Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
I thought they already teach sex education in public schools?

Not all by a long shot. Some of these fundies got federal funding to supposedly provide "sex education," but it consists entirely of "abstinence" crap and does not give the kids any useful information about their bodies and their sexuality.

I would recommend that parents give their girls a copy of "Our Bodies, Ourselves," originated and maintained over decades by the Boston Women's Health Collective. It is a complete "owner's manual" for people in female bodies. No involvement or interference by any patriarchal/misogynist religion/cult at all. It provides factual information that assists girls and women in making good decisions about their lives. I would hope that some equally diligent organization has prepared a similar book for people in male bodies.
Look I like you Lucy but I tend to agree with what I I am calling a Truce with you because you are not even flexible in this's your way or no way.....fair enough.

A Wet-Check in Australia is a Rubber/Durex I think in the US or a Johnny/Durex in the you can see we Aussies have a bit more class in naming our Contraceptive devices......well I was half joking when I mentioned "The Burst" actually Lucy......but then as I always say...If you want Worlds Best Product>>>>>>>>>Only Buy Australian....LOL..steven

I have a joke from my pubescent years for you and the folks here....Guy goes into a Pharmacy/Chemists/Drug Store and asks the female

I like you also, so we can agree to disagree.

I have four kidlets soon to be five kidlets, our existence would not be the same without them.
Well at least I gave you food for thought,,,trouble is you couldn't keep it down!!!!!!

See how you get your own way with the very clever terminology "Kidlets",which I admire your wit and the word

Your last sentence is very lovely and loving Lucy,see I was right about you...steven why the Austrian Flag for your Avie

"Well at least I gave you food for thought,,,trouble is you couldn't keep it down!!!!!!"

I will re read later again and perhaps I can keep it down :smile:

"See how you get your own way with the very clever terminology "Kidlets",which I admire your wit and the word"

I think kidlets is cute so I use it, thank you for admiring my wit I try my best.

"Your last sentence is very lovely and loving Lucy,see I was right about you...steven why the Austrian Flag for your Avie"

Well we could not think of life without them they are adorable and adored. That is because I am Austrian, born and bred in Salzburg the most beautiful place on this planet.
Salzburg I know well in fact all of Austria "Das ist Good" my Germany is shit as you can see......The only thing I can say IS,what a shame you are but a few letters short in your name,,,,had you have realised the word Australia existed as you were growing up.then your expanse of the world would have been greater LOL....Are you teaching your Kinder German,being bi-lingual is important.The better half Janette,Nicolette is Belgian and taught our children French and Flemish/Dutch...travelling Europe and Studying there made it easy for them

Lol well growing up I knew that Australia was out there somewhere and that it has koala bears and kangeroos.

We all in my family have learned English from beginning the age of 8 years in age this going back to the late 1890s, my eldest is 5 years in age he knows German and Norwegian (Mr. Lucy is Norwegian) but he knows several Scottish things now that I forget already, Night Nanny is from Scotland and that woman is a gem, in three years he will have English lessons, my second eldest she is 3 years in age in March and is now very demanding lol.
English with a Scottish Accent it is then
If you don't know why women are marching, you are being deliberately clueless and displaying your ignorance.

Wrong, you stupid little girl. Women have ALL the same legal rights under Trump they had under Obama. The problem is that you pussy-hat-wearing females are psychotically immature little girls who never mentally progressed beyond the age of 5. You're NOT real women! You're petulant, sniveling female toddlers.
These yeast-infected garbage of the female gender love to scream and yell about sexism, but by wearing a pussy hat, they're announcing to society: "I'm a walking c*nt."

You have a habit of being completely vulgar.
And women wearing "pussy" hats or dressed as vaginas in public, aren't?

No one of us would have done this before guys brought up the whole penis-worship thing. Unfortunately, we know have to be "in your face" street theater about things, since the guys have shown that they will not even have an intelligent dialogue on issues affecting women, probably because they are incapable of it. We've lived through too much bullshit from the penis-worshipers: Sandra Fluke, Paul Ryan running away from people delivering petitions, assholes calling us "gals," assholes telling us to put an aspirin between our knees, morons insisting that we sit for religious propaganda and wait just to have an abortion, refusing to do anything about sexual harassment, appointing trashy little slaves to governmental posts involving birth control and education. We were patient, but patience is finite. Most of us used to be polite, but it was just used against us by the right-wing trash, so no more.

Translation: "I'm a clinically psychotic, paranoid, violent man-hater feminist bitch because of my raging delusion all men are obsessed with their dicks every waking moment of life 24/7." You feminists psychopaths are so disgusting, I'm guessing you also support Islam, the ultimate rape-happy exercise in brutality against women. The religion of female slavery which stones women to death, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, RAPES every female lifeform with a heartbeat, non-surgically slices the clitori off little girls, etc.
These yeast-infected garbage of the female gender love to scream and yell about sexism, but by wearing a pussy hat, they're announcing to society: "I'm a walking c*nt."

You have a habit of being completely vulgar.
And women wearing "pussy" hats or dressed as vaginas in public, aren't?

No one of us would have done this before guys brought up the whole penis-worship thing. Unfortunately, we know have to be "in your face" street theater about things, since the guys have shown that they will not even have an intelligent dialogue on issues affecting women, probably because they are incapable of it. We've lived through too much bullshit from the penis-worshipers: Sandra Fluke, Paul Ryan running away from people delivering petitions, assholes calling us "gals," assholes telling us to put an aspirin between our knees, morons insisting that we sit for religious propaganda and wait just to have an abortion, refusing to do anything about sexual harassment, appointing trashy little slaves to governmental posts involving birth control and education. We were patient, but patience is finite. Most of us used to be polite, but it was just used against us by the right-wing trash, so no more.

Translation: "I'm a clinically psychotic, paranoid, violent man-hater feminist bitch because of my raging delusion all men are obsessed with their dicks every waking moment of life 24/7." You feminists psychopaths are so disgusting, I'm guessing you also support Islam, the ultimate rape-happy exercise in brutality against women. The religion of female slavery which stones women to death, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, RAPES every female lifeform with a heartbeat, non-surgically slices the clitori off little girls, etc.

^^^^ Another gem from Will Munny, I have nominated myself to be President of the Will Munny Fan Club :smoke:
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
I thought they already teach sex education in public schools?

It is a complete "owner's manual" for people in female bodies. I would hope that some equally diligent organization has prepared a similar book for people in male bodies.

Hmm. People in female and male bodies. Sounds a little like people in sports cars or sedans. :D Beep. Beep. People are people, er, ah, Homo Sapiens, but the body is driven by hormones, and hormones spurred off of chromosomal types determines bodily development, height, shape, features and complexion, muscle development, and even influences mental attitudes and interests. Thus are born women and men and they come in all variety from the archetypal amazonian woman of ravishing beauty to the hulking Viking warrior, but increasingly in the modern age, more and more people seem to be aiming towards the androgynous person with no particular male or female characteristics. All in all, the "battle of the sexes": just one more illusory division to splinter society into groups of opposition as if one takes anything from the other, instead of working towards greater cooperation and unity. Bottom line: we might not see eye to eye but we cannot survive without each other.
Those women are an insult to ALL women. And wearing a pussy hat looks stupid and does nothing for their "cause" except make people laugh at them.
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
I thought they already teach sex education in public schools?

Not all by a long shot. Some of these fundies got federal funding to supposedly provide "sex education," but it consists entirely of "abstinence" crap and does not give the kids any useful information about their bodies and their sexuality.

I would recommend that parents give their girls a copy of "Our Bodies, Ourselves," originated and maintained over decades by the Boston Women's Health Collective. It is a complete "owner's manual" for people in female bodies. No involvement or interference by any patriarchal/misogynist religion/cult at all. It provides factual information that assists girls and women in making good decisions about their lives. I would hope that some equally diligent organization has prepared a similar book for people in male bodies.

"and does not give the kids any useful information about their bodies and their sexuality."

Which to Leftist Maniacs would be to psychologically abuse and fuck up the children by telling them that boys can also have a period and a vagina and girls can also have a penis and that there is no such thing as biological male and biological female because Gender is not biological it is a state of mind and that there are 56 different Genders and pushing the below crap into their minds:




Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
I thought they already teach sex education in public schools?

Not all by a long shot. Some of these fundies got federal funding to supposedly provide "sex education," but it consists entirely of "abstinence" crap and does not give the kids any useful information about their bodies and their sexuality.

I would recommend that parents give their girls a copy of "Our Bodies, Ourselves," originated and maintained over decades by the Boston Women's Health Collective. It is a complete "owner's manual" for people in female bodies. No involvement or interference by any patriarchal/misogynist religion/cult at all. It provides factual information that assists girls and women in making good decisions about their lives. I would hope that some equally diligent organization has prepared a similar book for people in male bodies.

No thank you. I don't want mentally ill craphats indoctrinating and grooming my kids.

I will teach them about sex as I see fit. They don't need to learn about orgasms, or their clitorises, or anal sex, or homosexuality, or any of that shit from mentally ill *teachers* who should be teaching them math, English and history..not desensitizing them to perversion.
Look at these three 'he-men'.
Real heterosexual men stick up for their partners. Thank you, guys, for being out, proud, responsible, and in the streets fighting for your partners! Right-wing nuts hate women and just want to have sex with a slave.
A real heterosexual male who has a clear sense of right or wrong, will only stand by their partner....if they are "right." If the partner is wrong, then the man points out his stance and doesn't back his partner. After all, wrong is wrong.
Look at these three 'he-men'.
Real heterosexual men stick up for their partners. Thank you, guys, for being out, proud, responsible, and in the streets fighting for your partners! Right-wing nuts hate women and just want to have sex with a slave.
A real heterosexual male who has a clear sense of right or wrong, will only stand by their partner....if they are "right." If the partner is wrong, then the man points out his stance and doesn't back his partner. After all, wrong is wrong.

And when his partner is batshit crazy, a real heterosexual male will help her get the treatment she needs.
Look at these three 'he-men'.
Real heterosexual men stick up for their partners. Thank you, guys, for being out, proud, responsible, and in the streets fighting for your partners! Right-wing nuts hate women and just want to have sex with a slave.
A real heterosexual male who has a clear sense of right or wrong, will only stand by their partner....if they are "right." If the partner is wrong, then the man points out his stance and doesn't back his partner. After all, wrong is wrong.

And when his partner is batshit crazy, a real heterosexual male will help her get the treatment she needs.
I've dated batshit crazy in my youth. I walked away from that. Didn't need the drama.
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.
You saying they take pride in killing their own children?

No one takes "pride" in having an abortion. And it's not killing a child except in your melodramatic mind.

LOL, yeah paramecium's are life, but a fetus is not.

You know our whole community has become shit, when even the scientists have too.

But, a lot of scientists are Jews, you can't trust those kind.
Last edited:
What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.
You saying they take pride in killing their own children?

No one takes "pride" in having an abortion. And it's not killing a child except in your melodramatic mind.

LOL, yeah paramecium's are life, but a fetus is not.

You know are whole community has become shit, when even the scientists have too.

But, a lot of scientists are Jews, you can't trust those kind.
Another racist.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.
You saying they take pride in killing their own children?

No one takes "pride" in having an abortion. And it's not killing a child except in your melodramatic mind.

LOL, yeah paramecium's are life, but a fetus is not.

You know are whole community has become shit, when even the scientists have too.

But, a lot of scientists are Jews, you can't trust those kind.
Another racist.

Kicking, and screaming racist only works on low IQ Whites.
Look at these three 'he-men'.
Real heterosexual men stick up for their partners. Thank you, guys, for being out, proud, responsible, and in the streets fighting for your partners! Right-wing nuts hate women and just want to have sex with a slave.
A real heterosexual male who has a clear sense of right or wrong, will only stand by their partner....if they are "right." If the partner is wrong, then the man points out his stance and doesn't back his partner. After all, wrong is wrong.

And when his partner is batshit crazy, a real heterosexual male will help her get the treatment she needs.
I've dated batshit crazy in my youth. I walked away from that. Didn't need the drama.
That may mean you aren't a real heterosexual male?
Whenever Lysis posts, why do I picture a senior woman sitting at her laptop with a pussy hat on her head while fondling her vagina suit?

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