't watch her anymore. She might as well get a job with MSNBC now.
You think that because Trump followers are all mindless automatons.
I think it's very nice that Mr. Trump has a paid staff to do the research so they can tell him what his positions are.
Name a politician and or President that doesn't do the same Mr. Deflection.

That is why they hire advisers to do that very thing.............
A leader hires the right people to do the job that they trust..........and gets their opinions and facts for him to make those decisions........

Do you think Obama goes to the Pentagon and does the research himself.

Your deflection is........


You followers need a strong leader like Trump.

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems - Nick Gass - POLITICO
I'm not convinced he's the real deal yet Mr. Diversion.............

You change the subject when you get hit on your other bs posts...............

I don't know if he the real deal or a plant yet...........but I'm enjoying the show........

I'm just keeping the fight fair and balanced on what I know............

Oops..........Fair and Balanced is hardly what the debate was about.

Since you didn't understand the first time I'll be a little more explicit. Trump is a fucking dummy, he doesn't know what he believes or why. Funny that he would mention Rosie O'Donnell......since he's so prone to yammering like a daffy bitch.
He mentioned Rosie ODonnell because the comment was directed at her and their feud back in 2006.

I put up the video on that about you................back up your are dancing like a chicken on a skillet.
Trump followers=birther dipshits=Clinton supporters.

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