Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.

"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

Getting an abortion is degrading. It negates the value of women through the ideology that it is acceptable for women to risk their lives in order to protect their figure, to protect their income, to protect their abuser, to protect their pimp... and it denies that their children have any value at all. Additionally, it maintains that women don't deserve having clinics that are held to at least the standard that dental clinics are held to..and that the butchers who are crawling around in their wombs need not be qualified to actually provide them medical care in a real hospital. After all, it's just a woman and her need to provide any oversight in the abbatoirs where mentally ill men and women climb into their vaginas with sharp instruments.

Your assertions do not hold water. Abortion does not risk the woman's life. In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:

Transcript: Oral arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

the state of Texas argued that clinics in which abortions were performed warranted extreme safety precautions that it did not require of other medical facilities in which other procedures are performed. The Texas solicitor general got caught short when confronted with the fact that the state did not require the same safeguards for facilities in which colonoscopies are performed, even though the risk from these procedures is recognized by the medical community as greater. He got caught short again when he recommended, when asked about women who could not easily get to "approved" clinics, that they go to New Mexico, which does not require the same "safeguards." He came to court unable to produce anything to back up the state's claims.

It's interesting that both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as other organizations, have rejected the state's medical contentions. No one knows the source of these contentions.

Amicus Briefs in Support of Whole Woman’s Health

Some years ago, I had a D&C for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. It's an out-patient procedure, not some life-threatening, hold-your-breath procedure.

You remind me of a guy on another message board who asserted that there were all of these filthy horrible clinics where abortions were performed. I asked him what states these clinics were in and whether they had been reported to the proper authorities. I never got an answer. You would think that someone would have reported them. He could have answered me, since he was so sure. I concluded that he was full of shit.

Where you get the idea that making the decision to have an abortion involves protecting one's figure, one's income, one's abuser, or one's pimp is beyond me. Most are just normal people.
When I see a long post and the first sentence is a blatant and ridiculous lie, I don't read the rest. It's a waste. Im not interested in reading lies.
Yes it does. They go out and perform their right to protest and nothing comes of it. The country wins. The election won't be changed and protesting is good for a nation....voices can be expressed. I like to see's healthy. Protesting ends the nation folds.
There is nothing healthy about these protests. They are mobs protesting law and democracy.

You're the same asshat who started this thread with "lock them up" so oh yes lecture us on "democracy".

Because there is a nasty male whore in the White House plotting to enforce anti-woman policies against all American women. Weinstein has gotten, and continues to get his due. He already has been taken care of. We need not fight the last war.
Why don't you take care of the people who pimped for him?

Leftists are just culls. All of you. No redeeming qualities.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.

"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

Getting an abortion is degrading. It negates the value of women through the ideology that it is acceptable for women to risk their lives in order to protect their figure, to protect their income, to protect their abuser, to protect their pimp... and it denies that their children have any value at all. Additionally, it maintains that women don't deserve having clinics that are held to at least the standard that dental clinics are held to..and that the butchers who are crawling around in their wombs need not be qualified to actually provide them medical care in a real hospital. After all, it's just a woman and her need to provide any oversight in the abbatoirs where mentally ill men and women climb into their vaginas with sharp instruments.

Your assertions do not hold water. Abortion does not risk the woman's life. In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:

Transcript: Oral arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

the state of Texas argued that clinics in which abortions were performed warranted extreme safety precautions that it did not require of other medical facilities in which other procedures are performed. The Texas solicitor general got caught short when confronted with the fact that the state did not require the same safeguards for facilities in which colonoscopies are performed, even though the risk from these procedures is recognized by the medical community as greater. He got caught short again when he recommended, when asked about women who could not easily get to "approved" clinics, that they go to New Mexico, which does not require the same "safeguards." He came to court unable to produce anything to back up the state's claims.

It's interesting that both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as other organizations, have rejected the state's medical contentions. No one knows the source of these contentions.

Amicus Briefs in Support of Whole Woman’s Health

Some years ago, I had a D&C for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. It's an out-patient procedure, not some life-threatening, hold-your-breath procedure.

You remind me of a guy on another message board who asserted that there were all of these filthy horrible clinics where abortions were performed. I asked him what states these clinics were in and whether they had been reported to the proper authorities. I never got an answer. You would think that someone would have reported them. He could have answered me, since he was so sure. I concluded that he was full of shit.

Where you get the idea that making the decision to have an abortion involves protecting one's figure, one's income, one's abuser, or one's pimp is beyond me. Most are just normal people.
When I see a long post and the first sentence is a blatant and ridiculous lie, I don't read the rest. It's a waste. Im not interested in reading lies.

Then when that happens perhaps you should refrain from hitting the "post" button. Ya think?

I mean really? Two hundred posts of butthurt? Get the fuck OVER it.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.

"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

Getting an abortion is degrading. It negates the value of women through the ideology that it is acceptable for women to risk their lives in order to protect their figure, to protect their income, to protect their abuser, to protect their pimp... and it denies that their children have any value at all. Additionally, it maintains that women don't deserve having clinics that are held to at least the standard that dental clinics are held to..and that the butchers who are crawling around in their wombs need not be qualified to actually provide them medical care in a real hospital. After all, it's just a woman and her need to provide any oversight in the abbatoirs where mentally ill men and women climb into their vaginas with sharp instruments.

Your assertions do not hold water. Abortion does not risk the woman's life. In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:

Transcript: Oral arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

the state of Texas argued that clinics in which abortions were performed warranted extreme safety precautions that it did not require of other medical facilities in which other procedures are performed. The Texas solicitor general got caught short when confronted with the fact that the state did not require the same safeguards for facilities in which colonoscopies are performed, even though the risk from these procedures is recognized by the medical community as greater. He got caught short again when he recommended, when asked about women who could not easily get to "approved" clinics, that they go to New Mexico, which does not require the same "safeguards." He came to court unable to produce anything to back up the state's claims.

It's interesting that both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as other organizations, have rejected the state's medical contentions. No one knows the source of these contentions.

Amicus Briefs in Support of Whole Woman’s Health

Some years ago, I had a D&C for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. It's an out-patient procedure, not some life-threatening, hold-your-breath procedure.

You remind me of a guy on another message board who asserted that there were all of these filthy horrible clinics where abortions were performed. I asked him what states these clinics were in and whether they had been reported to the proper authorities. I never got an answer. You would think that someone would have reported them. He could have answered me, since he was so sure. I concluded that he was full of shit.

Where you get the idea that making the decision to have an abortion involves protecting one's figure, one's income, one's abuser, or one's pimp is beyond me. Most are just normal people.
When I see a long post and the first sentence is a blatant and ridiculous lie, I don't read the rest. It's a waste. Im not interested in reading lies.

Point to a lie. There is nothing in what I wrote that is not true. This really happened in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. You just haven't got anything to refute my post, or you are too chicken-with-her-head-in-the-sand to do so.
But I thought that liberals don't believe in biological gender? I thought "gender" to them was something that was "optional", and something you could change from day to day?

So why were they marching for "woman's" rights? Isn't that hypocritical of them?
They are the most disrespectful to women. They think ANYONE can be one with a little surgery and hormones

Feminism is the hatred of all things feminine
Whenever Lysis posts, why do I picture a senior woman sitting at her laptop with a pussy hat on her head while fondling her vagina suit?

Because you're an asshole.
lol. Did you blush because you think I can see you through my monitor? :lol:

Dork. You have an over-active imagination. What you "picture" is what you "picture." There is no truth to it, just in your head. I have neither a "pussy hat" nor a "vagina suit." Where you get these images from is beyond me. It sounds disturbed.
Whenever Lysis posts, why do I picture a senior woman sitting at her laptop with a pussy hat on her head while fondling her vagina suit?

Because you're an asshole.
lol. Did you blush because you think I can see you through my monitor? :lol:

Dork. You have an over-active imagination. What you "picture" is what you "picture." There is no truth to it, just in your head. I have neither a "pussy hat" nor a "vagina suit." Where you get these images from is beyond me. It sounds disturbed.
Maybe I get that imagine because of what you write? Something for you to think about, perhaps.
Whenever Lysis posts, why do I picture a senior woman sitting at her laptop with a pussy hat on her head while fondling her vagina suit?

Because you're an asshole.
lol. Did you blush because you think I can see you through my monitor? :lol:

Dork. You have an over-active imagination. What you "picture" is what you "picture." There is no truth to it, just in your head. I have neither a "pussy hat" nor a "vagina suit." Where you get these images from is beyond me. It sounds disturbed.
Maybe I get that imagine because of what you write? Something for you to think about, perhaps.

I try to be factual in all things. If this makes you uncomfortable, so be it.
Those women are an insult to ALL women. And wearing a pussy hat looks stupid and does nothing for their "cause" except make people laugh at them.

The pussy hat was a /pol prank that succeeded beyond anons wildest expectations.

Before that the same pranksters, organizing on theDonald board, enjoyed trolling feminist bimbos with #endfathersday and #draftourdaughters on Twitter. Hillary supporters picked up the hashtags and memes and ran with them! Much laughter was had. Here are two of the memes used to troll feminists. You may remember seeing them during the election....passed around by Hillary supporters to the delight of theDonald.


Lol. Yes indeed. Feminists thought these were soooo progressive. Brilliantly done theDonald!

After those successes they moved on to bigger and better. The next attempt, #suffacateyourselfforequality was called off quickly as too brutal.
Then came #pissforequality which had some small success in getting feminists to soil themselves “in solidarity with rape victims”. You can look up that hashtag on twitter today...still being argued about.
But the piece de resistance, the masterpiece...rising to the level of brilliance...was when 4chan dared each other to convince women to wear pussies on their heads in order to advance the position that they were more than genitalia . :)
The sublime, understated irony in all these pranks is what I admire.
These yeast-infected garbage of the female gender love to scream and yell about sexism, but by wearing a pussy hat, they're announcing to society: "I'm a walking c*nt."
These women have been known to scrape out the yeast from their infections and cook with it.
These yeast-infected garbage of the female gender love to scream and yell about sexism, but by wearing a pussy hat, they're announcing to society: "I'm a walking c*nt."

You have a habit of being completely vulgar.
And women wearing "pussy" hats or dressed as vaginas in public, aren't?

No one of us would have done this before guys brought up the whole penis-worship thing. Unfortunately, we know have to be "in your face" street theater about things, since the guys have shown that they will not even have an intelligent dialogue on issues affecting women, probably because they are incapable of it. We've lived through too much bullshit from the penis-worshipers: Sandra Fluke, Paul Ryan running away from people delivering petitions, assholes calling us "gals," assholes telling us to put an aspirin between our knees, morons insisting that we sit for religious propaganda and wait just to have an abortion, refusing to do anything about sexual harassment, appointing trashy little slaves to governmental posts involving birth control and education. We were patient, but patience is finite. Most of us used to be polite, but it was just used against us by the right-wing trash, so no more.
The only "penis worshippers" I've heard about all are faggots.
These yeast-infected garbage of the female gender love to scream and yell about sexism, but by wearing a pussy hat, they're announcing to society: "I'm a walking c*nt."

You have a habit of being completely vulgar.
And women wearing "pussy" hats or dressed as vaginas in public, aren't?

No one of us would have done this before guys brought up the whole penis-worship thing. Unfortunately, we know have to be "in your face" street theater about things, since the guys have shown that they will not even have an intelligent dialogue on issues affecting women, probably because they are incapable of it. We've lived through too much bullshit from the penis-worshipers: Sandra Fluke, Paul Ryan running away from people delivering petitions, assholes calling us "gals," assholes telling us to put an aspirin between our knees, morons insisting that we sit for religious propaganda and wait just to have an abortion, refusing to do anything about sexual harassment, appointing trashy little slaves to governmental posts involving birth control and education. We were patient, but patience is finite. Most of us used to be polite, but it was just used against us by the right-wing trash, so no more.
The only "penis worshippers" I've heard about all are faggots.

The infantile bitch-boys of the "Christian" fundies are good at it. They market that crap to the public and make the big bucks. The right-wing is thick with penis worship. And yet they hate gays. Go figure.
Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.

"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

Getting an abortion is degrading. It negates the value of women through the ideology that it is acceptable for women to risk their lives in order to protect their figure, to protect their income, to protect their abuser, to protect their pimp... and it denies that their children have any value at all. Additionally, it maintains that women don't deserve having clinics that are held to at least the standard that dental clinics are held to..and that the butchers who are crawling around in their wombs need not be qualified to actually provide them medical care in a real hospital. After all, it's just a woman and her need to provide any oversight in the abbatoirs where mentally ill men and women climb into their vaginas with sharp instruments.

Your assertions do not hold water. Abortion does not risk the woman's life. In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:

Transcript: Oral arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

the state of Texas argued that clinics in which abortions were performed warranted extreme safety precautions that it did not require of other medical facilities in which other procedures are performed. The Texas solicitor general got caught short when confronted with the fact that the state did not require the same safeguards for facilities in which colonoscopies are performed, even though the risk from these procedures is recognized by the medical community as greater. He got caught short again when he recommended, when asked about women who could not easily get to "approved" clinics, that they go to New Mexico, which does not require the same "safeguards." He came to court unable to produce anything to back up the state's claims.

It's interesting that both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as other organizations, have rejected the state's medical contentions. No one knows the source of these contentions.

Amicus Briefs in Support of Whole Woman’s Health

Some years ago, I had a D&C for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. It's an out-patient procedure, not some life-threatening, hold-your-breath procedure.

You remind me of a guy on another message board who asserted that there were all of these filthy horrible clinics where abortions were performed. I asked him what states these clinics were in and whether they had been reported to the proper authorities. I never got an answer. You would think that someone would have reported them. He could have answered me, since he was so sure. I concluded that he was full of shit.

Where you get the idea that making the decision to have an abortion involves protecting one's figure, one's income, one's abuser, or one's pimp is beyond me. Most are just normal people.
When I see a long post and the first sentence is a blatant and ridiculous lie, I don't read the rest. It's a waste. Im not interested in reading lies.

Point to a lie. There is nothing in what I wrote that is not true. This really happened in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. You just haven't got anything to refute my post, or you are too chicken-with-her-head-in-the-sand to do so.
I did. The first sentence that said abortion isn't dangerous is a lie. Abortion is an elective invasive procedure that risks women's lives. To deny it is a lie.
"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

Getting an abortion is degrading. It negates the value of women through the ideology that it is acceptable for women to risk their lives in order to protect their figure, to protect their income, to protect their abuser, to protect their pimp... and it denies that their children have any value at all. Additionally, it maintains that women don't deserve having clinics that are held to at least the standard that dental clinics are held to..and that the butchers who are crawling around in their wombs need not be qualified to actually provide them medical care in a real hospital. After all, it's just a woman and her need to provide any oversight in the abbatoirs where mentally ill men and women climb into their vaginas with sharp instruments.

Your assertions do not hold water. Abortion does not risk the woman's life. In Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt:

Transcript: Oral arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt

the state of Texas argued that clinics in which abortions were performed warranted extreme safety precautions that it did not require of other medical facilities in which other procedures are performed. The Texas solicitor general got caught short when confronted with the fact that the state did not require the same safeguards for facilities in which colonoscopies are performed, even though the risk from these procedures is recognized by the medical community as greater. He got caught short again when he recommended, when asked about women who could not easily get to "approved" clinics, that they go to New Mexico, which does not require the same "safeguards." He came to court unable to produce anything to back up the state's claims.

It's interesting that both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as other organizations, have rejected the state's medical contentions. No one knows the source of these contentions.

Amicus Briefs in Support of Whole Woman’s Health

Some years ago, I had a D&C for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. It's an out-patient procedure, not some life-threatening, hold-your-breath procedure.

You remind me of a guy on another message board who asserted that there were all of these filthy horrible clinics where abortions were performed. I asked him what states these clinics were in and whether they had been reported to the proper authorities. I never got an answer. You would think that someone would have reported them. He could have answered me, since he was so sure. I concluded that he was full of shit.

Where you get the idea that making the decision to have an abortion involves protecting one's figure, one's income, one's abuser, or one's pimp is beyond me. Most are just normal people.
When I see a long post and the first sentence is a blatant and ridiculous lie, I don't read the rest. It's a waste. Im not interested in reading lies.

Point to a lie. There is nothing in what I wrote that is not true. This really happened in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. You just haven't got anything to refute my post, or you are too chicken-with-her-head-in-the-sand to do so.
I did. The first sentence that said abortion isn't dangerous is a lie. Abortion is an elective invasive procedure that risks women's lives. To deny it is a lie.

You mean that I risked my life when I had a D&C? You are free to have your delusions. I prefer to believe the

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