Menorah Lighting Rejected

How can this happen in our free society?

How that happened is because we have become a nation of hostages suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Just as the leftist thugs BLM and Antifa held the entire country hostage in 2020, the same anti-Semitic, Jew-hating left continues to do it again in 2023. The fact is that the 2020 protests riots had more to do with the election than anything else. Don't let anyone fool you into believing they were all about one dead Negro named George Floyd. That being coupled with the global pandemic gave the globalist left more than enough momentum to pull off their "color revolution", dump Trump, and install America's most incompetent and most destructive Democrat administration in our country's history.

You can be pretty damned sure they're going to try to pull that off again for the 2024 election. I mean look at them: They've already begun ramping up their narrative about Trump being "Hitler" and a "fascist."
Back in the aughts, our lead guitarist was Jewish, and we rehearsed at his house. A week before xmas, our lead singer asked him: "Hey man, aren't you going to put up a Christmas tree this year?"

The drummer and I said simultaneously: "Don't even go there!"
The guitarist never said a word.
Back in the aughts, our lead guitarist was Jewish, and we rehearsed at his house. A week before xmas, our lead singer asked him: "Hey man, aren't you going to put up a Christmas tree this year?"

The drummer and I said simultaneously: "Don't even go there!"
The guitarist never said a word.

I've known Hindus and Buddhists who put up Christmas trees as well as Jews that do so.
How can this happen in our free society?

"Vermillion, the organizer, said in a statement to The Washington Post that the festival has never included religious events and told the Virginia Gazette that the organization has also denied past requests from Christian and other religious groups to perform."

Such victim-hood from snowflakes
I've known Hindus and Buddhists who put up Christmas trees as well as Jews that do so.
I know one Jewish guy that puts up a tree. That's his prerogative. His wife isn't Jewish.
Our guitarist had his Menorah sitting on the dining room table. Candle light dinners?
Williamsburg, Virginia is leftist central.

LOL.....I had a former neighbor tell me that he was moving there so he could be around more of "his kind".....I told him it was a good move given he always was right much of a pussy.
"Vermillion, the organizer, said in a statement to The Washington Post that the festival has never included religious events and told the Virginia Gazette that the organization has also denied past requests from Christian and other religious groups to perform."

Such victim-hood from snowflakes
And another deranged shitcon outrage thread dies in humiliation for said snowflakes. :)
yall need to get over yourselves...and your nutty ideas

we have a large jewish population in the summer...they are excellent citizens while here..volunteering a temple in boone and have a car/float in the july 4 th parade...i guess someone donated the menorah but its just as expected now as the christmas tree ..they both sit on the corner of the main road..i really dont remember not having the menorah on display..

now they stay for the winter...they are so cute...they moved from nyc to florida ...then here ...they have forgotten they hate the cold

snapped cold yesterday ...24 degrees

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