Merged Credit downgrade threads

Join the Constitutional Conservative Movement. It's our nation's only hope at this point. The Socialists/Progressives & Neocons don't have the answers. Join and as many,we will triumph. :)

We Classical Liberals/Libertarians were Constitutional conservatives LONG before there was a movement. That said, we couldn't be more pleased to welcome you all into the good fight. And you're right, we will triumph.
Rachel Maddow Debunks GOP Talking Point That S&P Downgrade Was Due To Debt


They indicted the Republican Party right now in Washington. It’s a question about whether or not there will be a change in fashion and whether or not it will be a wake-up call that the parties need to work together rather than the Republicans fashion right now, which is any deal is a bad deal.

Alex Castellanos: Where to begin? I don’t think the Republicans think any deal is a bad deal. When you look at the ratings, these Republicans in Congress are saying how can you grow an economy when you have to service this growing debt? They put their foot down on that. The problem is not Republican intransigence, the problem is balance, as the president likes to call it. We have balance. We have Republican intransigence, and we have Democratic intransigence. That’s why we got nothing done.

Rachel Maddow: That’s not why S&P says they downgraded us though. S&P said the downgrade was motivated by the debate of raising the debt ceiling. That’s why they say they downgraded us, not because there’s too much debt but rather Washington is not working. We did something insane with getting that close to defaulting on purpose.
WTF is a moran????????????? OMG, priceless and the irony.. too much!!:lol::lol::lol:

Urban Dictionary: moran


Posting proof that stupidity runs deep on the left, probably wasnt your best move.

Actually, he's from your side. He was protesting anti-war demonstrators.


Good try, though. Your statement certainly had a "truthiness" feel to it, didn't it?

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How do know what side he is really from?
Unless you were actually there and spoke to him

Both sides of the political have put
fake "protesters" into groups to make the other look bad
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Other than as a political football, and something for the talking heads to talk about, S&P downgrading US debt is meaningless. They might as well downgrade the sun or the ocean, or complain about the weather.

Regardless of how safe you think Treasuries are, they remain the safest investment there is. They are the chief assets of our central bank. Money itself is backed by Treasuries. The dollar, in turn, backs currencies around the world.

US debt, in other words, is the foundation of the world's economic system. If US debt is not safe, nothing is. Not even money itself.

S&P's downgrade will have no effect.

"There isn't a fund that owns Treasuries just because they're rated AAA," says Ben Inker, head of asset allocation for the asset management firm GMO. "They own Treasuries because, well, they're Treasuries."

Other than as a political football, and something for the talking heads to talk about, S&P downgrading US debt is meaningless. They might as well downgrade the sun or the ocean, or complain about the weather.

Regardless of how safe you think Treasuries are, they remain the safest investment there is. They are the chief assets of our central bank. Money itself is backed by Treasuries. The dollar, in turn, backs currencies around the world.

US debt, in other words, is the foundation of the world's economic system. If US debt is not safe, nothing is. Not even money itself.

S&P's downgrade will have no effect.

"There isn't a fund that owns Treasuries just because they're rated AAA," says Ben Inker, head of asset allocation for the asset management firm GMO. "They own Treasuries because, well, they're Treasuries."

That's quite a spin, Sundial. Money will cost the US more to borrow in the future. Mortgage rates will go up, along with auto loans, etc.

Look at the whole picture, and not the 20 pixels you were expounding on.
How do know what side he is really from?
Unless you were actually there and spoke to him

Both sides of the political have put
fake "protesters" into groups to make the other look bad

That's the most obvious word to deliberately misspell to create an ironic effect; And he carries a USA sign to establish his creds; I say BS.
Rachel Maddow Debunks GOP Talking Point That S&P Downgrade Was Due To Debt


They indicted the Republican Party right now in Washington. It’s a question about whether or not there will be a change in fashion and whether or not it will be a wake-up call that the parties need to work together rather than the Republicans fashion right now, which is any deal is a bad deal.

Alex Castellanos: Where to begin? I don’t think the Republicans think any deal is a bad deal. When you look at the ratings, these Republicans in Congress are saying how can you grow an economy when you have to service this growing debt? They put their foot down on that. The problem is not Republican intransigence, the problem is balance, as the president likes to call it. We have balance. We have Republican intransigence, and we have Democratic intransigence. That’s why we got nothing done.

Rachel Maddow: That’s not why S&P says they downgraded us though. S&P said the downgrade was motivated by the debate of raising the debt ceiling. That’s why they say they downgraded us, not because there’s too much debt but rather Washington is not working. We did something insane with getting that close to defaulting on purpose.

Why anyone would believe that ugly dyke is beyond me.

Other than as a political football, and something for the talking heads to talk about, S&P downgrading US debt is meaningless. They might as well downgrade the sun or the ocean, or complain about the weather.

Regardless of how safe you think Treasuries are, they remain the safest investment there is. They are the chief assets of our central bank. Money itself is backed by Treasuries. The dollar, in turn, backs currencies around the world.

US debt, in other words, is the foundation of the world's economic system. If US debt is not safe, nothing is. Not even money itself.

S&P's downgrade will have no effect.

"There isn't a fund that owns Treasuries just because they're rated AAA," says Ben Inker, head of asset allocation for the asset management firm GMO. "They own Treasuries because, well, they're Treasuries."

That's quite a spin, Sundial. Money will cost the US more to borrow in the future. Mortgage rates will go up, along with auto loans, etc.

Look at the whole picture, and not the 20 pixels you were expounding on.

No spin. Treasuries may go up or down. They go up and down all the time. But they won't change much, and they won't change because of this.

We'll see, anyway.
Revenues go up and down. They know this. So how could they spend $16 Trillion more than they took in? Revenue is not the problem. That's just a dumbed-down Left/DNC Talking Point. Why blame the Taxpayers? This awful mess is all on the Politicians/Government. So no,they don't get to have more revenue. They get to cut their spending instead. But they refused to do it with this terrible Debt Deal. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that we got Downgraded. Nothing was done to solve the problem.
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Where will the funding for the $115 Trillion in US unfunded liabilities come from? See: US Debt Clock

I assume there will be a compromise. 1/3 in cuts, 1/3 in higher tax revenues & 1/3 from currency debasement. So 1/3 of the $115 Trillion unfunded liabilities = $38.33 Trillion in currency debasement over the next 10 years.

NPR says US unfunded liabilities come to $211 Trillion. Clearly this puts way further up shit creek without a paddle.

NPR: A National Debt Of $14 Trillion? Try $211 Trillion
"If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That's the fiscal gap," he says. "That's our true indebtedness."
Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade'

Senator John Kerry (D-MA), appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, blamed Republicans and in particular Tea Party intransigence for the unprecedented S&P downgrade of U.S. credit from AAA to AA+.

"I believe this is without question the Tea Party downgrade," he said. "This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered the will of even many of Republicans in the United States Senate who were prepared to do a bigger deal."

Kerry intimated that the "grand bargain" that President Obama initially negotiated with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), a package of larger spending cuts and revenue increases, was scuttled by a smaller group of Republicans who were unwilling to negotiate at any cost.

"There were some people in the Republican party - and Mitch McConnell even admitted this - who wanted to default," Kerry said. "He said there were people in his party who were willing to shoot the hostage. In the end they found that the hostage was worth ransoming."

MORE: Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade' | TPMDC
Attention Media: S&P Lacks Credibility

When reporting on Standard & Poor's recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and its assessments of the U.S. fiscal situation, media outlets should carefully examine the rating agency's credibility.

Congressional Commission: Rating Agencies "Key Enablers Of The Financial Meltdown." From the January 2011 Financial Crisis Inquiry Report:

We conclude the failures of credit rating agencies were essential cogs in the wheel of financial destruction. The three credit rating agencies [Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch Ratings] were key enablers of the financial meltdown. The mortgage-related securities at the heart of the crisis could not have been marketed and sold without their seal of approval. Investors relied on them, often blindly. In some cases, they were obligated to use them, or regulatory capital standards were hinged on them. This crisis could not have happened without the rating agencies. Their ratings helped the market soar and their downgrades through 2007 and 2008 wreaked havoc across markets and firms. [The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, Final Report of the National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States, January 2011, emphasis in original]

MORE: Attention Media: S&P Lacks Credibility | Media Matters for America
Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade'

Senator John Kerry (D-MA), appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, blamed Republicans and in particular Tea Party intransigence for the unprecedented S&P downgrade of U.S. credit from AAA to AA+.

"I believe this is without question the Tea Party downgrade," he said. "This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered the will of even many of Republicans in the United States Senate who were prepared to do a bigger deal."

Kerry intimated that the "grand bargain" that President Obama initially negotiated with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), a package of larger spending cuts and revenue increases, was scuttled by a smaller group of Republicans who were unwilling to negotiate at any cost.

"There were some people in the Republican party - and Mitch McConnell even admitted this - who wanted to default," Kerry said. "He said there were people in his party who were willing to shoot the hostage. In the end they found that the hostage was worth ransoming."

MORE: Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade' | TPMDC

You & your cronies lack credibility. Germany & China downgraded the US months ago before the TEA Party helped balance the budget.

Investors pulled money out of stock funds at the fastest rate in over two years in the month of June. According to data released by Strategic Insight, U.S. stock mutual funds saw net outflow of $17.3 billion in the month of June, the biggest monthly outflow since March 2009.
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Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade'

Senator John Kerry (D-MA), appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, blamed Republicans and in particular Tea Party intransigence for the unprecedented S&P downgrade of U.S. credit from AAA to AA+.

"I believe this is without question the Tea Party downgrade," he said. "This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered the will of even many of Republicans in the United States Senate who were prepared to do a bigger deal."

Kerry intimated that the "grand bargain" that President Obama initially negotiated with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), a package of larger spending cuts and revenue increases, was scuttled by a smaller group of Republicans who were unwilling to negotiate at any cost.

"There were some people in the Republican party - and Mitch McConnell even admitted this - who wanted to default," Kerry said. "He said there were people in his party who were willing to shoot the hostage. In the end they found that the hostage was worth ransoming."

MORE: Kerry Slams 'Tea Party Downgrade' | TPMDC

Your hanging your hat with Kerry? You both are losers. :lol:

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