Megyn Kelly made a really, really bad choice


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Maybe she will bring some class to a desperate nbc trying to lean center right...
Megyn Kelly made a really, really bad choice
January 4, 2017
By Jay Valentine

News this week is that Megyn Kelly is off to NBC. Waiting to hear about the bidding war that clearly did not happen. Now starts Megyn’s decline into obscurity, remembered as someone who was a hot commodity for a very short while.

Until it all became about Megyn.

What Megyn, Greta, and other passing Fox celebs do not grasp is the importance of the Fox time slot.

When Greta departed, Brit Hume did a perfectly good job with news and commentary. Now Tucker Carlson is delivering an outstanding show with positive reviews from about everyone. Before that slot, Tucker was almost unknown nationally. Now Greta will be.


Megyn Kelly is off to NBC, and over the next two years, we will watch for her to remain the celebrity newsperson she is today. Look hard, because after the reviews start to come in, she will take the journey into obscurity.

The hard lesson is that it was never about Megyn. It was the TV slot.

Within a couple of years, you may see her on Dancing with the Stars.

Read more: Blog: Megyn Kelly made a really, really bad choice
I think losing viewership from you and the other Deplorables shows that she's more interested in journalistic integrity than in being fap material for a bunch of creepy old white hicks with guns.
I think with Trump's victory there was no room left for her on Fox.

So she has gone from the far right (Fox) flagship to one of the far left flagships (NBC).
She was done at Fox when her calculated hit job on Trump blew up in her face. Within a few years she will be a full time soccer Mom.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.

That would be one more rightwing hack off the air.
I think losing viewership from you and the other Deplorables shows that she's more interested in journalistic integrity than in being fap material for a bunch of creepy old white hicks with guns.

I'M sorry I thought you were white, so now when you posts I'll think of

crazy old racist black beatch ...:disbelief:

NBC Nightly News is a broadcast network show....

their viewership is DOUBLE Fox news's best show, the oreily factor...100% more viewers than any show on Fox cable...

it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE promotion/step up.

NBC Nightly News is a broadcast network show....

their viewership is DOUBLE Fox news's best show, the oreily factor...100% more viewers than any show on Fox cable...

it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE promotion/step up.

From what I heard her show will be in the daytime, with a Sunday eve show.

NBC Nightly News is a broadcast network show....

their viewership is DOUBLE Fox news's best show, the oreily factor...100% more viewers than any show on Fox cable...

it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE promotion/step up.

From what I heard her show will be in the daytime, with a Sunday eve show.
her show now on fox is like 10 or 11pm, not really a prize hour....

public broadcast stations have a lot more viewers, day time and evening, than any cable network.

NBC Nightly News is a broadcast network show....

their viewership is DOUBLE Fox news's best show, the oreily factor...100% more viewers than any show on Fox cable...

it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE promotion/step up.

From what I heard her show will be in the daytime, with a Sunday eve show.
her show now on fox is like 10 or 11pm, not really a prize hour....

public broadcast stations have a lot more viewers, day time and evening, than any cable network.

I wouldn't know to be honest. Regardless, a lot of people that watched her will be at work when she is on now. Ultimately it doesn't matter to me one way or another.

NBC Nightly News is a broadcast network show....

their viewership is DOUBLE Fox news's best show, the oreily factor...100% more viewers than any show on Fox cable...

it's a HUGE HUGE HUGE promotion/step up.

From what I heard her show will be in the daytime, with a Sunday eve show.
her show now on fox is like 10 or 11pm, not really a prize hour....

public broadcast stations have a lot more viewers, day time and evening, than any cable network.

Oh and her show on Fox comes/came on at 8 Central.

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