Merged Credit downgrade threads

I'm not a Canadian so I'm not going to argue the point, but the story that I've read about the Canadian turnaround is that they cut spending from a high of 53% of GDP in 1993 to a low of just under 40% by 2008. Today it's around 44% due to the recession.

At the Canadian federal level, they cut capital gains taxes twice, down to 14.5% today. A series of corporate tax rate cuts beginning in 2001 have seen rates cut from 28% down to 15%. Many provinces have followed suit by cutting both corporate and personal income taxes on top of that. If this is wrong, please provide a link that contradicts what I said. And notice that they cut spending first.

You say it's about ideology, I say it's about what works and what is economically effective. I don't give a damn about what's fair, I care about doing whatever is the most optimal way to get this economy revived and creating jobs. IMHO, sucking money out of the major investors who provide capital to startup or expand is hardly optimal. They'll put their money elsewhere, as they have been for a few years now.

The Canadian government raised taxes in the mid-90s, but most of the pain was on the spending side. There was absolutely no way the Liberal party would have been able to push through a fiscal adjustment entirely on the spending side. They lowered taxes once they started running surpluses and paying off the debt. But Canadians are still more "socialist" than Americans.

And that's what we should do here. Focus primarily on the spending side but also raise taxes. If we have to do that by flattening the tax structure and getting rid of loopholes, fine, that works. But we have to take from the revenue side as well. I say 75% spending and 25% tax increases, but if you want to do 80/20 or thereabouts, that works for me. But to say it all must be one way, that's not serious. Or if it is, take it to the people and tell them you are going to cut SS and medicare and defense. And if they give you a mandate to do it that way, fine. But that's not the mandate the people have given the government. That's why the intransigent ideologues are the problem.

And that's what the majority of people polled said they wanted, the one time Gallup asked about 'no taxes, all cuts'; 'mostly cuts, some taxes'; 'mostly taxes, some cuts', and 'all taxes on the rich.'

On Deficit, Americans Prefer Spending Cuts; Open to Tax Hikes
How about just cutting the automatic increases every department gets, make them justify their current budgets, not be given a bigger one for no apparent reason.

How fast would that get the budget under control?

I'm not a Canadian so I'm not going to argue the point, but the story that I've read about the Canadian turnaround is that they cut spending from a high of 53% of GDP in 1993 to a low of just under 40% by 2008. Today it's around 44% due to the recession.

At the Canadian federal level, they cut capital gains taxes twice, down to 14.5% today. A series of corporate tax rate cuts beginning in 2001 have seen rates cut from 28% down to 15%. Many provinces have followed suit by cutting both corporate and personal income taxes on top of that. If this is wrong, please provide a link that contradicts what I said. And notice that they cut spending first.

You say it's about ideology, I say it's about what works and what is economically effective. I don't give a damn about what's fair, I care about doing whatever is the most optimal way to get this economy revived and creating jobs. IMHO, sucking money out of the major investors who provide capital to startup or expand is hardly optimal. They'll put their money elsewhere, as they have been for a few years now.

The Canadian government raised taxes in the mid-90s, but most of the pain was on the spending side. There was absolutely no way the Liberal party would have been able to push through a fiscal adjustment entirely on the spending side. They lowered taxes once they started running surpluses and paying off the debt. But Canadians are still more "socialist" than Americans.

And that's what we should do here. Focus primarily on the spending side but also raise taxes. If we have to do that by flattening the tax structure and getting rid of loopholes, fine, that works. But we have to take from the revenue side as well. I say 75% spending and 25% tax increases, but if you want to do 80/20 or thereabouts, that works for me. But to say it all must be one way, that's not serious. Or if it is, take it to the people and tell them you are going to cut SS and medicare and defense. And if they give you a mandate to do it that way, fine. But that's not the mandate the people have given the government. That's why the intransigent ideologues are the problem.

LOL, I don't think anybody's going to get a mandate to cut SS, Medicare, and Defense spending. But that is precisely what needs to happen, and I don't think raising taxes is going to make much of a difference. The CBO says that allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire on the wealthy nets you about 70-80 billion a year. So, at 75-25 you cut 3 times that, or around 210-240 billion. But our deficits are running at 1.5-1.6 trillion a year, so you knock off say 300 billion but you still got 1.2 trillion to go. We are not going to get out of this hole by running annual deficits that are near or over a trillion bucks a year. And here's the kicker - when you raise the top tax rates you discourage investment in this country, not only from US investors but also foreign investors coming in. They go elsewhere, and our economy does nothing. That isn't ideology talking, that's reality. Money flows to wherever it makes the best return.

If you only cut spending by say 225 trillion, you haven't really addressed the underlying problem we have, which is the entitlements. There's no getting around it, you can trim around the edges and use all kinds of accounting tricks, but those programs are going bust and must be reformed. And no amount of tax hikes is going to change that. Wehave a spending problem, we're spending too much and wasting a lot of it. Talk to me about raising taxes after the gov't starts spending our money more wisely.
We will get out of this hole. We just have to start being responsible. And eventually, we will.

"You can count on Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else." - Winston Churchill.

I agree but the best hope of being responsible is split government which marginalizes (hopefully) the irresponsible/ideological wings of both parties.

At least that has historically been the case.
If you only cut spending by say 225 trillion, you haven't really addressed the underlying problem we have, which is the entitlements. There's no getting around it, you can trim around the edges and use all kinds of accounting tricks, but those programs are going bust and must be reformed. And no amount of tax hikes is going to change that. Wehave a spending problem, we're spending too much and wasting a lot of it. Talk to me about raising taxes after the gov't starts spending our money more wisely.

To get to a package that makes sense it has to be both. Partly because we are so far underwater that every penny counts whether it is revenue or cuts and two because you won't get people to accept the cuts if you continue to have items like the Hedge fund carry out there.
So we were downgraded because we spend too much. Does this really shock anyone?
I'm beginning to look beyond Obama. President Romney? President Perry?

You think. I don't trust the right wing with a Republican President. Divided government in the only way to go with both parties dominated by extremes.

This is an unusual time. President Romney, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell all facing each other in 2013? Wouldn't surprise me.

You won't get the cuts with Pelosi as speaker. I think the only way this works is with a Republican (hopefully more moderate) Congress and a Democratic President.
There has to be a better way to reduce costs than another government entitlement program...we just can't afford it.

What we can't afford is to spend 1.8 times any other country on health care especially when we are spending something like 2X on defense.

I agree, we can't afford either of those two options, a new entitlement or the status quo.

So we must find a third option.

But again you already have an entitlement. The question is what is the best approach to fund with the most efficient outcome. Your claiming government funding is not the most efficient. I am not so sure. The Ryan Medicare plan was actually not to far from the Obama plan. That might be the best approach but I worry without a floor it is open to fraud and abuse...

Don't have a great answer.
Republican Ideology, Not Obama, Ruined our Credit Rating

Remember when the president suddenly offered the Republicans a grand bargain on deficit reduction and put entitlements on the table if the Republicans would only consider eliminating tax loopholes for private jet owners and other millionaires? Remember how so many progressives howled about the betrayal? Imagine what the world would like today if the president had not taken that step.

You have probably been subjected to an endless litany from progressives that this was all a fake crisis and that we don't really have a debt problem. That was never true. We do have a debt problem. We have a debt problem because Standard & Poor has come to the conclusion that we'll never be able to raise revenues. The Republicans' ideology has ruined our credit rating. The president could have been blamed for this downgrade if he hadn't shown a willingness to put entitlements on the table. In that case, both sides would be equally to blame. But the president wisely took the necessary action to protect our credit rating, and he was rebuffed when Eric Cantor and then John Boehner walked out of the negotiations.

Republican Ideology, Not Obama, Ruined our Credit Rating | AlterNet
I'm not a Canadian so I'm not going to argue the point, but the story that I've read about the Canadian turnaround is that they cut spending from a high of 53% of GDP in 1993 to a low of just under 40% by 2008. Today it's around 44% due to the recession.

At the Canadian federal level, they cut capital gains taxes twice, down to 14.5% today. A series of corporate tax rate cuts beginning in 2001 have seen rates cut from 28% down to 15%. Many provinces have followed suit by cutting both corporate and personal income taxes on top of that. If this is wrong, please provide a link that contradicts what I said. And notice that they cut spending first.

You say it's about ideology, I say it's about what works and what is economically effective. I don't give a damn about what's fair, I care about doing whatever is the most optimal way to get this economy revived and creating jobs. IMHO, sucking money out of the major investors who provide capital to startup or expand is hardly optimal. They'll put their money elsewhere, as they have been for a few years now.

True but let's think about this for a moment. A big part of your assumption set is that people will invest where they live. Now what if that assumption isn't true?

To create jobs we should care more where the rich invest rather than where they live..... What will drive long term investment is Corporate income tax rates. We have some of the highest Corporate income tax rates in the world. Those need to be lowered or better yet eliminated. With lower corporate income tax rates people will invest and more importantly small business will have more money to reinvest and grow their business.

Capital Gains have gotten favored tax treatment because historically you want to build a countries capital stock but in this global economy that is an out-dated concept. Let's assume an investor lives here and pay low to no capital gains tax. If their entire portfolio is invested overseas, they live for free in the economy. Using your optimal measure this scenario is hardly optimal. This investor is consuming services and not paying for them. Even worse you have also likely increased the deficit so we are paying interest charges on the free-loading. Especially if you have eliminated Corporate income taxes, then Capital Gains taxes should be taxed at income tax levels because you have no double taxation of earnings.

Lastly we have to stop thinking in terms of Corporate income and think in terms of cash flow because that is what matters. We can't allow organizations to take cash out of the country free of charge. I don't care if it is Ford or Toyota making the money. What I care about is the revenue gained stays in the US via hiring, capital purchases or other investment. Money send overseas should be taxed at a rate of 20%. This model incents corporations from selling goods here with no local production assets.
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IRS: Not enough rich to cover the deficit

Soak the rich, eh?

They do not have the money.
A report from the Internal Revenue Service found that the rich — 8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more — earned a total of $240 billion in 2009.

Even of you confiscated every dime they earned, you would barely have enough money to cover government spending for 24 days.

Of course, about a quarter of that money already goes to the federal government for federal income. So make that 18 days.

Another 227,000 people earned $1 million or more in 2009.

Millionaires averaged taxes of 24.4% of their income — up from 23.1% in 2008.

They, too, did not earn enough money to come anywhere close to covering the annual deficits that are $1.5 trillion a year.

ndividual tax collections totaled $1,175,422,000,000 in 2009 — or 15.4% of all income.

Doubling federal income taxes for everyone would still leave us $400 billion or so shy of balancing the budget.
Anyone who believes there should be higher taxes should be taxed at least 10% more than they currently pay...

I've found that most people who are for higher taxes are for other people to pay them...

The government takes in enough - it needs to learn how to live within that...
Anyone who believes there should be higher taxes should be taxed at least 10% more than they currently pay...

I've found that most people who are for higher taxes are for other people to pay them...

The government takes in enough - it needs to learn how to live within that...
I would be willing to be taxed at the rate I was taxed under Clinton.

I have no problem sacrificing for my country, because in the end, it benefits me.
Anyone who believes there should be higher taxes should be taxed at least 10% more than they currently pay...

I've found that most people who are for higher taxes are for other people to pay them...

The government takes in enough - it needs to learn how to live within that...
I would be willing to be taxed at the rate I was taxed under Clinton.

I have no problem sacrificing for my country, because in the end, it benefits me.

then write them a check.
Anyone who believes there should be higher taxes should be taxed at least 10% more than they currently pay...

I've found that most people who are for higher taxes are for other people to pay them...

The government takes in enough - it needs to learn how to live within that...
I would be willing to be taxed at the rate I was taxed under Clinton.

I have no problem sacrificing for my country, because in the end, it benefits me.

You do know you can send in more than you owe now, don't you?

You do know that if you're owed a refund on your taxes, you can change that amount to zero, right?

Do you do these things now?

You can, you know...
Anyone who believes there should be higher taxes should be taxed at least 10% more than they currently pay...

I've found that most people who are for higher taxes are for other people to pay them...

The government takes in enough - it needs to learn how to live within that...
I would be willing to be taxed at the rate I was taxed under Clinton.

I have no problem sacrificing for my country, because in the end, it benefits me.

You do know you can send in more than you owe now, don't you?

You do know that if you're owed a refund on your taxes, you can change that amount to zero, right?

Do you do these things now?

You can, you know...

You assume that they even pay taxes
I would be willing to be taxed at the rate I was taxed under Clinton.

I have no problem sacrificing for my country, because in the end, it benefits me.

You do know you can send in more than you owe now, don't you?

You do know that if you're owed a refund on your taxes, you can change that amount to zero, right?

Do you do these things now?

You can, you know...

You assume that they even pay taxes

Oh, I imagine they do... I imagine they look for every deduction possible, even "fudge" a few numbers here and there to maximize that refund...

Hopefully they now know they don't have to do that and can just write in zero ($0.00) on the line saying "Amount owed you"...

And if it turns out they owe Uncle Sam an amount, they can certainly add more to that amount as well...

Lets hope this was eye opening for them...

One final thing, there is an address where you can send a gift to the US Treasury to go to the general fund as well and that can be done any time - not just during tax season... I'll see if I can find it for those who feel they can afford to pay more...
Republican Ideology, Not Obama, Ruined our Credit Rating

Remember when the president suddenly offered the Republicans a grand bargain on deficit reduction and put entitlements on the table if the Republicans would only consider eliminating tax loopholes for private jet owners and other millionaires? Remember how so many progressives howled about the betrayal? Imagine what the world would like today if the president had not taken that step.

You have probably been subjected to an endless litany from progressives that this was all a fake crisis and that we don't really have a debt problem. That was never true. We do have a debt problem. We have a debt problem because Standard & Poor has come to the conclusion that we'll never be able to raise revenues. The Republicans' ideology has ruined our credit rating. The president could have been blamed for this downgrade if he hadn't shown a willingness to put entitlements on the table. In that case, both sides would be equally to blame. But the president wisely took the necessary action to protect our credit rating, and he was rebuffed when Eric Cantor and then John Boehner walked out of the negotiations.

Republican Ideology, Not Obama, Ruined our Credit Rating | AlterNet

Well that's simply a lie...and it's untrue! You said "Standard & Poor has come to the conclusion that we'll never be able to raise revenues". The report was NOT about taxes, it was about DEBT and how our project spending is unsustainable.

Secondly, the report did NOT say "never be able to raise revenues". That's a lie. It does say, buried deep in the report, the following: "...our revised base case scenario now
assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues."

The report also states: "Standard & Poor's takes no position on the mix of spending and revenue measures that Congress and the Administration might conclude is appropriate
for putting the U.S.'s finances on a sustainable footing." Taking that in context with the fact that the entire overview section of the report focuses on debt due to over spending, we can be 100% sure that S&P didn't downgrade us because we haven't raised taxes.

In addition, it is very likely that raising taxes now would result in LESS revenue to the government. Sorry, that's how it works and that's why it ain't going to happen. Overall tax reform? Perhaps lowering of rates in conjunction with eliminating loopholes? Sure, we can talk about that but the reason we've been downgraded is too much goddamn debt and the specter of even more of it in the years to come.

Why do you think the administration is distancing itself from S&P? Because they support his argument? Well that would be insane wouldn't it.

Rather than quoting Progressive numb sculls, why not think for yourself and read the damn report:
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