Melania's accent

I was watching Melania speak on his trip to Africa ( the Shithole Tour).

Remember when the right had a fit about John Kerry's wife ion 2004????

The 1st Lady's Accent? That is what the Left has been reduced to bitching about today?

Bwuhahahaha...... Can you say 'pathetic'....'bottom of the barrel'.....'slow news day'?
Actually, she is the Third Lady
Isn’t that the whole point of eye candy?

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Republicans are like eating corn, very tasty, very fulling, but ultimately holds nothing of value, and in very quick order, comes out the behind steaming hot, stink and undigested.

You may be the Sickest person on this board; and certainly the most filled with Hate; also the Most Moronic. Never fail to embarrass yourself.
for the most part I only like the TRUMP Marc . And as far as CHANGES , its my guess that its YOU younger Guys that are going to be seeing and living with lots of changes Marc . I always point out that i am an Old Guy that has had the 2nd BEST of America right after my Parents Marc .
Pismoe, your post here suggests that you're a good guy, or something like that.

I'm 42, how old are you?
------------------------------------ well thank you Marc . Me , i am 69 so i say that i am 70 . I was born in 1949 Marc .
Isn’t that the whole point of eye candy?

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Republicans are like eating corn, very tasty, very fulling, but ultimately holds nothing of value, and in very quick order, comes out the behind steaming hot, stink and undigested.

Don't you know that corn, like conservatives have high (political) fiber? That stinking mass coming out is our scrubbing our colons free of all the Obama year mandates and mishaps. The first major bowel movement was 2010, the next was 2014. 2012 would have been one too but the Left committed election fraud and tampering on a scale the Russians can only dream of when Obama weaponized the IRS and other agencies against the Romney campaign and now Trump.

But we got in one last big bowel movement in 2016 keeping Hillary out. Now our colons are fixing the Supreme Court, and Chief Bowel Donald will be shitting all over your desires and intentions for at least a couple more years, more likely six.
------------------------------------ well thank you Marc . Me , i am 69 so i say that i am 70 . I was born in 1949 Marc .
Try to remind me that you're sane when you can.

I tend to blur most or every USMB conservative/Republican into one when I post.

That said, yeah, you're old, a blessing really.

So what's changed over the years in politics in your estimation?

Oh, and, you're welcome. :D
Last edited:

You may be the Sickest person on this board; and certainly the most filled with Hate; also the Most Moronic. Never fail to embarrass yourself.
You seem to have me mistaken bub. I'm one of the most nicest, most decent posters on this board. If not THEE most.

It's OK though, I forgive you.
I was watching Melania speak on his trip to Africa ( the Shithole Tour).

Remember when the right had a fit about John Kerry's wife ion 2004????
Well, as I've said many times, immigrants do the hard work Americans won't do, and somebody had to sleep with the morbidly obese fake billionaire...
I was watching Melania speak on his trip to Africa ( the Shithole Tour).

Remember when the right had a fit about John Kerry's wife ion 2004????

The 1st Lady's Accent? That is what the Left has been reduced to bitching about today?

Bwuhahahaha...... Can you say 'pathetic'....'bottom of the barrel'.....'slow news day'?
Actually, she is the Third Lady
Trump outsourced two of his marriages to immigrants, makes his suits and ties in Mexico and China, and then whines about lost American jobs.
Teresa Heinz was a partisan, activist hack. I didn't care about her accent, just her ugliness, and lies. Kerry certainly didn't marry for looks.
------------------------------------ well thank you Marc . Me , i am 69 so i say that i am 70 . I was born in 1949 Marc .
Try to remind me that you're sane when you can.

I tend to blur most or every USMB conservative/Republican into one when I post.

That said, yeah, you're old, a blessing really.

So what's changed over the years in politics in your estimation?
-------------------------------- its cool , yeah , i am a healthy 70 year old . But yeah , i see being 70 as a good deal . Agree or disagree but i see myself as one of the last of the ' REAL ' Americans . Don't know about politics but concerning the USA it seems to me that i have seen freedom leaving the USA since the mid 60s when i first became aware of things . One example of that Freedom Leaving would be forced wearing of motorcycle helmets starting in about 1965 and then more restrictive gun laws starting at about the same time . Just 2 mentions of pretty insignificant changes in most peoples minds but to me they are symbolic changes that show me that Freedom is leaving the USA and things are likely to get worse as time goes by and people advocate gutting the American Justice System of Due Process and the Presumption of Innocence Marc .
Teresa Heinz was a partisan, activist hack. I didn't care about her accent, just her ugliness, and lies. Kerry certainly didn't marry for looks.
That is all Trump marries for
I was watching Melania speak on his trip to Africa ( the Shithole Tour).

Remember when the right had a fit about John Kerry's wife ion 2004????

The 1st Lady's Accent? That is what the Left has been reduced to bitching about today?

Bwuhahahaha...... Can you say 'pathetic'....'bottom of the barrel'.....'slow news day'?
Actually, she is the Third Lady

'lady' is certainly subjective.
Teresa Heinz was a partisan, activist hack. I didn't care about her accent, just her ugliness, and lies. Kerry certainly didn't marry for looks.

melania didn't marry for looks or honesty or for any sense of a self controlled man.

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