Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex

Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex.

I enjoyed raising my girls with my exwife. We also went camping & skiing a lot. Cross country road trips & moved from state to state when we were younger.

She's a total psyco christian nut now but had that not creeped into our marriage I bet wed still be best friends. I drew the line when she wanted us to tithe 10% of our GROSS, which was an absurd about of money.
Nah wimmens come in handy for a lot of things
I think they should have these rallies at least once month.

I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

*ducks and runs*
Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex.
And the cooking and cleaning.....which TBH the cleaning would be VERY minimal if I didn't have kids or the wife here. :) I am a neat freak and to me everything has a place and there is a place for everything. Both me and my wife agree if we could do our lives over we wouldn't make same choices. I would have bought an RV and traveled the country.
Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex.
Lol...and, do you tolerate God cause He's good thread material?

Unbelievable yet, not surprising!
"God" or man's interpretation of him is the root of ALL evil on this planet
Blackrook is always starting religious threads,
condemning other religions or different fractions....

If anyone from those discussions, see his OP here,
it proves what was being said there,
Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex.

I enjoyed raising my girls with my exwife. We also went camping & skiing a lot. Cross country road trips & moved from state to state when we were younger.

She's a total psyco christian nut now but had that not creeped into our marriage I bet wed still be best friends. I drew the line when she wanted us to tithe 10% of our GROSS, which was an absurd about of money.
LMAO holy shit. That's some f'ed up stuff.
Men don't really need women, we tolerate you for the sex.
Lol...and, do you tolerate God cause He's good thread material?

Unbelievable yet, not surprising!
"God" or man's interpretation of him is the root of ALL evil on this planet
Blackrook is always starting religious threads,
condemning other religions or different fractions....

If anyone from those discussions, see his OP here,
it proves what was being said there,
I don't play the religious bullshit. I think living by faith can be an admirable trait & a health lifestyle but just like everything, it can easily be taken to an extreme or used as a weapon.

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