Melania Trump has swallowed more than just the "kool-aid" -- one presumes she likes it

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
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Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other that apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived asked her to say and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denial of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.

You're first sentence was a lie and it just got worse from there... :laugh:

.. and .. you're quite the misogynist as well.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other that apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived asked her to say and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denial of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
Poor Melania. She thought all she had to do was let Dump grab her pussy. Now she has to learn who George Washington was, what the states are, what World War 2 was....

Trump is really straining their original agreement.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other that apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived asked her to say and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denial of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.

You're first sentence was a lie and it just got worse from there... :laugh:

.. and .. you're quite the misogynist as well.

Not even close.
I am so tired of seeing these Trump ***** on TV.

I can hardly wait until December when all this will be over.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
What happened to your dislike for attacking the family of politicians?

You Democrats are such fucking hypocrits, it is just amazing.

That subject is between her and Donald not you and your left hand, jack off
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other that apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived asked her to say and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denial of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.

You're first sentence was a lie and it just got worse from there... :laugh:

.. and .. you're quite the misogynist as well.

Not even close.
It does not matter.

Guys get into "locker room banter" all the time, but pretentious sanctimonious ass hats like you wont admit to it for fear of your ...whatever, I guess.

Trump did not do anything that 150 million other American males have done as well.

So why dont you stop it with the posturing hypocrisy and just shut the hell up about it?

Whiny little boy
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
What happened to your dislike for attacking the family of politicians?

You Democrats are such fucking hypocrits, it is just amazing.

That subject is between her and Donald not you and your left hand, jack off

It's the liberal way.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
What happened to your dislike for attacking the family of politicians?

You Democrats are such fucking hypocrits, it is just amazing.

That subject is between her and Donald not you and your left hand, jack off

That post is your idea of an attack? Really? Let me assure you that it is not. Had I written, "Mrs. Trump is a precociously salacious, malingering orgasm-faking mediocrity-afflicted neophytic oaf," well, that would have been an attack.

I haven't attacked Mrs. Trump. Find the remark in my OP where I disparage Mrs. Trump. What I've done is call into question the veracity of her presentation of the role and influence of Billy Bush and Trump in that bus, and then I provided my analysis of what to make of Trump in the event her representation of those events is true or false. I even went so far as to state clearly that I an uncertain whether he representation is accurate or not.

And let me be clear. I don't in any way see Mrs. Trump's remarks, or what I think of their credibility, as a reason to vote or not vote for Trump. In the same way, I do not see Trump's remarks about Bill Clinton as a reason to vote or not vote for Mrs. Clinton.

And, FWIW, judging by Mrs. Trump's GOP convention speech, she's either not exactly the most honest woman herself, or she's thoroughly insouciant and devoid of circumspection when it comes to the words she's willing to allow others to put out of her mouth. That has nothing to do with her husband, however; he's got plenty of his own failings. I don't need to pile hers on top of his.
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Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other that apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived asked her to say and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denial of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.

You're first sentence was a lie and it just got worse from there... :laugh:

.. and .. you're quite the misogynist as well.

Not even close.
It does not matter.

Guys get into "locker room banter" all the time, but pretentious sanctimonious ass hats like you wont admit to it for fear of your ...whatever, I guess.

Trump did not do anything that 150 million other American males have done as well.

So why dont you stop it with the posturing hypocrisy and just shut the hell up about it?

Whiny little boy

Argumentum ad populum

And that is somehow supposed to exculpate him for having the attitudes and thoughts that result in his having uttered the statements as he did? I think not.
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
What happened to your dislike for attacking the family of politicians?

You Democrats are such fucking hypocrits, it is just amazing.

That subject is between her and Donald not you and your left hand, jack off

That post is your idea of an attack? Really? Let me assure you that it is not. Had I written, "Mrs. Trump is a precociously salacious, malingering orgasm-faking mediocrity-afflicted neophytic oaf," well, that would have been an attack.

I haven't attacked Mrs. Trump. Find the remark in my OP where I disparage Mrs. Trump. What I've done is call into question the veracity of her presentation of the role and influence of Billy Bush and Trump in that bus, and then I provided my analysis of what to make of Trump in the event her representation of those events is true or false. I even went so far as to state clearly that I an uncertain whether he representation is accurate or not.

Why are you in the habit of posting long nonsequential posts?
Good lord. Melania Trump had the temerity to go on global television and tell the world that the likes of Billy Bush egged her husband into making the remarks he did. She's his wife and a former fashion model. I don't and didn't really expect her to be anything other than apologetic and supportive, especially with the Presidency in the offing.

But let's just consider the plausibility of Mrs. Trump's claim. There we had a 60 years old multi-millionaire (perhaps billionaire) business owner of worldwide fame on a bus with an up and coming 30 years old minor reporter in the world of celebrity gossip peddling. Mrs. Trump is asking us to accept that the supposed "adult in the room," her husband, was cajoled by this veritable newbie into disclosing the nature of his behavior and attitude toward women, and to do so in as ribald a way as is humanly possible in English.

Really? I'm serious....Let's for a moment presume that what Mrs. Trump said is indeed how things happened. Well, that doesn't say much for the judgment, temperament or intellect of the man who now wants to be the U.S.' President. If on the other hand her remarks are what they sound like -- something Trump contrived, asked her to say, and that she dutifully has said -- and it's not true, it's yet another of Trump's abject denials of the facts. Now, I don't know which of those two be the more accurate depiction of the impetus for Mrs. Trump's remarks, but I don't care as neither is a positive reflection on Trump. The fact is that by 60 years old, one should have better judgment, temperament or intellect than to say, lo, think and believe, stuff like what he said on that bus.
Billy did "egg him on," though. I said the exact same thing after I saw the tape. The egotistical Trump was loving the laughter and admiration from Billy, kept the talk coming. I don't blame Billy for what Trump said, but he was egging him on.

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