Memo: Illegal aliens to receive Social Security, credit for time worked illegally

I don't know what poll you are citing regarding people wanting illegal aliens to have citizenship.

In the immortal words of Sarah Palin, "All of them."

I have provided such evidence many times. Would you like to be similarly embarrassed?

The GOP is ignoring the will of 80 percent of America that wants legal status or a path to citizenshp for illegals.

And just for wingnuts like you suffering from confirmation bias against Mexicans, such legislation would have provisions for excluding those who have committed crimes other than being here illegally.
Capitalism was a success? Can I quote you?
I'm a capitalist, quote a way. Like all things it has both its good and its evils. The last part you pretend doesn't exist.

What exactly did I say to give you that impression? I do not know of a perfect system, do you?

We may have found something that we can agree on.

Oh I'm sure there's much more, if you try that is. Few if any do.
Capitalism was a success? Can I quote you?
I'm a capitalist, quote a way. Like all things it has both its good and its evils. The last part you pretend doesn't exist.

What exactly did I say to give you that impression? I do not know of a perfect system, do you?

We may have found something that we can agree on.

Oh I'm sure there's much more, if you try that is. Few if any do.

All we can do is try.


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