Meister Has Left the Building

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I do hope someone bans you, because the only reason you continue to post is that you get paid. You make me sick. I tried to help you, but like a lot of members here you are selfish and egotistical, to the point of being completely irrelevant

I assume she gets paid by some right wing organization to make the left look stupid. If so, she really does her job well. :lol:

She was banned, isn't that enough for you? I highly doubt anyone gets paid for this bullshit.

Depends on how long the ban lasts. :lol:
Causing Pain is working with English as a Second Language, maybe even a poor Language Translator. Maybe even from a Cave. :D
I wrote that one off as not having anything to offer when I saw this:
But mocking rape is ok because it's satirical.

Not for me but apparently, it is for the amoral.

I totally support your observation here and condemning this lacking of moral sensibility. Speaking for myself as a 5 time recovering Rape Victim.
As I always welcome any support in my recovery from many years ago. I was a free floating party crasher, and made the round when I could.
During this activity I saw many hot chick running around, and a few knew who I was, or other girls let know. You see I had 3 roommates all girls,
and yes I did not have to share my bathroom. I don’t know why to this day, 3 girls over two years raped me. And I could not stop them as I had
very low morals. What can I say…I’m just sick.

I totally support your observation here and condemning this lacking of moral sensibility about this girls current and future PAIN! .
Cut dick off each of them, send into general population with a big tattoo of “Child Molester” on their back. Immoral solutions to
deal with amoral rape thugs! And if you 3 girls that raped me are reading this, my morals are still very weak on fighting you off.

Nothing to see, and I move along. Well, scroll along. ;)

Please wait, it gets better.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.
On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.

The math tells me Lahkota is an extremist, anti-American piece of shit.

This is an American political board. It makes perfect sense that he would have a difficult time accumulating rep.

You only have the rep you have because you abused the system.

Extremist assholes have a hard time getting support. That's the way it is. You can boo hoo to the bank with it.
I wish all were welcome.

Lets hope that is the direction for now on no matter what people believe

I do hope someone bans you, because the only reason you continue to post is that you get paid. You make me sick. I tried to help you, but like a lot of members here you are selfish and egotistical, to the point of being completely irrelevant

I assume she gets paid by some right wing organization to make the left look stupid. If so, she really does her job well. :lol:

She lacks the intelligence to make anyone but her sad, sorry self look stupid. If she isn't posting from a mental hospital, she should be.
I envision TM sitting on the floor, rocking, crying, snot running down her chin, bapping herself on her head over and over.

And Arty in the next room, wrapped in a straight jacket, flinging himself repeatedly against the door and screaming obscenities until he collapses in an exhausted heap, where he mutters obscenities until he passes out.
Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.
On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

copsnrobbers (100% right wing dick) and Lakhota. Excellent examples.

copsnrobbers: posts 883, rep count 58

Lakhota: posts 6590, rep count 135

Do the math.
I see your point, but if they care about rep, that's their problem.

It doesn't mean shit except that you have some number.

Ask yourself this, Art. If rep bothers a poster so much that they leave the board, would you say their skin is thin?

I would.

We'll make their thin skin a given. So, secondly, if we didn't have the rep, their thin skin still exists and they WILL get flamed on that, here. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm saying that the thin skinned will be driven off eventually whether there is rep or not.

That's the way I see it playing out. Just an opinion.
On the other hand, if they take rep so seriously, this place isn't for them because we currently have rep.

It's just out of principle. The responsibility of their leaving because of rep falls just as much on them for taking it so seriously, maybe more.

Either way - keeping rep or not - I'm ok with it.

And, a lot of those who got "negged into oblivion" got negged mostly for the whines about negs - my observation. Two examples from both left and right sides right off the top of my head - Copsnrobbers and Lahkota. Both very whiny about rep.

The thin-skinned will not last here. If negs are gone, the flames will take them out. Just saying.

Speaking of rep, when I first started posting here I posed as a Muslim poster, I got negged the fuck out. It would seem Muslims have it harder than the Liberals.:D
LOL. You did? Was your username different, too? I don't remember that.

Anyway, you're far from thin-skinned, though.

Bottom line, it's the thin skin that folks have - they drive themselves away.

That's my observation. Doesn't mean I'm right, but it's a occam's razor-style explanation.

Nah I used the same username, I told Two Thumbs about it when I first started here, I didn't do it very long like a day or 2, I learned alot I will tell you that.
This is now a place where any new liberal gets negged into oblivion and any new right wing nut is welcomed with open arms.

Way to go, guy.


well this sounds like where I may have to jump in with some clarification and questions-

a) how do you know they are negged into oblivion? what is oblivion?

b) I was negged by some heavy hitters too in my first weeks....dude, its the friggin internet.

c) how are mods or admin supposed to deal with that? reveiw every single complaint of a neg? you know thats just not possible.

d) welcomed with open arms... what is that? what does it look like, can you describe what this or means in context of the board? I don't even get what you are insinuating here.

Objectively pay attention to the rep count of noobs and their political bent, Traj. It isn't hard to see.

This is about a welcome mat being laid out for one side and a "you're not welcome" one for the other.

My solution is simple, eliminate the rep function.

Art...are you serious? really?

you mean like the 'biddy committee' gunny once spoke about? you were a mod then weren't you?...what was the haps then? without giving anyting away, the feeling was there was ladies club and they were repping each other ....and what happened there?

were you up for killing rep then?

and the not welcome? I ask again what is that and how do you know this?

what constitutes it?

what becasue people of alike of ideas rep each other there is some warp of the system you think needs fixing by killing the mechanism altogether? so what if we counted repo for every rep given by a amber form the left we would allow one form the right...would that help?

I will tell you a secret amigo- even if we killed rep here ( and guess what? I articulated that idea before you did....yup, ask Pixie) it would not in the end matter...because its the friggin internet, if this bitch goes way, along comes another.

and in the end? heres what its really all about imho- I was a Mod at a site in the late bush years and he was getting hammered to death, rightly or wrongly stupid real or some he deserved some, he didn't....the "balance' seemed overwhelmingly in the lefts favor, becasue BUSH was in the WH so there was no one else to attack..see how that works?, the worm has turned..of course its seems like more righties have crawled out of the woodwork, the election year jitters are here and there is a real chance the present occupant may not make

its cyclical, as the Mod there, I heard EXACTLY the same from the right ....."the left was invading"," they never shut up", "its all stupid shit", "they have taken over" "the site aint what it used to be"" the mods are biased becasue of the imbalance" etc. was the biggy...sound familiar? etc etc etc etc etc etc .
Just wondering, how did this thread of all threads turn into a liesmatters, left or right thing?????

Pix and Meister both did fine jobs and ill miss them.

Yea, I found that amusing.... she has a habit of making it all about her. I'm sure that, in that space between her ears, this is an achievement that she's taking credit for. Just shows how moronic she is.
I do hope someone bans you, because the only reason you continue to post is that you get paid. You make me sick. I tried to help you, but like a lot of members here you are selfish and egotistical, to the point of being completely irrelevant

I assume she gets paid by some right wing organization to make the left look stupid. If so, she really does her job well. :lol:

She lacks the intelligence to make anyone but her sad, sorry self look stupid. If she isn't posting from a mental hospital, she should be.

She needs to be posting from the drunk tank or rehab.
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