MERKEL CAVES IN: Germany 'to offer to scrap EU tax on cars' in Trump victory

Not quite

Currently, the EU has a 10% tariff on all light vehicles. America has a 2.5% tariff on all cars and a 25% tariff on all light trucks, i.e. pick-ups, SUVs, etc. That's because light trucks are Detroit's most profitable product, and the American consumer - i.e. you - payer higher taxes to protect Detroit's most lucrative market.

Because light trucks are about 60% of the US light vehicle market, the average US tariff on light vehicles is higher than it is in Europe at ~12.5%. IOW the idea that we are getting hosed is simply nonsense. American tariffs, i.e. trade taxes, are higher on cars and trucks than they are in Europe.

Negotiations will center around reducing all tariffs on light vehicles, not just cars.

If you don't believe that trade is a zero-sum game - which educated people know it is not - then reducing tariffs on all vehicles is a good thing because it lowers taxes consumers pay and gives people more choice.

".....One catch is that the Europeans also want a 25% U.S. tax on imports of light trucks—pickup trucks, sport-utility vehicles, and big vans—scrapped. Abolishing this relic of the Johnson administration could alienate U.S. auto workers, a core constituency for Mr. Trump in the midterms this fall...."


and this:

"German car makers’ efforts face significant hurdles. Berlin has no power to hammer out trade deals—a prerogative of the European Commission, the EU’s executive body in Brussels—and would have to persuade fellow EU member states, starting with France, to back a radical free-trade approach many have shown little interest in."


"Government officials in Berlin are cautious about the car makers’ initiative. While they endorse the idea, they say the government already approached the Trump administration with similar proposals weeks ago without eliciting much interest. They also say no talks are currently taking place on trade between Europe and the U.S. as the EU finalizes its response to Mr. Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs."


Over here, you never hear about the tariffs we put on others. Trump just gives half the story and leaves the impression that we are always getting screwed.
In an SEC filing this morning, Harley specifically mentioned the EU tariffs as the reason for the shift in production to Europe.

Those are American jobs lost.

There are always more losers than winners in trade wars.
Look the Washington status quo wasn't working, I like that Trump is shaking things up.
german carmakers can't wait to flood the US market with touaregs, q7s and cayennes. LOL
hmm, looks like German Hillary is scrambling to save her ass

we have the best trade wars, Mr President the best!

Womp Womp

ANGELA Merkel appears to have caved in to Donald Trump with Germany considering scrapping the European Union’s 10 percent tax on American car imports.
The fake news, not being reported by any other outlet, is brought to you by the following tabloid:
In an SEC filing this morning, Harley specifically mentioned the EU tariffs as the reason for the shift in production to Europe.

Those are American jobs lost.

There are always more losers than winners in trade wars.
My agriculture export state econ will be hurt bigly, but Miss will continue voting Trump regardless .... we might vote for him if he was a child molester. LOL

But with autos and trucks what occurred with friendly persuasion is that Toyota's trucks are assembled in Tex and Germany assembles more cars here than it sells. And Ford and GM are intl too. I assume Harley is doing the same.

The only thing about Trump's blusters that makes any sense, imo, would be a temporary price increase to imported steel from fair trading countries to allow US steel to get back on its feet after the debacles of the 70s and 80s caused by both labor and capital. And no trade with any country making or importing steel sold below cost.

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