Meister Has Left the Building

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And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

You can play your numbers game all you want, son... TM is a bigger douche than TPS... The board has spoken....

Life isn't fair... Move on or get a box of Kleenex...

Why don't you petition for francoFW and KerryWonOhio for new mods?

That should give you the equality you are so desperatly searching for....

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

You can play your numbers game all you want, son... TM is a bigger douche than TPS... The board has spoken....

Life isn't fair... Move on or get a box of Kleenex...

Why don't you petition for francoFW and KerryWonOhio for new mods?

That should give you the equality you are so desperatly searching for....

You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

my solution is simpler. Don't come in and act like a dick, and you won't piss people off to a point where they neg you into oblivion.

Board reality doesn't work that way.

New right wingers who act like dicks get showered with pos rep unless they posting overt racist garbage.

New left wingers who act like dicks eat neg after neg.

Get rid of the function.

Personally, I like the rep function because it has been the catalyst for some epic meltdown threads. But I've often wondered about it. To your point, maybe it is just me but the only arguments I've ever seen Warrior102 make has been "Fuck you, liberal asshole," and "When did you serve, asswipe?" Yet he's at 1000 points.
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my solution is simpler. Don't come in and act like a dick, and you won't piss people off to a point where they neg you into oblivion.

Oh and you don't act like a dick? That's priceless. :lol: Why don't you stop giving advice, I'm not sure anyone would value it.

I give what I get, witless bitch.

You never got anything like what you dealt out to people right from the start. Just own your dickishness, you clueless mess.
You can play your numbers game all you want, son... TM is a bigger douche than TPS... The board has spoken....

Life isn't fair... Move on or get a box of Kleenex...

Why don't you petition for francoFW and KerryWonOhio for new mods?

That should give you the equality you are so desperatly searching for....

You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.

He's also very overtly racist on a consistent basis and in general that is something that gets crushed by most everyone.

The "sorry about that"


Certainly doesn't help his cause either.
Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

And, dude, the entire underlying point to my argument about scrapping rep is that because rep has been so inflated and because it is being abused (shit, I got a couple of posters I neg once a day fercryinoutloud) that it has ultimately runs it's course here and has become counterproductive for the board.

You seem to be in the minority opinion... Most people here don't have a problem with the rep system or can take it or leave it...

The one who said "get some thicker skin" said it best... There are douchebags still posting here who don't care they are flaming red... They aren't leaving or complaining to mods because some meany neggs them into oblivion, are they? They have thicker skin...

Your point is pointless....
You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.

He's also very overtly racist on a consistent basis and in general that is something that gets crushed by most everyone.

The "sorry about that"


Certainly doesn't help his cause either.

He doesn't leave or whine about his "negged into oblivion" status, does he?

I don't know - i don't read his shit..
And, dude, the entire underlying point to my argument about scrapping rep is that because rep has been so inflated and because it is being abused (shit, I got a couple of posters I neg once a day fercryinoutloud) that it has ultimately runs it's course here and has become counterproductive for the board.

So, you're complaining that rep is abused, at the same time you admit to abusing it? wow.
Full Discloser ASAP!
Hey! Can all final determinations (action, banning, deleted. Items etc.) be made public ASAP! that have been taken
by the soon to be departed? This would help I feel to address this possible broken system that appear to be broken.
Not that any American systems could be broken in any way as that can’t happen in America.

Full discloser I say, even if it reflects back on all ourselves in TOTALLY BLAMEFUL WAYS. as what’s a little pain?. So we may focus on rebuilding in a meaningful and constructive way as we are all loyal rational Americans in the spirit of the overall picture of things. This is a private broad right? None of like out of town dirt bag stinking foreigner right? Could that be
what a Multi-national corporation is? Gee I don’t know anything. I don’t know something smells and the books are sealed?
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And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

And, dude, the entire underlying point to my argument about scrapping rep is that because rep has been so inflated and because it is being abused (shit, I got a couple of posters I neg once a day fercryinoutloud) that it has ultimately runs it's course here and has become counterproductive for the board.

You seem to be in the minority opinion... Most people here don't have a problem with the rep system or can take it or leave it...

The one who said "get some thicker skin" said it best... There are douchebags still posting here who don't care they are flaming red... They aren't leaving or complaining to mods because some meany neggs them into oblivion, are they? They have thicker skin...

Your point is pointless....

My point isn't pointless.

It's a legit suggestion to help cool the board off.

You disagree? Fine, but it has it's merits.
You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.

He's also very overtly racist on a consistent basis and in general that is something that gets crushed by most everyone.

The "sorry about that"


Certainly doesn't help his cause either.

He doesn't leave or whine about his "negged into oblivion" status, does he?

I don't know - i don't read his shit..

Oh, he's whined.
You can play your numbers game all you want, son... TM is a bigger douche than TPS... The board has spoken....

Life isn't fair... Move on or get a box of Kleenex...

Why don't you petition for francoFW and KerryWonOhio for new mods?

That should give you the equality you are so desperatly searching for....

You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.

Yup, Yidnar is a conservative too.
What a joke............

Pixie , sorry to see you made up your mind to step down as Admin, but I sincerely hope you find the peace you deserve.

Meister, I never had any encounters with you at all in my time here, but Pixie told me you were good people, and that is good enough for me. I hope the same for you.

As for this board, I regret the day I accepted Pixie's invitation. This is the most immature board I've ever been on. EVER. And I've been on a LOT of message boards.

Look just in THIS thread at how many people are jumping up and down about posters doing exactly what they themselves do. Like a bunch of goddamned children.

Follow that train of thought and see all the idiots screaming about thicker skin, and "rep doesn't matter" and " i give as good i gets" and so on and so forth. Who raised you people? Shame on them.

A person should be able to post on a message board without seeing their name slammed about for hours on end until FINALLY someone just says shut up. Hell last night 2 posters just went on and on and on about another poster in a thread for SIX fucking hours after that poster had already left the thread until a moderator finally tired of asking them to drop it and just closed the fucking thread. Now how is THAT a poster having thin skin? It's not, it's about two little children who don't know how to act like adults.

Article15 is arguing that rep should be removed. What would that accomplish? Not much, but those who say it doesn't get abused here are flat liars. Amazing too that those who claim that doesn't get abused are those with HUGE reps. All the while screaming that rep doesn't matter :rofl: they are right , rep doesn't matter. to anyone but them.

And the flame zone? It should be renamed the idiot zone. I was once told by a poster that that zone was there so that people didn't always have to act like adults.... What a joke.... I've seen supposed 40 year old people acting like 12 year olds in there.

My God there is a thread ran on Fridays that some of you idiots plan your entire week around.

And if that isn't bad enough, some of you don't just blast people for things they actually do, oh no that's not good enough. Instead some tell lies, push the rules right to the limits, misquote people, fabricate stories, accuse people of breaking rules, spread rumors and lies via pm. THEN when your target of choice finally has enough and complains you run around screaming "what a baby" all the while it was YOU who are acting like children.

Some of you assholes think YOU run the board and THAT is almost certainly why moderators and admins don't last long.

Frankly this place needs a big dose of hard assed moderation. Especially in the "real " forums where people deflect, lie, misquote, call names, and just do generally anything BUT debate the topic.

Couple that with shutting down that god awful flame zone and this place would be a decent place to have discussions as there are quite a few smart people left, right, and center.

Unfortunately a few douchebags just ruin that.

Pixies gain is this board's loss. That I can tell you for sure.

Peace out Pixie talk to you later.
Damn Truth Matters got axed? this Friday got a little better.

Her bat shit craziness and the inability of many here to ignore said bat shit craziness was/is a major board distraction.

Speak for yourself.

I always got a kick out of it. :D
Yeh? It reminded me of a dog pound I visited in a place I'd rather not say. You always had to look down to not step in the little doodies that were left on the ground here and there. Some of TMs posts were understandable, but most were things you didn't want to step in the middle of or your shoes would smell cranky.
You could also look at cheezywarsnow...he is definitely a conservative (social and otherwise). He hates homosexuals, for example. He has several red stars and he has a lot lower post count than TM.

He is an idiot.

He's also very overtly racist on a consistent basis and in general that is something that gets crushed by most everyone.

The "sorry about that"


Certainly doesn't help his cause either.
You're right, that doesn't help.

My point is, when a poster is so one-dimensional, they are not going to fare well here.

When a poster has a thin skin, they certainly won't fare well here, either.

Applying that to the example of Lahkota, that poster starts threads upon threads just parroting some op-ed from some partisan site. That's IT. It just parrots. It got negs from me for that. Hell, I can go to those sites and see that too. Tell us what YOU think.

When Cain was in the running, Lahkota posted tons of racist shit. I negged it for that, too.

And, it whined. I neg whines - thin skin.

Then it started an entire thread whining about negs. And, it left (it's back now).

Seriously, Art...what do you expect?

Hell, Deanie-do rarely gets negged by me because, although he IS one-dimensional, he posts HIS ideas. And he is far from having a thin skin...he never whines.
Full Discloser ASAP!

Hey! Can all final determinations (action, banning, deleted. Items etc.) be made public ASAP! that have been taken
by the soon to be departed? This would help I feel to address this possible broken system that appear to be broken.
Not that any American systems could be broken in any way as that can’t happen in America.

Full discloser I say, even if it reflects back on all ourselves in TOTALLY BLAMEFUL WAYS. as what’s a little pain?. So we may focus on rebuilding in a meaningful and constructive way as we are all loyal rational Americans in the spirit of the overall picture of things. This is a private broad right? None of like out of town dirt bag stinking foreigner right? Could that be
what a Multi-national corporation is? Gee I don’t know anything. I don’t know something smells and the books are sealed?

English is not your first language, is it.
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