Meister Has Left the Building

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There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Certainly not the craziness, however TPS comes pretty close to 'no one on the right is ever wrong.'

There are a couple on the right who drive me bat shit crazy and I won't name them...they know who they are. :lol: But honestly TM and rDean....they're professional dipshits in a group of amateurs....sorry.

nah, rdean is on the level of tps, both are irritating, but no match for the liar.
Oh look, this has turned into an extremist whine fest.

Extremists whining that other posters dont' get negged enough, and they get negged too often. Go figure.

Incidentally, when I see a thread titled "I Wanna Neg a Faggot" I assume they're talking specifically about Artie!

You should charge me rent for the space I am occupying in your head, Allie.

The only time I think of you is when you start whining and crying about the unfairness of your internet life. It seems to be cyclical.
There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

I don't know bro, Tea Party is 50 times smarter than TM.

Neither of them are stupid but both have the same obnoxious constantly spinning, inability to make and honest point or answer a question straight posting style.
There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

I said the same a few posts ago, though she doesn't come close to TM in incoherence. She just an outright partisan, regardless of the rightness or wrongness of what is being discussed.

Yup, they both suck.
He is trying to make the point TM's rep was declining while someone on the right who would be her equal rep would go up.

There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...
Prime example of this, is Warrior.


There's a guy who brings nothing to the table and is a total ass 99% of the time he's here. Yet check him out.

He's also a guy who loves to neg himself some liberal noobs.
And, I'll speak for myself on that. Whenever he talks about great roads for cruising around Virginia (curves and hills), I rep him.

Whenever he talks about Patriot Riders, I rep him.

He is not one-dimensional.

Whenever I see him being out of line rude, I neg him. You and others don't know that because he doesn't whine about it.
And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

Well I suppose there is some wisdom to the concept that if one is really all that concerned about their reps they might not want to be a flaming ass to someone who can pound them into oblivion. :lol: If they do, they get what they are asking for. Like I said....I have had a couple home run hitters from the left hammer me mercilessly. I knew I was going to get it when I made the choice to be a dick to them. At the time I decided it was worth the big red dot to have my say. :D
There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.
Well .. this Sucks...

Meister & Pixie Stix were...:( ...the most well balanced Mods/Admin ever..

I'm going to miss them, I'm certain of it...

Thanks to both of You..
Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .

I'm serious as a heart attack, Traj. Like I was just saying when I was a mod here rep counts weren't as high and the ability to "neg rep posters into oblivion" just didn't really exist.

Do I think it would entire end the matter or immediately balance the board? Of course not but I think it would go a long ways in making this board more hospitable to new posters.

*shrugs* I am sorry but you want issues to change it appears because, well Art,due to the atmosphere politically I described in the post you quoted of mine- you folks don't have the whip hand anymore. *shrugs*

I will be here 2 years in june, note the date- it was still hopey changey to an extent.... then.......I had the shit beat out of me, for one post in particular, posted by ______ a thread in the general section on a 'golden sammy' someone had made a sadnwhcih of gold for like an insane price......, I was effing brutalized:eusa_shifty: by several, several High rep ( hi rep then was 600- 700) folks of the left ( I had like 10 rep then I think?) becasue I said- I hoped obama woud not buy that sandwhich in the WH....or some lame comment like please, you are being wholly selective I wasn't exactly feeling welcomed ( and that wasn't all, either) so the shit is the same, 2 years the sides have changed and so what? jeez....

Yes, Mr. Trajan, I know how you feel. I was negged several times before I had 20 rep points, and I really didn't know what reps and negs were, just that somebody mean got pleasure from "negging" someone with a different political perspective than theirs. I just thought that's what some grumpy people did when you made a good defense for someone in Washington you thought was doing something good. Now that I've been here almost a year, seems there is a national upset all the way around by a number of things that political polarization has done.

I did not know Pixie Stix well, except a couple of times I noticed she was being fair. Meister took a more active role in making sure both sides stayed in the ball park as best he could. Whether I agreed or not with outcomes, I saw mods trying to be fair most of the time, and neither Pixie nor Meister were the exception.

I wish the new mods well and hope they are the kind of people who support America and show love and kindness to both sides, forgiving and expecting those who are disciplined become better online citizens. That is sure a hard row to hoe. Meister was my idea of a perfect political man or principle and strength, and I will miss his influence deeply.
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Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

I think that has more to do with TPS not posting mostly to flame. Her posts bore me, while I often disagree, I'd not neg. I often disagree with you, but wouldn't neg, you post your opinions-why would I?

TM now? Often incoherent, constantly derails, is abusive and a compulsive liar.
Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

No comparison.... TPS is a right wing whackjob. TM is a left wing whackjob, liar and racist. So she will attract more negs.
And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

No comparison.... TPS is a right wing whackjob. TM is a left wing whackjob, liar and racist. So she will attract more negs.

Cali girl just nailed it.
Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

No, you are the one incapable, House.

I'm HAPPY TM is gone. Hello?


TPS 10,507 posts / 432 rep count

TM 47,858 posts / she was somewhere in the low 100s before the ban

The calculus ain't that tough to decipher and the numbers don't lie.

You can play your numbers game all you want, son... TM is a bigger douche than TPS... The board has spoken....

Life isn't fair... Move on or get a box of Kleenex...

Why don't you petition for francoFW and KerryWonOhio for new mods?

That should give you the equality you are so desperatly searching for....
There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...

Agreed that TM is a horrible poster and in general a messageboard cancer.

I see teapartyspamaroid as the TM of the right here.

Check her out.

And you lefties have no problem smacking her around with the red dots, right? Same for all the other righties who get negged by the left's heavy hitters...

It's yin and yang... idiots like lakhota, luddy, Synthia, DickTuck, DottieCom - get what they get from the right... You have your list too... Life isn't fair...

Why whine when a leftist spamming dick get's spanked at the door?

You are just incapable of looking at this objectively.... I understand that...

And, dude, the entire underlying point to my argument about scrapping rep is that because rep has been so inflated and because it is being abused (shit, I got a couple of posters I neg once a day fercryinoutloud) that it has ultimately runs it's course here and has become counterproductive for the board.
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