Meister Has Left the Building

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Thanks to you and PixieStix, Meister, for the heads up. I can completely relate to your reasoning. The positions of Mods. and Admins. has to take it's toll, for it couldn't be enjoyable for anyone other than a weak bully who needs to feel power, or a voyeur, or someone needing to control, for very long.

The main reason I frequent this forum is the comparative absence of annoyance by moderators who are frustrated high-school hallway monitors. Let's hope it stays that way.
Apparently rep is important to artie..

If it can't be distributed fairly then eliminate it, right artie?

Alinsky would be proud...:lol:

You are purposely missing the point, House. This is about a place being a hornets nest towards new members of a certain political bent. Like it or not, so long as the rep function exists it is part of the board perception.

I couldn't care less about rep in and of itself. Mine could be zeroed five minutes ago and it wouldn't matter a lick to me.
On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

Yea, but... you have to admit... there are a few posters on here who deliberately neg the crap out of newbies. I've said it before... it happened to me... with GayBikerBoy... he used to neg me and gloat that his rep was so high that it was pointless for me to return it. He was right, of course. I didn't return it.... until mine was double his... then, oh hell yea... I returned it.

Generally, I dislike the whole 'neg the newbie' mentality.... and I'm as likely to neg a right wing idiot as a left wing idiot. I'm quite bipartisan with my negs. :lol:
well this sounds like where I may have to jump in with some clarification and questions-

a) how do you know they are negged into oblivion? what is oblivion?

b) I was negged by some heavy hitters too in my first weeks....dude, its the friggin internet.

c) how are mods or admin supposed to deal with that? reveiw every single complaint of a neg? you know thats just not possible.

d) welcomed with open arms... what is that? what does it look like, can you describe what this or means in context of the board? I don't even get what you are insinuating here.

Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .
When I joined in 2009, the big rep numbers belong to left-leaning posters. Now, it is the other way. No doubt it will go back. And, it will reverse after that.

I can handle cycling...I have nothing against sine waves. ;)
I did not leave as admin because of a right left thing in my mind, I left because most of you need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves how freaking old you are, and how far are you willing to go to get your shits and giggles and hungry you are to control others, but not yourselves

Many of you turned down my request to be an moderator, so you guys have no right to say anything about my choices for mods, nor did you know how bad it really got for Meister or myself. I tell you all, and you know who you are, to take a flying leap and kiss my ass. It is your guys fault, not DanK. I stayed as long as I did, for Meister. We spoke on the phone and had the same idea of leaving at the same time. I feel better as most of you should, you got your way. Thanks for nothing

I am sorry danK, that the past mods of this forum has made it difficult for all concerned.

"Many of you turned down my request to be [a] moderator . . . . "

Well you never asked ME!


Smart woman!

Sorry to see you step aside. I hope you still stick around to comment on the topics once in a while, though.

Thanks to you and PixieStix, Meister, for the heads up. I can completely relate to your reasoning. The positions of Mods. and Admins. has to take it's toll, for it couldn't be enjoyable for anyone other than a weak bully who needs to feel power, or a voyeur, or someone needing to control, for very long.

The main reason I frequent this forum is the comparative absence of annoyance by moderators who are frustrated high-school hallway monitors. Let's hope it stays that way.
THAT is the key.....
copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

Yea, but... you have to admit... there are a few posters on here who deliberately neg the crap out of newbies. I've said it before... it happened to me... with GayBikerBoy... he used to neg me and gloat that his rep was so high that it was pointless for me to return it. He was right, of course. I didn't return it.... until mine was double his... then, oh hell yea... I returned it.

Generally, I dislike the whole 'neg the newbie' mentality.... and I'm as likely to neg a right wing idiot as a left wing idiot. I'm quite bipartisan with my negs. :lol:

And you're as likely to neg for no reason at all, too!

That's because you're a little bit daft, dear.

On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

To an extent, yes, I agree however as rep counts have naturally inflated over time the function has more and more become a tool/weapon/whatever that can be used to pile on people, especially new posters.

When I first started posting here 100 was "big rep". That just isn't the case anymore. I think it's run it's course here.

Thanks to you and PixieStix, Meister, for the heads up. I can completely relate to your reasoning. The positions of Mods. and Admins. has to take it's toll, for it couldn't be enjoyable for anyone other than a weak bully who needs to feel power, or a voyeur, or someone needing to control, for very long.

The main reason I frequent this forum is the comparative absence of annoyance by moderators who are frustrated high-school hallway monitors. Let's hope it stays that way.
THAT is the key.....

That is "A" key. Another key is that there needs to be a control of oversight in place.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

Yea, but... you have to admit... there are a few posters on here who deliberately neg the crap out of newbies. I've said it before... it happened to me... with GayBikerBoy... he used to neg me and gloat that his rep was so high that it was pointless for me to return it. He was right, of course. I didn't return it.... until mine was double his... then, oh hell yea... I returned it.

Generally, I dislike the whole 'neg the newbie' mentality.... and I'm as likely to neg a right wing idiot as a left wing idiot. I'm quite bipartisan with my negs. :lol:

And you're as likely to neg for no reason at all, too!

That's because you're a little bit daft, dear.

Who ISN'T a bit daft, here or anywhere?

It's the type of daft and whether it jibes with YOUR type of daft that matters. :)
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

Yea, but... you have to admit... there are a few posters on here who deliberately neg the crap out of newbies. I've said it before... it happened to me... with GayBikerBoy... he used to neg me and gloat that his rep was so high that it was pointless for me to return it. He was right, of course. I didn't return it.... until mine was double his... then, oh hell yea... I returned it.

Generally, I dislike the whole 'neg the newbie' mentality.... and I'm as likely to neg a right wing idiot as a left wing idiot. I'm quite bipartisan with my negs. :lol:

And you're as likely to neg for no reason at all, too!

That's because you're a little bit daft, dear.


I always have a reason.... sometimes it is not apparent to the idiot on the receiving end... and sometimes, I do it just for the craic of it... even to people I often agree with. In fairness, the clue is on my tag....'tricky bitch'. I just have a slightly off the hook sense of humor. Not my problem if people don't get it.
Speaking of rep, when I first started posting here I posed as a Muslim poster, I got negged the fuck out. It would seem Muslims have it harder than the Liberals.:D

Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

my solution is simpler. Don't come in and act like a dick, and you won't piss people off to a point where they neg you into oblivion.

Oh and you don't act like a dick? That's priceless. :lol: Why don't you stop giving advice, I'm not sure anyone would value it.

I give what I get, witless bitch.
copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

To an extent, yes, I agree however as rep counts have naturally inflated over time the function has more and more become a tool/weapon/whatever that can be used to pile on people, especially new posters.

When I first started posting here 100 was "big rep". That just isn't the case anymore. I think it's run it's course here.
Ah, yes...the exponential nature of rep increases or decreases.

You have a point, too.

Maybe a compromise might work...decrease rep by an index multiplier. Maybe 10.

Of course, there might be unforseen consequenses, but it looks like a good fit initially.
Meister and I have come to the same conclusion at the same time. I too am done

Just letting everyone know that I will not be a moderator or a poster on this board any longer.

It has nothing to do with the way Pixie has run this board, as I think she has done a great job considering the way she was treated and talked about by several members of this board.

This board has become more about cliques and witchhunts than it has about the issues. It seems that several members want to dictate how this board is run and moderated, so, by all means step and and walk the walk.

Now I am confused. First I though Gunny was Admin/Owner of the board. Guess he is not. Second, if Pixie was Admin and now she is not, who is the admin? If admin is not the owner, then who owns the board?

Either way godspeed to both of you, didn't have too much interaction with either, but still wish you the best nonetheless!
well this sounds like where I may have to jump in with some clarification and questions-

a) how do you know they are negged into oblivion? what is oblivion?

b) I was negged by some heavy hitters too in my first weeks....dude, its the friggin internet.

c) how are mods or admin supposed to deal with that? reveiw every single complaint of a neg? you know thats just not possible.

d) welcomed with open arms... what is that? what does it look like, can you describe what this or means in context of the board? I don't even get what you are insinuating here.

Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .

I'm serious as a heart attack, Traj. Like I was just saying when I was a mod here rep counts weren't as high and the ability to "neg rep posters into oblivion" just didn't really exist.

Do I think it would entire end the matter or immediately balance the board? Of course not but I think it would go a long ways in making this board more hospitable to new posters.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

my solution is simpler. Don't come in and act like a dick, and you won't piss people off to a point where they neg you into oblivion.

Board reality doesn't work that way.

New right wingers who act like dicks get showered with pos rep unless they posting overt racist garbage.

New left wingers who act like dicks eat neg after neg.

Get rid of the function.

patently untrue.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.

To an extent, yes, I agree however as rep counts have naturally inflated over time the function has more and more become a tool/weapon/whatever that can be used to pile on people, especially new posters.

When I first started posting here 100 was "big rep". That just isn't the case anymore. I think it's run it's course here.
Ah, yes...the exponential nature of rep increases or decreases.

You have a point, too.

Maybe a compromise might work...decrease rep by an index multiplier. Maybe 10.

Of course, there might be unforseen consequenses, but it looks like a good fit initially.
LOL. Just call me Greenspan or Bernanke. Feels like a fed adjustment.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.
On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.

remind me to explain why the present disparate impact is horsehockey to you when this is over.
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