Mel Gibson Using Racial Slur with Ex

it directly contradicts your you see it, but can't admit you'r wrong

got it

Yea see, this is why I didn't respond to it.

You have to be sub-moronic to provide an example of a man agreeing with you, and calling it a trend. It's so stupid that it doesn't even merit a response.

In the real world, I rap. OK? I'm a rapper.

I know all of the nuances of the black community, I'm in it, I work in it. I know exactly how "Nigga" is used, and also know that there's no trend of "******" being used amongst the community. This goes for black people in my life, black people in the entire music industry, black people in movies, and black comedians. You can't show a trend of the opposite, because one doesn't exist. Admitting I'm wrong here would be calling water fire.

i never said it was a trend....

you claimed:

I've never heard a single of my many black friends say Nig%er. They say Nig6a, with an A at the end, which if you knew anything about Ebonics then you'd know that they're two totally different words, with two totally different meanings. IE, no, they don't call each other that.

Do you have black friends, who use Nigg (er) ? 99.999% likely not

and zona agreed with you

the video is in now way shape or form talking about .001% of blacks, no one would make comedy/political speech like that for a mere .001%....further, the video title has all three words meaning the same thing

FACT is....many do use that term and you are apprently way out of touch, you can also see by the audience's reaction that they agreed with him and by some of the comments as well....

who knows, maybe you are just making shit up

Yea, basically you're wrong. What else can I say?

Post some songs lyrics with them referring to each other as ******. Some, any.

I'll post 1, 000 with nigga.

Sorry, you can't change reality to fit a goofy assed argument.
So what you're saying is, it would be ok if Mel had said "Nigga." Maybe he did say that and he is just being misquoted.

There is no situation where a white person can say any version of that word without it being offensive.

Get it?

Kindly tell me what words blacks aren't allowed to use.

Oh wait, that would be RACIST. Blacks can say any fucking thing they want!

Including honky, cracker, white-ass bitch (my favorite as it's been directed at me).

Mel was an asshole for what he said. Is it racist? Who gives a fuck. I don't think he was thinking, "I'm going to use this opportunity when I'm acting like an idiot to make a point about what I think of blacks". I think he was trying to be offensive and he was.

Big fucking deal. People spend so much time on this shit they let the big stuff go right by.
So what you're saying is, it would be ok if Mel had said "Nigga." Maybe he did say that and he is just being misquoted.

There is no situation where a white person can say any version of that word without it being offensive.

Get it?

Kindly tell me what words blacks aren't allowed to use.

Oh wait, that would be RACIST. Blacks can say any fucking thing they want!

Including honky, cracker, white-ass bitch (my favorite as it's been directed at me).

Mel was an asshole for what he said. Is it racist? Who gives a fuck. I don't think he was thinking, "I'm going to use this opportunity when I'm acting like an idiot to make a point about what I think of blacks". I think he was trying to be offensive and he was.

Big fucking deal. People spend so much time on this shit they let the big stuff go right by.

You can say whatever the fuck words you want. People can be offended if they fucking want. People can be not offended if they fucking want. Make your own fucking bed. Nobody's telling you what you can and can't say................go the fuck for it. Just because people are offended by whatever, isn't anyone telling you don't do it. You've got every right to be offensive or non offensive or whatever the fuck you want to be.
There is no situation where a white person can say any version of that word without it being offensive.

Get it?

Kindly tell me what words blacks aren't allowed to use.

Oh wait, that would be RACIST. Blacks can say any fucking thing they want!

Including honky, cracker, white-ass bitch (my favorite as it's been directed at me).

Mel was an asshole for what he said. Is it racist? Who gives a fuck. I don't think he was thinking, "I'm going to use this opportunity when I'm acting like an idiot to make a point about what I think of blacks". I think he was trying to be offensive and he was.

Big fucking deal. People spend so much time on this shit they let the big stuff go right by.

You can say whatever the fuck words you want. People can be offended if they fucking want. People can be not offended if they fucking want. Make your own fucking bed. Nobody's telling you what you can and can't say................go the fuck for it. Just because people are offended by whatever, isn't anyone telling you don't do it. You've got every right to be offensive or non offensive or whatever the fuck you want to be.

Er..thank you for the permission. But I didn't need it, I already say what I want. My point was in response to dumshit saying "it's never okay for whites to say ******".
Kindly tell me what words blacks aren't allowed to use.

Oh wait, that would be RACIST. Blacks can say any fucking thing they want!

Including honky, cracker, white-ass bitch (my favorite as it's been directed at me).

Mel was an asshole for what he said. Is it racist? Who gives a fuck. I don't think he was thinking, "I'm going to use this opportunity when I'm acting like an idiot to make a point about what I think of blacks". I think he was trying to be offensive and he was.

Big fucking deal. People spend so much time on this shit they let the big stuff go right by.

You can say whatever the fuck words you want. People can be offended if they fucking want. People can be not offended if they fucking want. Make your own fucking bed. Nobody's telling you what you can and can't say................go the fuck for it. Just because people are offended by whatever, isn't anyone telling you don't do it. You've got every right to be offensive or non offensive or whatever the fuck you want to be.

Er..thank you for the permission. But I didn't need it, I already say what I want. My point was in response to dumshit saying "it's never okay for whites to say ******".

That's her opinion, and it's quite the popular one. She's entitled to it.
Yea see, this is why I didn't respond to it.

You have to be sub-moronic to provide an example of a man agreeing with you, and calling it a trend. It's so stupid that it doesn't even merit a response.

In the real world, I rap. OK? I'm a rapper.

I know all of the nuances of the black community, I'm in it, I work in it. I know exactly how "Nigga" is used, and also know that there's no trend of "******" being used amongst the community. This goes for black people in my life, black people in the entire music industry, black people in movies, and black comedians. You can't show a trend of the opposite, because one doesn't exist. Admitting I'm wrong here would be calling water fire.

i never said it was a trend....

you claimed:

Do you have black friends, who use Nigg (er) ? 99.999% likely not

and zona agreed with you

the video is in now way shape or form talking about .001% of blacks, no one would make comedy/political speech like that for a mere .001%....further, the video title has all three words meaning the same thing

FACT is....many do use that term and you are apprently way out of touch, you can also see by the audience's reaction that they agreed with him and by some of the comments as well....

who knows, maybe you are just making shit up

Yea, basically you're wrong. What else can I say?

Post some songs lyrics with them referring to each other as ******. Some, any.

I'll post 1, 000 with nigga.

Sorry, you can't change reality to fit a goofy assed argument.

no are saying the black comedian is wrong...and you're saying his audience is wrong....and you're saying some of the comments following the video are wrong

i think its clear to anyone who is honest that you're full of shit and can't admit you are wrong

just admit that many do in fact say ******, not all, but certainly a much greater proportion than you .001%
i never said it was a trend....

you claimed:

and zona agreed with you

the video is in now way shape or form talking about .001% of blacks, no one would make comedy/political speech like that for a mere .001%....further, the video title has all three words meaning the same thing

FACT is....many do use that term and you are apprently way out of touch, you can also see by the audience's reaction that they agreed with him and by some of the comments as well....

who knows, maybe you are just making shit up

Yea, basically you're wrong. What else can I say?

Post some songs lyrics with them referring to each other as ******. Some, any.

I'll post 1, 000 with nigga.

Sorry, you can't change reality to fit a goofy assed argument.

no are saying the black comedian is wrong...and you're saying his audience is wrong....and you're saying some of the comments following the video are wrong

i think its clear to anyone who is honest that you're full of shit and can't admit you are wrong

just admit that many do in fact say ******, not all, but certainly a much greater proportion than you .001%

Yea no.
So what you're saying is, it would be ok if Mel had said "Nigga." Maybe he did say that and he is just being misquoted.

There is no situation where a white person can say any version of that word without it being offensive.

Get it?

So what. There's a little something called freedom of speech, people can say whatever the fuck they want, regardless if someone's feelings are hurt. Just about anything anyone says could be considered offensive.
I think the left should run on the platform that saying niggah is cool.
Ravi, I nominate you as the #1 candidate.
You can say whatever the fuck words you want. People can be offended if they fucking want. People can be not offended if they fucking want. Make your own fucking bed. Nobody's telling you what you can and can't say................go the fuck for it. Just because people are offended by whatever, isn't anyone telling you don't do it. You've got every right to be offensive or non offensive or whatever the fuck you want to be.

Er..thank you for the permission. But I didn't need it, I already say what I want. My point was in response to dumshit saying "it's never okay for whites to say ******".

That's her opinion, and it's quite the popular one. She's entitled to it.

Did I say she wasn't?
You may now join her in the dumbshit line.

I spelled dumbshit right this time.
The last one was a typo, of course. I would never make such a dumass mistake.

Er..thank you for the permission. But I didn't need it, I already say what I want. My point was in response to dumshit saying "it's never okay for whites to say ******".

That's her opinion, and it's quite the popular one. She's entitled to it.

Did I say she wasn't?
You may now join her in the dumbshit line.

I spelled dumbshit right this time.
The last one was a typo, of course. I would never make such a dumass mistake.



My logic is that if the considered it a slur they wouldn't call each other it, or defend those who do. Therefor, it's NOT a slur and instead is just a word, and since we are equal under the law, we are aren't we? , I have as much right to the word as they do.

Your logic is that it isn't a slur, because they call each other that, even though historically and culturally it was solidified it as a slur by people not of that race directing it at them?

Aren't you actually just making it a slur again because you're using it to refer to a minority in a term that is culturally and historically a very naughty word?

You actually have a valid point there, except that those blacks who use it claim they are using it in a non offensive way, so maybe so am i...Another thing that weakens your argument is that some blacks, like zona, claim that no black actually says ******. I mean they can't even get their stories straight.

Except I think we've established here that you're not black, since you complain that they get 'N-word privileges' in the first place to say between themselves. See, this is where it becomes a slur again, because does this mean since they use it it's a slur? No, because they can't be racist against their own race (unless they're Dave Chapelle), but if you start using it, yeah then its offensive again.
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So what you're saying is, it would be ok if Mel had said "Nigga." Maybe he did say that and he is just being misquoted.

There is no situation where a white person can say any version of that word without it being offensive.

Get it?

Kindly tell me what words blacks aren't allowed to use.

Oh wait, that would be RACIST. Blacks can say any fucking thing they want!

Including honky, cracker, white-ass bitch (my favorite as it's been directed at me).

Mel was an asshole for what he said. Is it racist? Who gives a fuck. I don't think he was thinking, "I'm going to use this opportunity when I'm acting like an idiot to make a point about what I think of blacks". I think he was trying to be offensive and he was.

Big fucking deal. People spend so much time on this shit they let the big stuff go right by.

Blacks or whites are ALLOWED to say anything they want. Its a question of whether those words are offensive or not and or the repercussions of those in point, ol Mel here.

No one is physically stopped from saying anything. No one.

Still dont get it? The reason why you dont give a fuck if mel is a racist is because it doesnt affect you in any way. I understand that. So be it. You move on, we will continue to call out racists.

Speaking of that, see below.

PS. Honkey? What fucking year do you live in?
Not honkEY, honky.

I live in the real world. You don't have more than a passing acquaintance with it, zoner.

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