Men Fleeing Ukraine to avoid Conscription.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
The men of Ukraine donā€™t want to fight a pointless war for land they donā€™t care about since it has been inhabited by ethnic Russians for centuries.

But Zelensky and the warmongers donā€™t care. They need these men to be rounded up and sent to the front lines, to the meat grinder.

What are they fighting for again? ā€œDemocracyā€? Zelensky banned freedom of speech, opposition media, the opposition party, canceled elections, and remained in office past his term. He is a dictator now.

Zelenskyy and Biden really don't have a strategery to take down and subjugate the Russian Federation and actually WIN the war.

They are waging a strictly defensive effort. Napoleon and Hitler both failed to take down Russia- but at least they both had an idea on how to do it.

Sleepy Joe's dream is eternal war, and that's what he is achieving.

From these latest developments, the next step will be for Biden to send over US troops IMHO. But not until after the election.
The men of Ukraine donā€™t want to fight a pointless war for land they donā€™t care about since it has been inhabited by ethnic Russians for centuries.

But Zelensky and the warmongers donā€™t care. They need these men to be rounded up and sent to the front lines, to the meat grinder.

What are they fighting for again? ā€œDemocracyā€? Zelensky banned freedom of speech, opposition media, the opposition party, canceled elections, and remained in office past his term. He is a dictator now.

Are you on drugs? Smoking garbage? Putin is the warmonger. Putin started the war in 2022 after HE invaded Ukraine in 2014 with his secret militia.

Few rational people want to be soldiers, including in Russia, and especially in Russia where Putin is the aggressor. Innocent young Ukrainians are no different than innocent Russians, but they need to fight for democracy and survival of their country from Putinā€™s genocide.
I have a solution for the Ukes.....Recruit illegals.

Zelenskyy and Biden really don't have a strategery to take down and subjugate the Russian Federation and actually WIN the war.

They are waging a strictly defensive effort. Napoleon and Hitler both failed to take down Russia- but at least they both had an idea on how to do it.

Sleepy Joe's dream is eternal war, and that's what he is achieving.

From these latest developments, the next step will be for Biden to send over US troops IMHO. But not until after the election.

They are being mangled and over run .
There is a very good chance that it will be over before the election .

Only Titwin , aka Nazi Troll , Titty Tithead can get you to believe in the manufactured Kyiv nonsense despite in the real world most of the military are in rebellion and the others running backwards or waving white flags .
The medium age in the Ukrainian military is over 45... all the young men fled in the first week and haven't returned... so why are we on the verge of sending in our young men and women?...
Did anyone see a rush of Ukrainian American men line up to go back and fight for their homeland?... fuck no... cowards....
I can't for the life of me see the conflict in Ukraine as black-and-white.

Everybody knows post-soviet Russia was treated unfairly, was stabbed in the back by the reactionaries that took over the US foreign policy, aka, neo-conservatives. Sooner or later the country would say "enough is enough" specially when a heavily russified country with a vital geopolitical location was involved.

But no matter how real a geopolitical threat is, no matter how strong the pro-russian attitude of millions of ukrainian citizens was, you still have the sad spectacle of a nation that didn't commit any armed aggression against Russia losing thousands of citizens and having its infrastructure destroyed, a nation that was in fact the main victim of the belligerant, gratuitous foreign policy conceived by US/western policy makers... yes, the victim... unless you can prove to me that ukrainian leaders/people decided to expand NATO and pollarize the country as a result.

That's why I can't post the kind of messages my british wife, luiza, usually posts:

"Thousands of ukrainian troops were massacred..."

"They are being mangled and over run."
Sorry, luiza, just kidding...

I like to pull the leg of the female members of the Board every now and then :biggrin:

But despite the trolling the post really expresses my sentiments.
Did anyone see a rush of Ukrainian American men line up to go back and fight for their homeland?... fuck no... cowards....
They are just sober, not cowards. If an American (of any origin) wants to commit a meaningless murder-suicide, he can do it in America. No reason to get tired by travelling into Ukraine. His death won't change a thing, and everyone knows it. Russia will win, Ukraine will lose. The only question is the price to be paid by Ukrainian people.
I can't for the life of me see the conflict in Ukraine as black-and-white.

Everybody knows post-soviet Russia was treated unfairly, was stabbed in the back by the reactionaries that took over the US foreign policy, aka, neo-conservatives. Sooner or later the country would say "enough is enough" specially when a heavily russified country with a vital geopolitical location was involved.

But no matter how real a geopolitical threat is, no matter how strong the pro-russian attitude of millions of ukrainian citizens was, you still have the sad spectacle of a nation that didn't commit any armed aggression against Russia losing thousands of citizens and having its infrastructure destroyed, a nation that was in fact the main victim of the belligerant, gratuitous foreign policy conceived by US/western policy makers... yes, the victim... unless you can prove to me that ukrainian leaders/people decided to expand NATO and pollarize the country as a result.

That's why I can't post the kind of messages my british wife, luiza, usually posts:

"Thousands of ukrainian troops were massacred..."

"They are being mangled and over run."
They committed armed aggression against two allies of the Russian Federation - DPR and LPD. And this is equals to attack against Russian Federation itself. That's what we call collective defense.
They are just sober, not cowards. If an American (of any origin) wants to commit a meaningless murder-suicide, he can do it in America. No reason to get tired by travelling into Ukraine. His death won't change a thing, and everyone knows it. Russia will win, Ukraine will lose. The only question is the price to be paid by Ukrainian people.
Just pointing out what a waste of life land and money this endeavor has become... and this stupid Biden administration has us rolled up right in it....
Are you on drugs? Smoking garbage? Putin is the warmonger. Putin started the war in 2022 after HE invaded Ukraine in 2014 with his secret militia.

Few rational people want to be soldiers, including in Russia, and especially in Russia where Putin is the aggressor. Innocent young Ukrainians are no different than innocent Russians, but they need to fight for democracy and survival of their country from Putinā€™s genocide.
Hi. Are you mentally retarded? Or just ignorant of recent history?

We helped overthrow the government of Ukraine in 2014. This led to a civil war since the ethnic Russians did not want anything to do with the Nazi Kiev government. I donā€™t care if Russia stepped in with ā€œsecret militiaā€ to help fight against tyranny from Kiev.

I suppose you fully support Kiev bombing and killing ethnic Russians. I donā€™t.

Look at the map of Europe and NATO expansion over the last 40 years.

Look at statements, and video footage of our politicians over in Ukraine supporting a war with Russia before it ever happened.

The question is are YOU willing to fight against the Russians for land in Eastern Ukraine? If not, all your talk means nothing.

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