Meister Has Left the Building

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Bullsqueeze, man.

I'm not sure article, there are some pretty heavy hitting liberal members of the board who neg rep new conservative members too.....i don't think its just "the conservatives" doing it. (for everyone else notice I didn't say the conservatives were not doing it, just that they weren't alone and its an issue that crosses party lines ;))

I agree that there are lefties that neg rightie noobs. Hell I'm guilty of it at times too.

However, I direct you to the copnrobbers of the board. That guy has eaten all sorts of negs for being legit dick since he's joined yet his rep/post count is quite healthy because there is a contingency of right wingers here who eat up that stuff and pos rep it like it's going out of style.
I, and others, negged the crap out of him for his whinyness. He caught on, though.

Lahkota never did.

There's the difference.

Thin skin doesn't last here.
Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

If that's true, and it isn't one-sided as you claim, please explain the copsnrobbers/lakhota rep disparity.

Haven't read much of the former... Does he create thread after thread about how the left wants to take yer guns away and force you to give up religion? Can't say I've seen many of his threads cloging up the "latest" list....

The latter is a dick...

He creates winning threads like these:

Even you knew that should have (to quote Tommy T) been "his doom".

Your first post in the thread:

This will not end well for you....

Even though Synthia is a fucking idiot....
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i dont see the solution to the board losing mods and admins...being taking posters rep....

the current owners want the board to grow at any cost it does seem....after all they sell on the number of posts dont they?
TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

I never rep TM one way or the other so I don't really notice...hell i just realized because of this thread I have exceeded 900, didn't even know :lol:

Did you see my draconian suggestion on one way to fix the problem.....eliminate the negative rep function (i don't like it but it would eliminate the problem being brought up at this point in the thread)

I disagree. Either keep rep or get rid of it. Personally I like when there's just a thumbs up or thumbs down.

That would be another way to eliminate it, posts get thumbs up/down but the user doesn't have any impact that shows up in every post.

I really really like the rep system on this forum....i don't want to do away with or change it....but I was just trying to think of ideas to address the "issue" brought up.
You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

Dicks from both sides do get trashed, but lets be honest here, this board leans right. The right might not be favored over the left, but the majority of posters on here are right leaning. It isn't one sided, but with the board having more right wing active members it would be safe to say left wing members probably get negged more.

The board is a pretty good representative slice of America... America is not a 50/50 split of left and right... The country self-identifies with conservativsm at an almost 2-1 ratio (look it up if you don't believe me), so a slight lean to the right is in perfect keeping with the political leanings of the country...

Sorry that bothers you... Life isn't fair...
so, in your mind, if you have less rep than someone else, even though you have more posts, that is somehow unfair or biased?

I have not seen enough of copsnrobber's posts to know much about them.

I HAVE seen enough of Shitting Bulls posts to know all I need to know about him.

Dude, you don't get it.

Both of them are abrasive posters. copsnrobbers is a total dick. Lakhota whines constantly yet one has a healthy rep/post ratio and the other doesn't.

Pixie has quit and Meister is leaving the forum, and this thread has descended into rep e-dick discussions to prove a point of the cyclic condition of humanity.


They quit because the board has gone down the toilet.

I am suggesting losing the rep function as a way to help heal the board.
cops was ganged negative repped....and those of you who did it should be ashamed...simple as that...

I don't know what happened to cops, but I have been slaughtered a few times. It's all good. I was being a dick at the time and probably deserved it. :lol: I don't know if he was or not as I wasn't there, but sometimes people deserve what they get.

My approach has pretty much been to argue respectfully until someone shows me disrespect and then I have no problem playing their game. If I get neg repped as a result so be it. JMHO
If that's true, and it isn't one-sided as you claim, please explain the copsnrobbers/lakhota rep disparity.

Haven't read much of the former... Does he create thread after thread about how the left wants to take yer guns away and force you to give up religion? Can't say I've seen many of his threads cloging up the "latest" list....

The latter is a dick...

He creates winning threads like these:

Even you knew that should have (to quote Tommy T) "his doom".

Your first post in the thread:

This will not end well for you....

Even though Synthia is a fucking idiot....

When I see those type of thread titles I always cringe........I've always assumed there was a direction given to the mods from up on high to not lock/edit/delete those type of threads since they never go away.
You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

If that's true, and it isn't one-sided as you claim, please explain the copsnrobbers/lakhota rep disparity.
I can.

Copsnrobbers caught on - whines got negs; Lahkota never did - kept whining, kept getting negged.
Dude, you don't get it.

Both of them are abrasive posters. copsnrobbers is a total dick. Lakhota whines constantly yet one has a healthy rep/post ratio and the other doesn't.

Pixie has quit and Meister is leaving the forum, and this thread has descended into rep e-dick discussions to prove a point of the cyclic condition of humanity.


They quit because the board has gone down the toilet.

I am suggesting losing the rep function as a way to help heal the board.

Alternatively, people could act their age instead of their shoe size about rep.
If that's true, and it isn't one-sided as you claim, please explain the copsnrobbers/lakhota rep disparity.

Haven't read much of the former... Does he create thread after thread about how the left wants to take yer guns away and force you to give up religion? Can't say I've seen many of his threads cloging up the "latest" list....

The latter is a dick...

He creates winning threads like these:

Even you knew that should have (to quote Tommy T) "his doom".

Your first post in the thread:

This will not end well for you....

Even though Synthia is a fucking idiot....


And I negged him... Seems the right is capable of policing it's own...

How many times have you negged lakhota? How many times have you pos-repped that dick?
Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

Dicks from both sides do get trashed, but lets be honest here, this board leans right. The right might not be favored over the left, but the majority of posters on here are right leaning. It isn't one sided, but with the board having more right wing active members it would be safe to say left wing members probably get negged more.

The board is a pretty good representative slice of America... America is not a 50/50 split of left and right... The country self-identifies with conservativsm at an almost 2-1 ratio (look it up if you don't believe me), so a slight lean to the right is in perfect keeping with the political leanings of the country...

Sorry that bothers you... Life isn't fair...
Please show me where I said it bothered me?
I was making a statement, sorry if that bothers you. :lol:
I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.

TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

Well I wonder why that could be. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's a blithering idiot who makes the same ludicrous posts with nothing but propaganda over and over now would it?
too many decent posters have been negged for no reason.....and the permaban......when i first got here..that was rarely used...rarely....then suddenly it was happening left and right....

when the board wars started it was just handled poorly all the way around
I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.

TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

Well I wonder why that could be. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's a blithering idiot who makes the same ludicrous posts with nothing but propaganda over and over now would it?

He is trying to make the point TM's rep was declining while someone on the right who would be her equal rep would go up.
Haven't read much of the former... Does he create thread after thread about how the left wants to take yer guns away and force you to give up religion? Can't say I've seen many of his threads cloging up the "latest" list....

The latter is a dick...

He creates winning threads like these:

Even you knew that should have (to quote Tommy T) "his doom".

Your first post in the thread:

This will not end well for you....

Even though Synthia is a fucking idiot....


And I negged him... Seems the right is capable of policing it's own...

How many times have you negged lakhota? How many times have you pos-repped that dick?

Threads like that SHOULD be met with a storm of bipartisan negs. I bet he got enough right wing pos rep for that OP to balance out the negs he got from everyone else.

I don't know how many times I've negged Lakhota. A couple? I pos rep him every now and again. Like once every 2-4 weeks.
TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

Well I wonder why that could be. Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's a blithering idiot who makes the same ludicrous posts with nothing but propaganda over and over now would it?

He is trying to make the point TM's rep was declining while someone on the right who would be her equal rep would go up.

There is really no equal to TM...

Let's be honest...
too many decent posters have been negged for no reason.....and the permaban......when i first got here..that was rarely used...rarely....then suddenly it was happening left and right....

when the board wars started it was just handled poorly all the way around

I guess I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention. Now I do see a lot of BS threads that are nothing but propaganda from one side or the other but I find it's pretty easy to sniff them out and move along to something more interesting. I will say that I have noticed that the threads where there is actually quality discussion going on have decreased in number.
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