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Memphis City Council unanimously votes to dig up Confederate General, wife

You people take this Civil War shit ( the one you lost and the one you're planning) way too seriously.
It is not about "civil war shit" as progressives want to portray it. It is about preserving history, preserving freedom, preserving heritage, even if as time passed with a 20/20 hindsight some elements of that heritage are proven to be wrong.
No,what caused a shooting was a mentally disturbed kid. You and your fellow loons want to make it more.

First has anyone proven that this kid was "mentally disturbed". Becuase his lawyers don't even seem to be going for an insanity defense, which is probably the only shot this guy has to avoid a needle.

Second, Roof's racism didn't evolve in a vacuum. He learned to hate from somewhere.
..thinking about thought control? (again, do not spin it that I condone hate)
And let's not forget this guy committed war crimes during the Civil War.
So did Sherman
Uh, no, he didn't. Sherman engaged in legitimate military actions to diminish the ability of the enemy to wage war.

Forrest slaughtered Colored Soldiers for the act of taking up arms against the South.

Uh, Joe....

You DO realize that Forrest was a Democrat, and was even delegate at their 1868 convention, don't you???
A great way to start a friday morning, watching slackjawed neo confederates foaming at the mouth and beating their chests in anger
EXACTLY!!! The "brave men" under the valiant leadership of Sherman successfully raped and killed defenseless women and children, burned their houses, killed their livestock taking the livelihood away from the remaining survivors behind front lines. Yes, it reminds me of ISIS.

Except Sherman's troops did no such thing. They did attack the ability of the Confederacy to make war. They hit legitimate infrastructure targets.

But you guys keep pretending you were the wronged party here.

Your liberal history professor didnt do his job.

General Sherman used the "Total War Theory" and even Grant and Lincoln opposed his brutality. Total War means all civilians are seen as combatants. All structures are targets. Sherman himself said his goal was to "punish" the South and break the morale of their civilians. Not just uniformed enemies. Today...thats called War Crime.

Total war - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sherman s March - American Civil War - HISTORY.com


BUT....if you deny that there are long rooted grievances in some family trees about how CIVILIAN women and children and property were destroyed in what would today be a war crime....you're simply wrong. Today...General Sherman and many in the Union army would be tried as war criminals. Again...im glad they won. America HAD to win that war. But evil is evil....no matter what side their uniform says they are on. Right?

That war was already won when it began. Sherman and his troops used it, however, to inflict raw punishment and brutality on civilians who didnt own slaves or take up arms. It would be like Army troops in Germany just burning non Nazi towns....just to do it. Or...todays troops burning and killing innocent nin combatants in Iraq. For....just to do it. War crimes.
This crap is getting out of hand. There is a civil war coming I'm afraid


Late Tuesday, the Memphis, Tennessee, City Council voted unanimously to dig up the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, Talking Points Memo reported Wednesday. The council also voted to remove a statue placed in Forrest's honor. The move came after Mayor A.C. Wharton called for the bodies to be dug up and relocated.

Memphis City Council unanimously votes to dig up Confederate general wife - Spokane Conservative Examiner.com

Surely this is an Onion article...
A Perfect Storm is brewing.................just like the SSM issue is another Perfect Storm................

I read an article last week where they painted a Chris Columbus Statue Red calling it Racist..................

and so it continues..............chaos by design.............

This shit is intentional..and the useful idiots dont even know they're pawns in a deadly game.
I think they want a civil war. The left does. They think since Obamas presidency is fading and they didnt get most of what they wanted...they now just wanna turn to anarchy. All lefties eventually do. They worship Che. A violent racist himself.
Can hardly wait...
This crap is getting out of hand. There is a civil war coming I'm afraid


Late Tuesday, the Memphis, Tennessee, City Council voted unanimously to dig up the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, Talking Points Memo reported Wednesday. The council also voted to remove a statue placed in Forrest's honor. The move came after Mayor A.C. Wharton called for the bodies to be dug up and relocated.

Memphis City Council unanimously votes to dig up Confederate general wife - Spokane Conservative Examiner.com

Surely this is an Onion article...
I wouldn't bet on it.

These people on the left are crazy.
No,what caused a shooting was a mentally disturbed kid. You and your fellow loons want to make it more.

First has anyone proven that this kid was "mentally disturbed". Becuase his lawyers don't even seem to be going for an insanity defense, which is probably the only shot this guy has to avoid a needle.

Second, Roof's racism didn't evolve in a vacuum. He learned to hate from somewhere.
No bigger racists on the planet than blacks, and you leftards. You both live for it. So if you think he learned it from somewhere, look in the mirror.
But thank God it's Friday

..well, digging up graves? Where they are going to stop? They have been already screaming for censorship (close to book burning) of TV stations, Radio Talk shows… Think about it.

We already have censorship on TV and Radio... Have had it for years. They are public Airwaves.

Now, all that said, I'm really not sure what you are defending here, exactly? That people have finally decided decades too late that a war criminal who founded the Klan doesn't deserve to have a public monument?

The overall problem is that we are paying today for the political decisions made from 1865 to 1880 that reconcilation was more important than accountability. We should have held the South Accountable for what it tried to do. Lee, Davis, Forrest should have all been hung for treason and they shouldn't have been granted ANY honor.

this is exactly what the Allies did with the Nazi and Japanese leaders after WWII. They were held accountable for their actions. A few got railroaded, but most deserved it.
I am defending against the all out attack on freedom, against the progressive militant intolerance of opposing views, against the all out effort of the political, cultural and historical cleansing. That is wrong. I have never endorsed slavery and racism in my postings because I do not approve those notions. Some morons make those accusations because it is a proven tactic that people will back down when undeservedly are accused with such things; or because the accusers' mental faculties are altered with chemical substances or they just do not have the intelligence sufficient enough to look all three sides of a coin (yes, thickness is a side too)
This crap is getting out of hand. There is a civil war coming I'm afraid


Late Tuesday, the Memphis, Tennessee, City Council voted unanimously to dig up the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, Talking Points Memo reported Wednesday. The council also voted to remove a statue placed in Forrest's honor. The move came after Mayor A.C. Wharton called for the bodies to be dug up and relocated.

Memphis City Council unanimously votes to dig up Confederate general wife - Spokane Conservative Examiner.com
This is absolute, ultra, on steroids, mind numbing, intergalactic progtard political correctness dumbfuckery gone wild, period.

These people truly need their ASS KICKED.
Erase history and it goes away...............Erase anything that is not PC...............and we will sit back and smell the roses and live in a Liberal Utopia................

Erasing his history is the action of a feeble mind and dumb ass.........Kinda like trying to erase history in our school books..................

Liberal party and Joe...............The ERASER MEN.................LOL

Nobody wants to erase Forrest from history. We just want to put it in the proper perspective.

He committed war crimes and founded a terrorist racist group.

Forrest himself is a particularly noxious figure, so he makes an easy target, but the bigger question is whether we should continue to grant "honor" to the leaders of the CSA when they essentially committed treason in the name of continuing a racist institution.

And why did it take 150 years to have this discussion?
Ask the PC police that..................Your side drudges up and whines about our history............It wasn't in the lime light until your side dug it up from the grave.................and now a Perfect Storm is brewing by the Race Baiters of this country........Instead of letting it die of old age.................

You are Guilty...........of being a race baiter and instilling a new Racial divide in this country.

Forrest is a horrible choice for confederate supporters to use as a situation or example to make a stand. His history during the Civil War is open to accusations of him murdering black union POW's in mass and his early involvement with the KKK is not conducive to promoting anything positive about the confederacy.
That being said, the vote by the city council was probably based solely on commercial interest, no matter what the council members say. They do not want negative publicity coming to Memphis that can cause harm to their economy. Many cities like Memphis are greatly dependent, or alt least partially dependent, on tourism and especially conventions. They can not afford to loose even one convention let alone many of them over some political issue. They are trying to increase tourism, not decrease it. Memphis is a tourist city.
Anyhow, Forrest and his wife are used to being moved. They dug them up after being buried in a cemetery for over 25 years when they moved them to their current residence in the park.
I think they want a civil war. The left does. They think since Obamas presidency is fading and they didnt get most of what they wanted...they now just wanna turn to anarchy. All lefties eventually do. They worship Che. A violent racist himself.
anybody who would think this move would lead to a civil war is an idiot asshole wishing for a chance to shoot at people they disagree with politically.
Isn't there a LAW to desecrating a grave?

If this is true, then they need to dig up the families of everyone who voted for this

this should be good Advertising FOR THE state. come visit the state that digs up GRAVES of people they decide to hate

what a rat hole Memphis has become

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