Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security
Who would want to live in the hood house after brarry and family funked it up.
I was just about to open this very thread.
Being me, if I were Donald and Melania Trump, I would feel AWFUL about how disruptive my presence is in the middle of 5th Avenue, how it must be killing business in the shops in Trump Tower, the massive amount of security personnel that are required to be on duty.
I was thinking how happy NYC will be to have the family move to D.C. in January.
But no, and Melania apparently has no feeling of guilt about doubling the amount of security and cost so she and Barron can stay in Trump Tower, so he doesn't have to change schools. Don't get me wrong, I was feeling bad for the kid--it's a hard age to have to switch schools and become First Kid all at once. But he's a Trump, so no snowflake behavior for him, right?
I think they should reconsider this one. It is going to be not only a massive ongoing traffic and personnel headache for the NYPD, it is going to spend untold needless tax payer dollars.
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.
What did you expect? The kid's in school.
I was just about to open this very thread.
Being me, if I were Donald and Melania Trump, I would feel AWFUL about how disruptive my presence is in the middle of 5th Avenue, how it must be killing business in the shops in Trump Tower, the massive amount of security personnel that are required to be on duty.
I was thinking how happy NYC will be to have the family move to D.C. in January.
But no, and Melania apparently has no feeling of guilt about doubling the amount of security and cost so she and Barron can stay in Trump Tower, so he doesn't have to change schools. Don't get me wrong, I was feeling bad for the kid--it's a hard age to have to switch schools and become First Kid all at once. But he's a Trump, so no snowflake behavior for him, right?
I think they should reconsider this one. It is going to be not only a massive ongoing traffic and personnel headache for the NYPD, it is going to spend untold needless tax payer dollars.
Old lady, the article is plausible, but the Post has been wrong before. As for the effect on the Secret Service budget, there are those who wouldn't give the expense a thought. Actually, I'm not sure Melania is very enthused about the job. The loss of freedom is the tradeoff, and she doesn't seem happy about it. I suspect the daughter will pick up much of the FLOTUS protocols, which is even more of a security expense. Whatever, this is the least of America's qualms about a Trump Presidency.
I was just about to open this very thread.
Being me, if I were Donald and Melania Trump, I would feel AWFUL about how disruptive my presence is in the middle of 5th Avenue, how it must be killing business in the shops in Trump Tower, the massive amount of security personnel that are required to be on duty.
I was thinking how happy NYC will be to have the family move to D.C. in January.
But no, and Melania apparently has no feeling of guilt about doubling the amount of security and cost so she and Barron can stay in Trump Tower, so he doesn't have to change schools. Don't get me wrong, I was feeling bad for the kid--it's a hard age to have to switch schools and become First Kid all at once. But he's a Trump, so no snowflake behavior for him, right?
I think they should reconsider this one. It is going to be not only a massive ongoing traffic and personnel headache for the NYPD, it is going to spend untold needless tax payer dollars.
Old lady, the article is plausible, but the Post has been wrong before. As for the effect on the Secret Service budget, there are those who wouldn't give the expense a thought. Actually, I'm not sure Melania is very enthused about the job. The loss of freedom is the tradeoff, and she doesn't seem happy about it. I suspect the daughter will pick up much of the FLOTUS protocols, which is even more of a security expense. Whatever, this is the least of America's qualms about a Trump Presidency.
I hope the Post IS wrong about this, but tbh, I've been wondering if Trump would even move there. Something like "downsizing" for them.
A lot of the "qualms" about a Trump presidency are speculation at this point, with a lot of partisan bellyaching thrown in. If this decision is true, the millions of dollars and undue disruption of NYC shouldn't be the "least" of American's qualms. It shows sheer selfishness and disregard for how their lifestyles impact everyone else.
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House | New York Post

I think the monetary considerations are really silly given the amount of money spent each year by this government. That said, I also think it is a bad decision by the Trumps.

They are disrespecting the office by not being residence of the White House. Living as the first family in the White House is an honor and should be cherished and recognized as such. American citizens see the first family as a representatives of the country and living in 2 separate residences does not project the right message. As for Barron, if I were his father I would never consider allowing my son not to have the experience of living in the White House.

The message to me- we are to good to live in that old house.
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House | New York Post

I think the monetary considerations are really silly given the amount of money spent each year by this government. That said, I also think it is a bad decision by the Trumps.

They are disrespecting the office by not being residence of the White House. Living as the first family in the White House is an honor and should be cherished and recognized as such. American citizens see the first family as a representatives of the country and living in 2 separate residences does not project the right message. As for Barron, if I were his father I would never consider allowing my son not to have the experience of living in the White House.

The message to me- we are to good to live in that old house.
Oh good grief. He's only going to take a dollar a year while in office, does that send a negative message to you too?
And the rubes in flyover trailer park country will be paying for all the extra security

The decision to remain in their Midtown home will increase the security presence around Trump Tower — an effort that will involve both Secret Service and the NYPD, an expert familiar with high-level security told The Post.

“That building is going to become the White House of New York,” said Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of TigerSwan, a global security company based in North Carolina.

Barron and Melania will each have an unknown number of Secret Service agents assigned to them in addition to a driver and armored vehicle to take Barron to school, Reese said. An advance team of agents will swoop down on the school each morning to make sure it’s safe, he added.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House | New York Post

I think the monetary considerations are really silly given the amount of money spent each year by this government. That said, I also think it is a bad decision by the Trumps.

They are disrespecting the office by not being residence of the White House. Living as the first family in the White House is an honor and should be cherished and recognized as such. American citizens see the first family as a representatives of the country and living in 2 separate residences does not project the right message. As for Barron, if I were his father I would never consider allowing my son not to have the experience of living in the White House.

The message to me- we are to good to live in that old house.
Oh good grief. He's only going to take a dollar a year while in office, does that send a negative message to you too?

That's a strange correlation. But now that you mention it, it does seem he is saying "I don't need your money or your old house". I voted for the guy, actually I voted against the bulldyke, but I am still going to call him out when I disagree with his decisions.
Good thing we didn't elect one of those East Coast Elitist types like Hilary.
I guess the White House is beneath them.
Or maybe the kid doesn't feel comfortable. He's picky from what I've read.

Where did you read that? Link please.

I guess the White House is beneath them.
Or maybe the kid doesn't feel comfortable. He's picky from what I've read.

Where did you read that? Link please.
Barron is not like most kids who have a bedroom located in the main house. He has an entire floor to himself in the Trump penthouse in Manhattan. His parents allow him to decorate his living area the way that he wants. He loves helicopters and airplanes, and he has decorated his entire floor with the. The only place that you won’t find helicopters and airplanes are on his bedding. He prefers his covers to be clean and white.

You would expect a kid like Barron Trump to have plenty of friends, and he does. According to his mother he has playdates very often with other children. He does, however, enjoy spending time playing alone. His mother says that he will sit alone in his living area for hours playing with Legos and Magna Tiles. He also loves to draw and build large scale models. Unlike most parents, Barrons’s mother and father never hear him complaining that he is bored. He can always find something to do to keep his busy.

Many people in Barron’s life believe that his is the most like his father. He doesn’t like to wear sweatpants, and he prefers to wear a suit just like Donald. Donald’s longtime butler, Anthony Senecal, recalls a time when Barron was just a bit younger than three years old, and he acted just like his father. Senecal says that Barron was sitting in his high chair having breakfast when he saw Senecal. He looked at him and said, “Tony, sit down. We need to talk.”

He says that it was very similar to the way that Donald approached him when he needed to discuss something. His mother, Melania, calls Barron, “Little Donald”. She says that she calls him this because he is opinionated, independent, strong-minded, and he knows exactly what he wants.

When Barron isn’t playing in his bedroom or having one on one dinners with his father, he spends a great deal of time playing sports. Donald calls him a natural athlete. He takes golf lessons and he also plays golf with his father regularly. He also plays basketball and he takes tennis lessons. His mother says that he is extremely athletic and he is a natural at any sport he tries.

When Donald is inaugurated as the President of the United States on January 20, 2017, Barron will be the First Son. He is actually going to be the first, First Son to be living in the White House in years. The last time a son lived in the White House was the late John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1963. He resided there throughout JFK’s entire presidency.

Many children of the rich and famous in the United States spend a great deal of their time with nannies while their parents are off doing their own thing. According to Melania Trump, this was not the case with Barron. She says that she and Donald did not believe that an outsider should help raise their son. Donald believes that you cannot really get to know your children if they spend all of their time with a nanny. According to Melania, she is a hands-on mother. Even when Donald was on the campaign trail, she didn’t require any outside help to assist her in raising their son.

One of Barron’s favorite things to do is to spend time with his father. While Donald was on the campaign trail, it kept him very busy. Because of his father’s hectic schedule, Barron didn’t see his father very often. Even though running for the President of the United States took away from their bonding time, Barron still supported his father 100 percent. According to Melania, even though Barron missed his father, he understood that his father was doing something very important and he supported Donald and his campaign.

Barron made his television debut on his father’s show, The Apprentice in 2014. He was 8 years old at the time and he appeared in the show’s finale. He has always stayed out of the limelight, however, he did appear a few times at the Trump Invitation Grand Prix.

By the time Barron was five years old, he was able to fluently speak two languages. His first language is English and his second is Slovenian. Since he was born, his mother who grew up in Sevnica, spoke to him every day in her native language. By the time he was 5 years old, he was able to speak both languages fluently because he heard them both on a daily basis. His mother believed that it was important that her son could speak to her in her native language.

While Barron was able to stay out of the limelight for years, chances are those days are over. As soon as he becomes the First Son and he moves into the White House, it is very likely that we will all get to know Barron much better."

Barron Trump: 10 Things You didn't Know



After the tab Barry has run up; and will continue to do so now that he's granted himself SS protection for life... This isn't really even worthy of discussion.

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