Mentally deficient or just plain crazy?


Something can't from from nothing...except "god". LOL :lol:



The wise men say so, by coming to WORSHIP the Christ child (Matthew 2:2,11). Isaiah 42:8 clearly states that God will not share His glory nor praises with another.

2. Gabriel the Archangel says so in Matthew 1:23, calling Jesus "Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

3. Mary, Jesus' mother, says so in Luke 1:47... "And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."

4. A leper says so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 8:2. Only God is to be worshipped (Exodus 20:4,5).

5. Jesus Himself claimed so, in Matthew 9:2, when He forgave a man's sins, "Son...thy sins be forgiven thee." Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.

6. A certain ruler says so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 9:18.

7. The Apostles say so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 14:33.

8. A Canaanite woman says so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 15:25.

9. A mother and her sons say so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 20:20.

10. The disciples say so, by worshipping Jesus in Matthew 28:9.


1. A man afflicted by a demon says so, by worshipping Jesus in Mark 5:6.

2. Jesus Himself claimed so, in Mark 2:5, when He forgave a man's sins, "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." Mark 2:7 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.

What's good and what is evil? It's all subjective. It's "good" for people like you to breath but "evil" for the millions of microbes that die with those breaths.
BAHLASTI! OMPEDA! I spit at Jesus as he hangs on the cross. With my hawks head I peck at his eyes.

What's good and what is evil? It's all subjective. It's "good" for people like you to breath but "evil" for the millions of microbes that die with those breaths.
BAHLASTI! OMPEDA! I spit at Jesus as he hangs on the cross. With my hawks head I peck at his eyes.


I'll be sitting under the shade of my very own fig tree, eating curds and honey, immersed in the water of life, watching in horror as you flail around until you drown in fire lake, giving thanks and praise to he who truly is God for having been spared that fate and for giving me assurance of a place in the world to come..

1. John the Baptist says so, in John 1:15, by stating "He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me." John said that Jesus came BEFORE him; but Luke 1:24-27 tell us that Jesus was born several months AFTER John. John was clearly referring to Jesus as God incarnate.

2. Jesus Himself claimed so, in Luke 5:20, when He forgave a man's sins, "Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." Luke 5:21 plainly states that ONLY God can forgive sin.

3. The Apostles say so, by worshipping Jesus in Luke 24:52.


1. John says so, in John 1:1... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

2. John says so, by stating in John 1:3 that Jesus is the Divine Creator of all things. See Colossians 1:16; 2nd Peter 3:5. Genesis 1:1 plainly states that GOD created the universe and all things in it.

3. John says so, in John 1:10... "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not."

4. John says so, in John 3:16, by calling Jesus God's "only begotten Son." To be God's literal Son makes Jesus deity.

5. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1, by asking those who believe in God to also believe on Him.

6. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:24, "...for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." The pronoun "he" is in italics in the King James Bible, meaning it was added by the translators for clarity, and isn't in the Greek. Thus, it literally says, "...for if ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins." See Exodus 3:14.

7. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 8:58, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." This is the I AM of Exodus 3:14. The people understood what Jesus was claiming, because they tried to kill him in John 8:59.

8. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 10:30, "I and my Father are one."

9. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 10:33, "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God."

10. Jesus Himself claimed so, in John 14:1, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." Clearly, Jesus was claiming equality with God the Father. See Philippians 2:6 (King James Bible).
In studying American and Mexican Indians, I've learned that, except for the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, most cultures had Creator Spirits with a sense of humor and no desire to punish anyone.

Check out some of the myths sometime. Learn to laugh at Brothers Coyote and Rabbit.

Di you know they even have a story about the great flood?
In studying American and Mexican Indians, I've learned that, except for the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, most cultures had Creator Spirits with a sense of humor and no desire to punish anyone.

Check out some of the myths sometime. Learn to laugh at Brothers Coyote and Rabbit.

Di you know they even have a story about the great flood?

The bible contains many verses that paint God as a homicidal dictator, They paint him as a genocidal monster according to human norms, yet Christians argue that he cannot be judged. Are Christians mentally deficient or just plain crazy?

Christians in the United States proclaim themselves martyrs and wail about their oppression. These Christians that may attend the church of their choice, May worship the God of their choice are oppressed because they are not being allowed to force their morals and beliefs on others. Are Religious people crazy?

The Words of Jesus himself were that he would return before the Towns of Israel had been told that he was coming back. That those listening to him would not die before he returned, That was 2000 years ago and the towns of Israel have all heard the message of Christ, Every single person he was speaking to has been in their grave for over 19 centuries, and he has not returned. Are Religious people crazy?

They go on their knees and beg God for indulgences, even though God has an ineffable plan, a Plan that is unchangeable, Is God going to change his plan for these sinners begging for a new Mercedes? If God has a plan and is not going to change it, If he already knows what you are going to ask for, If he is indeed omniscient, surely prayer is superfluous and unnecessary? Are Religious people crazy?

God is all knowing? He is almighty, He cannot make mistakes because he is God then pray tell why was he satisfied with his work in Genesis 1:31 and totally unhappy with it by Genesis 6:6? Are Religious people crazy?
IN Exodus 31:17 God takes a sickie and a day off, yet in Isaiah 40:28 God is never ever tired? In Genesis 3, 11 and 18 God is not omnipresent, omniscient or always there but in Job, the Psalms and Proverbs the dude is creepily watching you inflicting onanism on your being. Are Religious people crazy?

My parents have always said it takes two to make a fight. Maybe you are denying what bad input you have entered into relationships.
to be fair, there could be other options.....simply saying the Bible paints him thus isn't necessarily evidence that you are mentally deficient or just plain could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil......

Guno asks some valid questions about contradictions that exist between what some people profess to believe, reality, and what is written in scripture..

I agree that those who fail to even try and resolve those contradictions could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

I heard that some people who I assume took a human biology course at some point in their lives actually profess to believe that Jesus was born without a human father...

Imagine that!

Crazy, mentally deficient, willfully ignorant or intentionally evil?

What's your excuse?

not really.....

It seems to me that if a person is not mentally deficient or crazy yet still does not even try to resolve the contradictions between what they profess to believe, reality, and the contradictions in the scriptures themselves they are most likely either willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

You profess to believe that Jesus was born fully human without a human father.

Did you miss 9th grade human biology class? Were you sleeping? Were you petitioning the Lord with prayer to have the faith to ignore all known facts?

If you are not mentally deficient, crazy, or willfully ignorant, whats left?
Guno asks some valid questions about contradictions that exist between what some people profess to believe, reality, and what is written in scripture..

I agree that those who fail to even try and resolve those contradictions could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

I heard that some people who I assume took a human biology course at some point in their lives actually profess to believe that Jesus was born without a human father...

Imagine that!

Crazy, mentally deficient, willfully ignorant or intentionally evil?

What's your excuse?

not really.....

It seems to me that if a person is not mentally deficient or crazy yet still does not even try to resolve the contradictions between what they profess to believe, reality, and the contradictions in the scriptures themselves they are most likely either willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

You profess to believe that Jesus was born fully human without a human father.

Did you miss 9th grade human biology class? Were you sleeping? Were you petitioning the Lord with prayer to have the faith to ignore all known facts?

If you are not mentally deficient, crazy, or willfully ignorant, whats left?

Always interesting is the confusing and confused beliefs about Mary the perpetual virgin as opposed to original sin immaculate conception. And some of them see to believe in parthenogenesis - a physiological reality that always results in female offspring.

Ain't called Cafeteria Christianity for nuthin'.

In studying American and Mexican Indians, I've learned that, except for the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, most cultures had Creator Spirits with a sense of humor and no desire to punish anyone.

Check out some of the myths sometime. Learn to laugh at Brothers Coyote and Rabbit.

Di you know they even have a story about the great flood?


Exactly what "demons" are you talking about? Name some for me. Or, just ONE.
Guno asks some valid questions about contradictions that exist between what some people profess to believe, reality, and what is written in scripture..

I agree that those who fail to even try and resolve those contradictions could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

I heard that some people who I assume took a human biology course at some point in their lives actually profess to believe that Jesus was born without a human father...

Imagine that!

Crazy, mentally deficient, willfully ignorant or intentionally evil?

What's your excuse?

not really.....

It seems to me that if a person is not mentally deficient or crazy yet still does not even try to resolve the contradictions between what they profess to believe, reality, and the contradictions in the scriptures themselves they are most likely either willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

You profess to believe that Jesus was born fully human without a human father.

Did you miss 9th grade human biology class? Were you sleeping? Were you petitioning the Lord with prayer to have the faith to ignore all known facts?

If you are not mentally deficient, crazy, or willfully ignorant, whats left?

The universe, come out of your shell, oh, and one hundred years ago, science said diabetes was caused by masturbation:lol::lol: Science is every changing, and I believe Christ was born of a virgin. The Creator remains beyond human understanding.
Guno asks some valid questions about contradictions that exist between what some people profess to believe, reality, and what is written in scripture..

I agree that those who fail to even try and resolve those contradictions could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

I heard that some people who I assume took a human biology course at some point in their lives actually profess to believe that Jesus was born without a human father...

Imagine that!

Crazy, mentally deficient, willfully ignorant or intentionally evil?

What's your excuse?

not really.....

It seems to me that if a person is not mentally deficient or crazy yet still does not even try to resolve the contradictions between what they profess to believe, reality, and the contradictions in the scriptures themselves they are most likely either willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

You profess to believe that Jesus was born fully human without a human father.

Did you miss 9th grade human biology class? Were you sleeping? Were you petitioning the Lord with prayer to have the faith to ignore all known facts?

If you are not mentally deficient, crazy, or willfully ignorant, whats left?

apparently, what's left is being cognizant that 9th grade biology doesn't pose much of a challenge to a deity that created biology.....

seriously though, I'm curious......have you really convinced yourself your arguments are intelligent?.....because I'm not seeing it.....
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Guno asks some valid questions about contradictions that exist between what some people profess to believe, reality, and what is written in scripture..

I agree that those who fail to even try and resolve those contradictions could also be willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

I heard that some people who I assume took a human biology course at some point in their lives actually profess to believe that Jesus was born without a human father...

Imagine that!

Crazy, mentally deficient, willfully ignorant or intentionally evil?

What's your excuse?

not really.....

It seems to me that if a person is not mentally deficient or crazy yet still does not even try to resolve the contradictions between what they profess to believe, reality, and the contradictions in the scriptures themselves they are most likely either willfully ignorant or simply intentionally evil.

You profess to believe that Jesus was born fully human without a human father.

Did you miss 9th grade human biology class? Were you sleeping? Were you petitioning the Lord with prayer to have the faith to ignore all known facts?

If you are not mentally deficient, crazy, or willfully ignorant, whats left?

So testtube babies aren't possible either?

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