Member Of Special Forces:'I Am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'

Any reports on what the escaped ISIS prisoners are doing? Have they begun lopping off Kurd heads or smashing babies against stone walls? Any civilians lined up beside open trenches and executed?
There are no escaped ISIS prisoners. Trump said that he made the deal, because Turkey was taking custody of them. You must be on drugs or something.

Fish Swim
Birds Fly and
trumpettes Lie

Hundreds of ISIL prisoners escape Syrian camp, Kurds say

The Incompetent Orange Bastard did it again....Criminal and Incompetent.....HE WILL BE IMPEACHED!
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!

FOX is finally reporting the Facts and news?

That world Loyalty only goes one way with trump....He demands it and then throws those loyal to him under the bus....
Meanwhile on a Prog produced TV station drama, a 90 pound woman is beating the shit out of buffed 250 pound former special forces guys to show us the wonders of equality. Just one of the thousands and thousands and tens of thousand hundreds of thousands of messages of Prog propaganda we get. But your right. the one TV station with a few conservatives that actually are not demonic to Trump should not be criticized by him for not agreeing with an issue. Of course we know damn well there would be months of parade talk if Obama did it by the gabbing weaklings who are Progs on TV. The one station who backs Trump is in a bind.When they disagree its bad because you never disagree with the Prog agenda.
Any reports on what the escaped ISIS prisoners are doing? Have they begun lopping off Kurd heads or smashing babies against stone walls? Any civilians lined up beside open trenches and executed?

Ah oh ah..... if you just escaped from jail why do you want to make all that commotions? Should you just save your ass and blend in?
Trump supporters are not very smart.
Trump family makes money off of 130 bussinesses in Turkey, Trump Towers Istambul being one of them.

They make ZERO form the Kurds.

Roll that up and smoke it next time you bring up Biden's son having a job in Ukraine.


This I do not understand. This coward moron let the Turkey slaughter the Kurds.

Then yesterday and today. Trump is threatening Endrogan with crippling economic sanctions. Mnuchin made the special announcements.

Means kill the Kurds and I will punish you Turks people at the same time.

It doesn’t make sense.
Trump family makes money off of 130 bussinesses in Turkey, Trump Towers Istambul being one of them.

They make ZERO form the Kurds.

Roll that up and smoke it next time you bring up Biden's son having a job in Ukraine.


This I do not understand. This coward moron let the Turkey slaughter the Kurds.

Then yesterday and today. Trump is threatening Endrogan with crippling economic sanctions. Mnuchin made the special announcements.

Means kill the Kurds and I will punish you Turks people at the same time.
Because he faced backlash from the senate and from evangelicals.
Let me get this straight, an alleged Special Forces member couldn't care less about a S.F. officer charged with premeditated murder but he is ashamed of the Commander-in-Chief's decision to withdraw Troops. Does this even make sense?
Trump family makes money off of 130 bussinesses in Turkey, Trump Towers Istambul being one of them.

They make ZERO form the Kurds.

Roll that up and smoke it next time you bring up Biden's son having a job in Ukraine.


This I do not understand. This coward moron let the Turkey slaughter the Kurds.

Then yesterday and today. Trump is threatening Endrogan with crippling economic sanctions. Mnuchin made the special announcements.

Means kill the Kurds and I will punish you Turks people at the same time.
Because he faced backlash from the senate and from evangelicals.

It just doesn’t make sense at all.
Trump family makes money off of 130 bussinesses in Turkey, Trump Towers Istambul being one of them.

They make ZERO form the Kurds.

Roll that up and smoke it next time you bring up Biden's son having a job in Ukraine.


This I do not understand. This coward moron let the Turkey slaughter the Kurds.

Then yesterday and today. Trump is threatening Endrogan with crippling economic sanctions. Mnuchin made the special announcements.

Means kill the Kurds and I will punish you Turks people at the same time.
Because he faced backlash from the senate and from evangelicals.

It just doesn’t make sense at all.

You elect a get a Circus.....
Trump family makes money off of 130 bussinesses in Turkey, Trump Towers Istambul being one of them.

They make ZERO form the Kurds.

Roll that up and smoke it next time you bring up Biden's son having a job in Ukraine.


This I do not understand. This coward moron let the Turkey slaughter the Kurds.

Then yesterday and today. Trump is threatening Endrogan with crippling economic sanctions. Mnuchin made the special announcements.

Means kill the Kurds and I will punish you Turks people at the same time.

It doesn’t make sense.

It doesn't make any sense from though out, rational strategy, but in Trump's lets-just-wing-it foreign policy thats just how the cookie crubles.

Trump did this out of nowhere, catching even his foreign policy advisors off guard and in the process miscalculated the blowback from Republicans. So now he has to scamble to save face and get tough on Turkey.
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An unidentified allegedly "distraught" Soldier whines about being able to come home after a convoluted mission that never made sense? Where do they find these guys? Or does the liberal MSM create them?

Where does Trump find garbage like you. The mission made perfect sense. They provided training to the Kurds and performed special missions against terrorists. You have a problem with fighting terrorists?
The Kurds are terrorists.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!

Unlike totally fake news channels like CNN and MSNBC, FOX News is "fair and balanced". Only half of their news is fake.
and you believe this MSM BS lmfao

This SO called SF soldier your article claims he is ashamed lmfao IT" BS!!!! a BS LIE!!
A reality you dumb fk leftist can't seem to handle :

President defends decision to reverse US policy of endless war

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