Meister Has Left the Building

Not open for further replies.'re so pathetic.

Please continue to entertain us though with your pissing and moaning about how everybody should be forced to stop negging the loons to give them a chance to gain rep points so you can set them off like cannons and even the playing field.

Poor baby.
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You seem to be in the minority opinion... Most people here don't have a problem with the rep system or can take it or leave it...

The one who said "get some thicker skin" said it best... There are douchebags still posting here who don't care they are flaming red... They aren't leaving or complaining to mods because some meany neggs them into oblivion, are they? They have thicker skin...

Your point is pointless....

My point isn't pointless.

It's a legit suggestion to help cool the board off.

You disagree? Fine, but it has it's merits.
I see some of your points.

However, I think it's a relatively immaterial matter to 'what's wrong with the board'.

Just my observation about board issues:

The Gunny/board situation that happened caused a big change here.

New management.

Old mod team gradually changed. For the most part, it now is unbalanced - some moderates, though.

Also, we have some mods who use their mod 'authority' to try to "enforce the nice". Since I have been here, that has NEVER happened. The most I ever saw was Gunny, as poster Gunny, would come into a thread an bitch slap folks around...or you would, as poster Art.

Never in red, though.

So, that's some new shit - "enforcing the nice" - to basically a huge population of posters who are here because they can't stay other places that do "enforce the nice".

THAT causes quite a bit of confusion, frustration, and basic unrest among the natives.

Don't you think?

I think rep has a pretty insignificant effect on native unrest in comparison.

I agree with what you are saying about how the moderating style has shifted here and has an adverse effect on the atmosphere.

No doubt that going back to the old style of moderating would help a ton. Much like I think scrapping rep or as you suggested scaling it down by a power of 10 or something would as well.

Neg rep meltdowns and things of that nature would still exist (I think they are hilarious and really would hate to see them go) while at the same time making "abusing" rep much less appealing.
Artie, give us an example of a noob lib who wasn't a dick that was negged into oblivion?

House, you've already made your opinion known. I'm not going down any more roads with you. You scoffed at the copsnrobbers/lakhota and TM/TPS examples. I know exactly where your opinion will fall no matter who I point out.

The same goes for you, conservative, or anyone else who will now ask to try to advance his question.
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Personally, I don't see the Rep System having much to do with the problems here. I Rarely give Neg Reps, usually when I do, it's for a Heads Up, and I delete them. On Rare Occasion, I give them on Request (CausingPain :), though I feel bad supporting Masochism.

Communication is an art form, right. So make your point, and move on. Pages and pages of Cat Fights, repeating misquotes, adding nothing new, is not necessarily contributing. When Mods have to spend hours sorting through that shit, it's depressing. Get a clue. Make your point and move on.
Artie, give us an example of a noob lib who wasn't a dick that was negged into oblivion?

House, you've already made your opinion known. I'm not going down any more roads with you. You scoffed at the copsnrobbers/lakhota and TM/TPS examples. I know exactly where your opinion will fall no matter who I point out.

The same goes for you, conservative, or anyone else who will now ask to try to advance his question.

Several of us scoffed at those comparisons.
I understand why Meister and Pixie threw in the towel, I've been stewing it over for awhile myself. There have been a lot of things happening with posters on the board playing games and making it unpleasant especially for the mods and the Pixie as well as a few mistakes we made along the way that were, and continue to be taken advantage of.
You people are no longer working together to make this the great board it once was making our job increasingly more difficult and sometimes making the act of logging onto the board painful at times.
Some wondered why I disappeared for a while and why I rarely post anymore, too much BS, whinny little babies, and controlling back seat drivers not to mention the intentional shit stirring instigators.
Pix and Meister, sorry I wasn't more of a help to you, really sorry to see you two pack it in.
Artie, give us an example of a noob lib who wasn't a dick that was negged into oblivion?

Rinata, Rdean, Chris, there are a lot of them. TM has been here since 2007, there is no good reason she should have only 126 rep. Even if she is the biggest bitch to ever walk the face of the earth.

Comon. Why would anyone do that, she isn't a theat. Let her post, put her on ignore if you really can't stand her.
Luddly neddite is right up there with TM and RDean

Don't forget Decepticon, TDM and rderps retarded love child.

Hmmm weren't we talking about Meister and Pixie? What happened to that?
Oh right TDM stopped by for her grand finale.

I'm still seriously pissed about Pix and Meister.

And, frankly, I'm sick of the whining about mods being 'left' or 'right'. The whole fucking point is that the board has mods that are capable of dealing with people fairly - regardless of their politics. I've had occasion to deal with one pretty left wing mod - who is no longer a mod... and he was completely fair and even handed with me. Hell, we don't even like each other.... but he still managed to behave like a grown up.
My point isn't pointless.

It's a legit suggestion to help cool the board off.

You disagree? Fine, but it has it's merits.
I see some of your points.

However, I think it's a relatively immaterial matter to 'what's wrong with the board'.

Just my observation about board issues:

The Gunny/board situation that happened caused a big change here.

New management.

Old mod team gradually changed. For the most part, it now is unbalanced - some moderates, though.

Also, we have some mods who use their mod 'authority' to try to "enforce the nice". Since I have been here, that has NEVER happened. The most I ever saw was Gunny, as poster Gunny, would come into a thread an bitch slap folks around...or you would, as poster Art.

Never in red, though.

So, that's some new shit - "enforcing the nice" - to basically a huge population of posters who are here because they can't stay other places that do "enforce the nice".

THAT causes quite a bit of confusion, frustration, and basic unrest among the natives.

Don't you think?

I think rep has a pretty insignificant effect on native unrest in comparison.

I agree with what you are saying about how the moderating style has shifted here and has an adverse effect on the atmosphere.

No doubt that going back to the old style of moderating would help a ton. Much like I think scrapping rep or as you suggested scaling it down by a power of 10 or something would as well.

Neg rep meltdowns and things of that nature would still exist (I think they are hilarious and really would hate to see them go) while at the same time making "abusing" rep much less appealing.

Given that yours are the best, I don't doubt it...
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