Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
Thanks for the laughs, I needed them today.
Honestly, I did too because I’m convinced there’s a full moon tonight without checking. I’ve been totally riled up on this board today, and I’ve noticed even the most typically riled up ones are even more riled up lol and when I read this headline that AOC is the only one who can save the government I thought this could be valuable SNL material!
how is she going to save it saying things like this?

Hey look! It's the guy that constantly bitches about people trolling threads and not addressing the OP. :laugh:
How does one address a lump of manure in the middle of the road?
AOC is another joke from the delusional fringe left that believe taxing everyone to death and making the government the sole employer is the right thing to do.

Universal Healthcare will never be accepted and tell us something why hasn’t your State implemented Universal Healthcare and tax the society accordingly to pay for it?

You do know your State can do this and yet the Politicians of your State look to D.C. to do what they refuse to do…

Also Public Housing can be done on the State level and yet again your State Politicians refuse to do it!!!

Everything from minimum wage to childcare can be implemented at State level and yet your State politicians refuse to do it because let face it they don’t want to be blamed decades from now when it all fails like it did in your former country the Soviet Union!
If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK

If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
I just dont think everyone making 15 dollars an hour except the political elites is the way to make America great again.
The only way to do that would be to defund the House.

And AOC is a certain threat to the 2 party system because she finds defending her political position is nothing she cares to do. When she was speaking in terms of not wanting to debate her positions because she want to have her way with no contentious speech against her whatsoever. Like Marie Antoinette, she thinks everybody else should eat cake while she gets a delicious berry pie.
It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.
This has to be from The Onion or The Babylon Bee. Good one!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
Thanks for the laughs, I needed them today.
Honestly, I did too because I’m convinced there’s a full moon tonight without checking. I’ve been totally riled up on this board today, and I’ve noticed even the most typically riled up ones are even more riled up lol and when I read this headline that AOC is the only one who can save the government I thought this could be valuable SNL material!
She stole other waitresses tips. That is all you need to know about her

I don't things will end up very well with her.
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If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
You and the millennialturd left are a bunch of collective dumb asses that won't amount to shit when lifes reality kick you in your fucking nuts

This making America great again is bullshit. It wasn't in a mess when Obama left after he rescued it from the GFC.
Trump had four years to do it but divided the country along race lines.
Who said it was ever great originally? Trump.
Who'd believe that idiot.

This making America great again is bullshit. It wasn't in a mess when Obama left after he rescued it from the GFC.
Trump had four years to do it but divided the country along race lines.
Who said it was ever great originally? Trump.
Who'd believe that idiot.
Maybe if you pulled your head out of your stinking ass, you would of seen what the new norm was under Obama..Dumbass.
The ‘new normal’ excuse
Even a talker as talented as President Obama can’t do the impossible: Persuade Americans that the three-year-old economic “recovery” is anything other than pathetic.
Growth is sinking back toward the recession red zone and unemployment’s firmly stuck at over 8 percent for 42 straight months.
It’s no wonder a new Gallup poll finds 75 percent of us “dissatisfied” with the direction of the country. Or that a CNN survey finds that twice as many Americans (39 percent) think the economy is still mired in recession than think it recovering (19 percent).
Minimum wage jobs arent growth....and Obama was the Chief of Minimum wages.
If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
If she's America's best and brightest, we are truly in deep doo doo. The woman would be considered a dingbat in Somalia ffs!
If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
If she's America's best and brightest, we are truly in deep doo doo. The woman would be considered a dingbat in Somalia ffs!
You think Large Marge is smart, so...
The increase in wages in any modern western democracy is known to stimulate the economy. As a Republican you can't rolerate the thought of working class getting more money. You're an economic vacuum.
When Obama dragged the country out of the swamp schrub left with his folly about gifts to wall street which caused the GFC, everyone had to pay for the recovery, including you.

Your problem is you are obsessed with hate for anything associated with the left, including Republican working class. That's how ignorant you are.
Go away and learn something.
The increase in wages in any modern western democracy is known to stimulate the economy. As a Republican you can't rolerate the thought of working class getting more money. You're an economic vacuum.
When Obama dragged the country out of the swamp schrub left with his folly about gifts to wall street which caused the GFC, everyone had to pay for the recovery, including you.

Your problem is you are obsessed with hate for anything associated with the left, including Republican working class. That's how ignorant you are.
Go away and learn something.
Dude, you need to go back to school and learn how to spell, or turn your auto spell check on, what the fuck is a "rolerate"? As for dragging the country out of the swamp that Andrew Cuomo caused, yes, i have a real issue with progressive elites, but worse, i hate people like you who are just too stupid know better. And you continue to be stupid, even when others are around who are trying to enlighten you to the really fucked up Progressive movement to make everyone equal. Equally poor and equally miserable.

If anyone is smart enough to do it, it's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Memo to AOC: Only You Can Save the Government

It may seem audacious, even patronizing, for two moderate-ish Baby Boomers like us to be offering advice to you, the most influential leader of the Millennial left. But we come in peace, with a message we urge you to consider because, as Princess Leia said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope.

You and other progressive leaders have bold ideas for how government can help people and save the planet. The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college. A massive investment in public housing. We aren’t in full agreement with that agenda, but that’s not our point. Our point is that to achieve your goals, you’re going to need a federal government as robust as your ideas. And right now, you don’t have it.

Instead, the government agencies you’ll need to carry out your policies are a disaster waiting to happen. Like the infrastructure you and others rightly say needs rebuilding, our federal bureaucracies are a patched-together mess that can barely handle the weight of the burdens already placed on them.

This is not your generation’s fault. It’s ours (though in fairness the two of us have long been sounding the alarm). For decades, leaders in Washington, led by conservatives but with acquiescence from liberals, have adopted an anti–civil servant mentality that has frozen the ranks of government workers while vastly expanding the role of private contractors. As a result, federal agencies have sunk deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

Someone needs to challenge that broken political mind-set. No one has a better track record of changing such political paradigms than you. This memo is our attempt to convince you to make rebuilding the federal bureaucracy one of your core issues—and, by extension, central to the agenda of the progressive left.

If you do, you’ll be able to highlight yet another sector of contemporary capitalism that is predatory and out of control: federal contracting. You’ll also create an opportunity to expand America’s unionized workforce by hiring
hundreds of thousands of civil servants—jobs that by all rights should go to your generation of young Americans. And you’ll provide political space for Joe Biden to make needed reforms that can advance policies you and he agree on.

But if you don’t, your policy vision for a better America will be deeply threatened, and possibly even doomed.

Much more at the LINK
If she's America's best and brightest, we are truly in deep doo doo. The woman would be considered a dingbat in Somalia ffs!
You think Large Marge is smart, so...
I cant stand looking at the ugly Muzzie pug anymore, off to ignore with you and the rest of 100s of prog slaves...
Dude. When you start to attack grammar and profiles, you have nothing left.
How was Cuomo responsible for the GFC? You don't know? Why am I not surprised, .

Yet you tell me I should go back to school. When I see the massive amounts of money spent by the government and your intelligence is the best they can produce, I can't help feeling we're in for a massive refund on you.
Can you check my spelling please, wordsworth? Better still. Go away you fool.

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