Merged Credit downgrade threads

Turbo Tim Geithner couldn't even file his own Taxes properly using Turbo Tax. I said he was an incompetent dolt right from the very beginning. But so many morons prayed to him like he was as an Economic God. Him and Bernanke should not only be removed but should also probably be wearing handcuffs and orange jumpsuits. Downgraded for the first time in our History. HISTORY! WTG Turbo Tim and Democrats! Idiots.

This video will be edited into a number of Republican Presidential candidates commercials, priceless....

Oh it's OFFICIAL, Obama has replaced Carter as the Worst POTUS of the last 100 years, are you brain dead liberals happy with Mr. Hope & Change now????

The world is a tough place, it's time you realized it, wake up from fairy tale land and grow some, Michele neutered Barrack a long, long time ago.....

We need leadership and this idiot will never meet that requirement....
What will be the reaction Monday on the market?

I think everyone pretty much figured this was going to happen. Does the downgrade mean the US is really not as credit-worthy? Not for now. But it is a very very bad sign. The Obama Administration's response of course was to attack S&P
White House adviser slams S&P after U.S. downgrade - Yahoo! News

This has been the theme of Obama's presidency: Attack anyone who disagrees and question their motives. That in itself is part of the reason for the downgrade: the inability of Obama and the Democrats to work towards something.

The economy is not going to recover until after the 2012 election. This one is the GOP's to lose.
The KKK moved into the GOP during the 1960s and 1970s as you well know. Men like Harry Byrd repented their back ground and did good to do better. Men like Strom Thurmond moved into the GOP and fathered illegitimate black children.

NeoFascist, you are a racist and a far righty extremist fascist pretending to be a conservative Republican.

Byrd would have called you a "white ******"

And he'd be right
What will be the reaction Monday on the market?

I think everyone pretty much figured this was going to happen. Does the downgrade mean the US is really not as credit-worthy? Not for now. But it is a very very bad sign. The Obama Administration's response of course was to attack S&P
White House adviser slams S&P after U.S. downgrade - Yahoo! News

This has been the theme of Obama's presidency: Attack anyone who disagrees and question their motives. That in itself is part of the reason for the downgrade: the inability of Obama and the Democrats to work towards something.

The economy is not going to recover until after the 2012 election. This one is the GOP's to lose.


In sum, the S&P downgrade marks a post on the road where progressive demagogy loses its power. The downgrade marks a post on the road to extinction for 19th-20th century progressivism. That’s why the Obama administration — and true progressive ideologues — made S&P their first target, however futile the gesture.
What will be the reaction Monday on the market?

I think everyone pretty much figured this was going to happen. Does the downgrade mean the US is really not as credit-worthy? Not for now. But it is a very very bad sign. The Obama Administration's response of course was to attack S&P
White House adviser slams S&P after U.S. downgrade - Yahoo! News

This has been the theme of Obama's presidency: Attack anyone who disagrees and question their motives. That in itself is part of the reason for the downgrade: the inability of Obama and the Democrats to work towards something.

The economy is not going to recover until after the 2012 election. This one is the GOP's to lose.


In sum, the S&P downgrade marks a post on the road where progressive demagogy loses its power. The downgrade marks a post on the road to extinction for 19th-20th century progressivism. That’s why the Obama administration — and true progressive ideologues — made S&P their first target, however futile the gesture.
At least someone gets it.

The Leftists have had over 2 years of total control of the government. In that time they have managed to fuck things up beyond recognition. No one believes Bush caused the present problem, not 3 years out. The Dems are the least accountable bunch that has ever held power. This was part of the downgrade, their inability to work with the GOP towards a real solution. They live in La-La Land where "accountability" is merely a campaign tactic.
The KKK moved into the GOP during the 1960s and 1970s as you well know. Men like Harry Byrd repented their back ground and did good to do better. Men like Strom Thurmond moved into the GOP and fathered illegitimate black children.

NeoFascist, you are a racist and a far righty extremist fascist pretending to be a conservative Republican.

Byrd would have called you a "white ******"

And he'd be right

He has nothing to back up his claims on me, as usual
Everyone knows he lies and his ideas are extreme. I have links to some
of his crazy stuff if you want them

Funny part is he thinks I am a Republican

Good News - all may not be lost for RINOs or people pretending to RINOs

RINO UPDATE: Romney Signs Pro-Straight Marriage Pledge with Tea Party Supporter Bachmann

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.) and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum have signed a pledge from the National Organization for Marriage to oppose gay marriage at several levels of the federal government.

But former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who has sought to burnish his credentials as an evangelical Christian, declined to sign it, possibly putting him at odds with the social conservatives he is trying to court in Iowa. The National Organization for Marriage is running a four-day Iowa bus tour leading up to the Aug. 13 straw poll in Ames.

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Still can't see how you could raise taxes by 150-200 billion a year without hurting the economy. I got no problem with a tax increase a few years down the road if and when the economy gets going and UE drops down to around 7% or so. I think raising taxes now or cutting spending too much in these perilous times would hurt too many people. I see no reason to get crazy about it, let's do it in a sane and rational manner. Yeah sure, that'll happen, LOL.

I definitely don't think we should raise taxes or cut spending right now. I think we should do it when the economy is on sounder footing. Cutting spending or raising taxes when the economy is weak is likely to push the economy back into recession.
Why S&P?s Downgrade is No Joke - Edmund L. Andrews -

But it’s hard to read the S&P analysis as anything other than a blast at Republicans. In denouncing the threat of default as a “bargaining chip,” the agency was saying that the GOP strategy had shaken its confidence. Though S&P didn’t mention it, the agency must have been unnerved by the number of Republicans who insisted that it would be fine to blow through the debt ceiling and provoke a default.

As many other analysts have noted, the deficit-reduction deal wouldn’t stop debt from climbing faster than the nation’s GDP over the next decade. It warned that the government’s publicly-held debt would climb from 74 percent of GDP at the end of this year to 79 percent by the end of 2011.

But one reason S&P said it had become more gloomy was that it had revised its assumptions about the most likely course of fiscal policy. In previous projections, it said, its “base case scenario” had assumed that Bush tax cuts for the wealthy would expire at the end of 2012, while tax cuts for families earning less than $250,000 a year would be extended. That, it said, would have reduced deficits about $950 billion over ten years.

But the new S&P base case assumes that Congress extends all the Bush tax cuts. “We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act,” S&P said.
The people will bame the Tea Party for this, correctly.

lol....yeah, obama and the liberal senate majority are completely not responsible for is all the 80 or so tea party reps in the house

:lol: :cuckoo: :lol:

Remember anything must also pass the republican controlled house.


Obama Theme Song

[ame=]‪It Wasn't Me by Shaggy feat RikRok‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Thank goodness we have these wingnut leftists posting their wingnut leftist articles...

We'd never know how the wingnut leftists would think without them...

The Meltdown’s True Villain: With a double-dip recession looming and attacks on Obama mounting, it’s amazing the GOP is still setting the U.S. agenda when its own George W. Bush ran up half the debt we’ve accumulated since Reagan.
In what sounded at first like something from the Onion, Standard & Poor's postponed its planned downgrade of US debt for a few hours today after the White House pointed out that it had made a $2 trillion arithmetic error in its calculation of future deficits. Seriously. These guys are supposed to have the most sophisticated stable of financial analysts on the planet, but apparently they can't come within $2 trillion of figuring out something that's a simple matter of looking through OMB tables and CBO reports.

But set that aside for the moment. What's $2 trillion between friends? We all agree on the rough size of America's fiscal woes and $2 trillion one way or the other isn't all that decisive. So the question of the day is: Should S&P have downgraded our debt? Felix Salmon says emphatically yes:

The US does not deserve a triple-A rating, and the reason has nothing whatsoever to do with its debt ratios. America's ability to pay is neither here nor there: the problem is its willingness to pay. And there’s a serious constituency of powerful people in Congress who are perfectly willing and even eager to drive the US into default. The Tea Party is fully cognizant that it has been given a bazooka, and it's just itching to pull the trigger. There's no good reason to believe that won’t happen at some point.

MORE: Why S&P Is Wrong

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