Memes that show Americans may not be that bright after all

It is becoming very clear that the US personnel left in Kabul were there by choice and would not go home... A sizeable proportion who believed leaving Afghanistan would show a defeatist attitude...

As for the US friendly and other refugees... It is becoming very clea that Stephen Miller & Co were doing everything possible not to let them near US... Olivia Troye (Pence Advisor) has been very clear about this... Miller has been on Fox backing that up...

On top of that we had GOP politicians that wanted this to all happen months ago, Trump said Biden was stalling the withdrawal and he had done all the work... He has gone very quite about that now...

So Biden inherited a mess from Trump with a timeline of weeks... He stretched the weeks into a few months but he can't force Americans to leave a country when they didn't want to... but the Taliban has stated very clearly that they would like the Americans to leave safely and have even given escorts...
Remember Zero Americans killed so far..
1. So its not Xiden's fault that 15,000 American citizens are still in Kabul? That US civilians chose to become Taliban hostages? Do you have any proof that the government warned them to evacuate? Xiden has been in office 7-months, and the best excuse you have is "they chose to be hostages"???????? hint: Xiden abandoned them and our allies. Even the Brits hold Xiden in CONTEMPT.

2. Xiden has been in office 7 fucking months. WTF does Stephen Miller have to do with Xiden's failures???????

3. Xiden created the mess, just look who the US allies have CONTEMPT for.
Does yours? What Republican policies have been good for the country? The economic crashes? The end of anti-trust legislation? The gerrymandering|? The current white nationalist fascism of Trump's Republican Party?

What Republican policies have been good for the country? Since Ronald Reagan changed your tax code, Republican policies have impoverished the working and middle class and enriched the wealthy. How is that working out for you?
1. Good GOP policies?
Energy independence
Closed southern border
Reduced regulations
Lower Corporate Taxes
Bringing jobs back to the US
Making NATO deadbeats pay up
Opposing China's unfair trade practices Just to name a few.

2. The economic crash was because Fauci paid China's Wuhan Lab (run by a Chinese general) to do gain-of-function research of bat viruses to make them more deadly. Under Obama's admin. Trump stopped that moronic program.

3. What anti-trust legislation?

4. Both parties gerrymander.

5. There is no white nationalist fascism. Keep drinking the democrat KoolAde. Xiden's runaway inflation is hurting all Americans.

6. Trump's policies helped the middle class, I'm doing well, thank you:

7. You want an example of stupid democrat policies? I put up AOC's refusal to allow Amazon'r HQ2 to come to her district with 25,000 great jobs with full benefits. Not to mention turning a blighted area into a modern showplace. Even Cuomo said she cost NY state $27b a year in tax revenue. DEMOCRAT MORONS.
It is becoming very clear that the US personnell left in Kabul were there by choice and would not go home... A sizeable proportion who believed leaving Afghanistan would show a defeatist attitude...

As for the US friendly and other refugees... It is becoming very clea that Stephen Miller & Co were doing everything possible not to let them near US... Olivia Troye (Pence Advisor) has been very clear about this... Miller has been on Fox backing that up...

On top of that we had GOP politicians that wanted this to all happen months ago, Trump said Biden was stalling the withdrawal and he had done all the work... He has gone very quite about that now...

So Biden inherited a mess from Trump with a timeline of weeks... He stretched the weeks into a few months but he can't force Americans to leave a country when they didn't want to... but the Taliban has stated very clearly that they would like the Americans to leave safely and have even given escorts...
Remember Zero Americans killed so far..

No Moon Bat. This is not Trump fault. Stop being a fucking piece of shit with that silly crap.

This fiasco is the fault of President Potatohead for not managing the withdrawal in a competent manner.

The sonofabitch has never got anything right in his entire life and this is no exception. Trusting the Taliban to keep the Americans safe is a dumbass approach.

Joe Dufus is a terrible President. Your denial of that just shows how confused you are.
People as individuals, or even very small groups can be quite intelligent and very smart.

But people in large groups are fucking dumb as hell and often terrible.

But most Americans are smart. It's our those representative's of American society that are fucking shitty dumb people. The ones who feel the need to yell and scream and speak for society are often the worst ones in it.

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