Meister Has Left the Building

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LOL! As I said before, what the hell do you need moderators for in the first place? Free speech isn't always pretty or "in the right forum". Save yourselves a lot of misery and do what I've learned to do since 1994, if you don't want to read it, move on and forget about it. Let it fly. It's only words on internet page for chrissake.
Bullsqueeze, man.

I'm not sure article, there are some pretty heavy hitting liberal members of the board who neg rep new conservative members too.....i don't think its just "the conservatives" doing it. (for everyone else notice I didn't say the conservatives were not doing it, just that they weren't alone and its an issue that crosses party lines ;))

I agree that there are lefties that neg rightie noobs. Hell I'm guilty of it at times too.

However, I direct you to the copnrobbers of the board. That guy has eaten all sorts of negs for being legit dick since he's joined yet his rep/post count is quite healthy because there is a contingency of right wingers here who eat up that stuff and pos rep it like it's going out of style.

I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .

I'm serious as a heart attack, Traj. Like I was just saying when I was a mod here rep counts weren't as high and the ability to "neg rep posters into oblivion" just didn't really exist.

Do I think it would entire end the matter or immediately balance the board? Of course not but I think it would go a long ways in making this board more hospitable to new posters.

*shrugs* I am sorry but you want issues to change it appears because, well Art,due to the atmosphere politically I described in the post you quoted of mine- you folks don't have the whip hand anymore. *shrugs*

I will be here 2 years in june, note the date- it was still hopey changey to an extent.... then.......I had the shit beat out of me, for one post in particular, posted by ______ a thread in the general section on a 'golden sammy' someone had made a sadnwhcih of gold for like an insane price......, I was effing brutalized:eusa_shifty: by several, several High rep ( hi rep then was 600- 700) folks of the left ( I had like 10 rep then I think?) becasue I said- I hoped obama woud not buy that sandwhich in the WH....or some lame comment like please, you are being wholly selective I wasn't exactly feeling welcomed ( and that wasn't all, either) so the shit is the same, 2 years the sides have changed and so what? jeez....

On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.

so, in your mind, if you have less rep than someone else, even though you have more posts, that is somehow unfair or biased?

I have not seen enough of copsnrobber's posts to know much about them.

I HAVE seen enough of Shitting Bulls posts to know all I need to know about him.

Dude, you don't get it.

Both of them are abrasive posters. copsnrobbers is a total dick. Lakhota whines constantly yet one has a healthy rep/post ratio and the other doesn't.
I'm not sure article, there are some pretty heavy hitting liberal members of the board who neg rep new conservative members too.....i don't think its just "the conservatives" doing it. (for everyone else notice I didn't say the conservatives were not doing it, just that they weren't alone and its an issue that crosses party lines ;))

I agree that there are lefties that neg rightie noobs. Hell I'm guilty of it at times too.

However, I direct you to the copnrobbers of the board. That guy has eaten all sorts of negs for being legit dick since he's joined yet his rep/post count is quite healthy because there is a contingency of right wingers here who eat up that stuff and pos rep it like it's going out of style.

I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.

TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.
You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

Dicks from both sides do get trashed, but lets be honest here, this board leans right. The right might not be favored over the left, but the majority of posters on here are right leaning. It isn't one sided, but with the board having more right wing active members it would be safe to say left wing members probably get negged more.

Man this has to be an issue of political perspective because I've always felt it was a tiny bit more on the liberal side than conservative side in this place. However it is the closest to center internet forum for politcs, overall, I have been on.
You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

If that's true, and it isn't one-sided as you claim, please explain the copsnrobbers/lakhota rep disparity.

Haven't read much of the former... Does he create thread after thread about how the left wants to take yer guns away and force you to give up religion? Can't say I've seen many of his threads cloging up the "latest" list....

The latter is a dick...
I'm not sure article, there are some pretty heavy hitting liberal members of the board who neg rep new conservative members too.....i don't think its just "the conservatives" doing it. (for everyone else notice I didn't say the conservatives were not doing it, just that they weren't alone and its an issue that crosses party lines ;))

Its all conservatives.

And you are a racist. :eusa_shifty:

:lol: You KNEW that would get you pos rep from me, didn't you? :tongue:

The rep I gave you was the first rep I had given in 21 days... We know its not me negging people. :lol:
who you talking about willis?

i think the modding of alan1 ...shows the admins could care less what board members think



No worries, Bat Boy has everything under control! :eek:
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Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .

I'm serious as a heart attack, Traj. Like I was just saying when I was a mod here rep counts weren't as high and the ability to "neg rep posters into oblivion" just didn't really exist.

Do I think it would entire end the matter or immediately balance the board? Of course not but I think it would go a long ways in making this board more hospitable to new posters.

*shrugs* I am sorry but you want issues to change it appears because, well Art,due to the atmosphere politically I described in the post you quoted of mine- you folks don't have the whip hand anymore. *shrugs*

I will be here 2 years in june, note the date- it was still hopey changey to an extent.... then.......I had the shit beat out of me, for one post in particular, posted by ______ a thread in the general section on a 'golden sammy' someone had made a sadnwhcih of gold for like an insane price......, I was effing brutalized:eusa_shifty: by several, several High rep ( hi rep then was 600- 700) folks of the left ( I had like 10 rep then I think?) becasue I said- I hoped obama woud not buy that sandwhich in the WH....or some lame comment like please, you are being wholly selective I wasn't exactly feeling welcomed ( and that wasn't all, either) so the shit is the same, 2 years the sides have changed and so what? jeez....


Yep, it's happened to me too. Personally I don't care to neg often, certainly not newbies, I tend to give them 'welcome rep' before I even know their POV. I do find it useful once in awhile for TM or someone just going postal. I've also negged self-proclaimed 'conservatives' that are just haters.
Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?

Dicks from both sides do get trashed, but lets be honest here, this board leans right. The right might not be favored over the left, but the majority of posters on here are right leaning. It isn't one sided, but with the board having more right wing active members it would be safe to say left wing members probably get negged more.

Man this has to be an issue of political perspective because I've always felt it was a tiny bit more on the liberal side than conservative side in this place. However it is the closest to center internet forum for politcs, overall, I have been on.

It used to be more liberal, then about a year and half ago it started to lean more right.
copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.

so, in your mind, if you have less rep than someone else, even though you have more posts, that is somehow unfair or biased?

I have not seen enough of copsnrobber's posts to know much about them.

I HAVE seen enough of Shitting Bulls posts to know all I need to know about him.

Dude, you don't get it.

Both of them are abrasive posters. copsnrobbers is a total dick. Lakhota whines constantly yet one has a healthy rep/post ratio and the other doesn't.

Pixie has quit and Meister is leaving the forum, and this thread has descended into rep e-dick discussions to prove a point of the cyclic condition of humanity.

Apparently rep is important to artie..

If it can't be distributed fairly then eliminate it, right artie?

Alinsky would be proud...:lol:

You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

I noticed your rep function is still actived. :smoke:

active/inactive it doesn't matter. All that affects is the colored bars under your rep count as far as I can tell. You can still give and receive reps when it's not "active."
I'm serious as a heart attack, Traj. Like I was just saying when I was a mod here rep counts weren't as high and the ability to "neg rep posters into oblivion" just didn't really exist.

Do I think it would entire end the matter or immediately balance the board? Of course not but I think it would go a long ways in making this board more hospitable to new posters.

*shrugs* I am sorry but you want issues to change it appears because, well Art,due to the atmosphere politically I described in the post you quoted of mine- you folks don't have the whip hand anymore. *shrugs*

I will be here 2 years in june, note the date- it was still hopey changey to an extent.... then.......I had the shit beat out of me, for one post in particular, posted by ______ a thread in the general section on a 'golden sammy' someone had made a sadnwhcih of gold for like an insane price......, I was effing brutalized:eusa_shifty: by several, several High rep ( hi rep then was 600- 700) folks of the left ( I had like 10 rep then I think?) becasue I said- I hoped obama woud not buy that sandwhich in the WH....or some lame comment like please, you are being wholly selective I wasn't exactly feeling welcomed ( and that wasn't all, either) so the shit is the same, 2 years the sides have changed and so what? jeez....


Yep, it's happened to me too. Personally I don't care to neg often, certainly not newbies, I tend to give them 'welcome rep' before I even know their POV. I do find it useful once in awhile for TM or someone just going postal. I've also negged self-proclaimed 'conservatives' that are just haters.

I neg noobs if they're idiots.

And I continue to neg them if they continue to be idiots.
I agree that there are lefties that neg rightie noobs. Hell I'm guilty of it at times too.

However, I direct you to the copnrobbers of the board. That guy has eaten all sorts of negs for being legit dick since he's joined yet his rep/post count is quite healthy because there is a contingency of right wingers here who eat up that stuff and pos rep it like it's going out of style.

I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.

TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

I never rep TM one way or the other so I don't really notice...hell i just realized because of this thread I have exceeded 900, didn't even know :lol:

Did you see my draconian suggestion on one way to fix the problem.....eliminate the negative rep function (i don't like it but it would eliminate the problem being brought up at this point in the thread)
I did notice that. I also notice happens to some people on "the left" like truthmatters who shouldn't have any rep if anyone on either side is assessing her honestly, but it keeps going up.

TM's rep has been in slow decline for a while now.

I never rep TM one way or the other so I don't really notice...hell i just realized because of this thread I have exceeded 900, didn't even know :lol:

Did you see my draconian suggestion on one way to fix the problem.....eliminate the negative rep function (i don't like it but it would eliminate the problem being brought up at this point in the thread)

I disagree. Either keep rep or get rid of it. Personally I like when there's just a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Apparently rep is important to artie..

If it can't be distributed fairly then eliminate it, right artie?

Alinsky would be proud...:lol:

You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.

Sorry, artie... Dicks of all political leanings get trashed by the opposite side, and some by their own side... To claim it is one-sided just shows how unobjective you really are...

Tell me how much respect should be given a noob who comes in creating thread after thread about how the right wants to kill your puppies, throw children in the streets, and wants 30 bajillion people to lose their healthcare? Probably the same respect you give birther noobs, right?
*shrugs* I am sorry but you want issues to change it appears because, well Art,due to the atmosphere politically I described in the post you quoted of mine- you folks don't have the whip hand anymore. *shrugs*

I will be here 2 years in june, note the date- it was still hopey changey to an extent.... then.......I had the shit beat out of me, for one post in particular, posted by ______ a thread in the general section on a 'golden sammy' someone had made a sadnwhcih of gold for like an insane price......, I was effing brutalized:eusa_shifty: by several, several High rep ( hi rep then was 600- 700) folks of the left ( I had like 10 rep then I think?) becasue I said- I hoped obama woud not buy that sandwhich in the WH....or some lame comment like please, you are being wholly selective I wasn't exactly feeling welcomed ( and that wasn't all, either) so the shit is the same, 2 years the sides have changed and so what? jeez....


Yep, it's happened to me too. Personally I don't care to neg often, certainly not newbies, I tend to give them 'welcome rep' before I even know their POV. I do find it useful once in awhile for TM or someone just going postal. I've also negged self-proclaimed 'conservatives' that are just haters.

I neg noobs if they're idiots.

And I continue to neg them if they continue to be idiots.

If I don't care for a new poster, I just scroll by. See no reason for behavior modification of new posters by negging. It doesn't work.
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