Merkel Reversing Course on Refugees; Why Cant Trump Ban them Too Then?

Angela Merkel has finally woken up to the real nature of letting millions of refugees enter into Germany and the crime, poverty and violence that they bring with them.

So why cant libtards pull their heads out and realize it as well?

They have to trash the entire country first?

Angela Merkel Will Expel Asylum Seekers From Germany As Support For Muslim Migrants Collapses

I have a wonderful idea -------ELEVATE the muslim refugee problem to one of TRUTH AND JUSTICE AND "DA WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" Long ago----many countries boycotted
south Africa for its racist laws-------and change DID HAPPEN. That phenomenon has been
cited as the GOOD REASON for "BDS" (boycott, divestment and sanctions) upon Israel for its
putative 'racism' upon 'palestinians' At issue is the relative favorable right to citizenship in Israel afforded DA JOOOOS. The great idea? Lots of countries ALSO play favorites.----specifically lots play favorites towards MUSLIMS. ALL of those countries that play FAVES in any way towards muslims must be declared COUNTRIES OF SANCTUARY FOR MUSLIMS.
FACE FACTS-----it is INHUMANE to exile people to NOWHERESVILLE. On examination just
about ALL muslim majority countries DO play FAVE toward muslims-----so there are lots of
potential COUNTRIES OF SANCTUARY-----FOR THE ENTIRE UMMAH. Indonesia is one----
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, even Mali------there are LOTS MORE. We do not
want to shove people into LIMBO-------people must have a place of SANCTUARY. A
massive human tragedy must be avoided at all costs. The "COST"-----BDS on any
muslim majority country that refuses muslim refugees
will the courts allow MERKEL? Will the courts allow a BDS campaign on muslim countries
that do not seek to SAVE muslim refugees en masse?
The Ds are setting themselves up for catastrophic collapse, that is an unalloyed goodness thing for the universe.
Trump was reversed by the courts, and admits it was a mistake.

you got a link or are you posting up one of your own wet dreams?
The Ds are setting themselves up for catastrophic collapse, that is an unalloyed goodness thing for the universe.

Yep. This tantrum is going to cost them in the mid-terms, and forever after. Let them cry some more.

Angela Merkel has finally woken up to the real nature of letting millions of refugees enter into Germany and the crime, poverty and violence that they bring with them.

So why cant libtards pull their heads out and realize it as well?

They have to trash the entire country first?

Angela Merkel Will Expel Asylum Seekers From Germany As Support For Muslim Migrants Collapses
Merkel is way too late. The barbarians are inside the German gates. She is as scummy a politician as any in America...just trying to keep her cushy job.

Libtards do what they are told by the elite left. So, if the elite continues to push for allowing refugees from terror nations in the country, libtards will think it wonderful.
Angela Merkel has finally woken up to the real nature of letting millions of refugees enter into Germany and the crime, poverty and violence that they bring with them.

So why cant libtards pull their heads out and realize it as well?

They have to trash the entire country first?

Angela Merkel Will Expel Asylum Seekers From Germany As Support For Muslim Migrants Collapses
Merkel is way too late. The barbarians are inside the German gates. She is as scummy a politician as any in America...just trying to keep her cushy job.

Libtards do what they are told by the elite left. So, if the elite continues to push for allowing refugees from terror nations in the country, libtards will think it wonderful.

I believe that Merkel did what she thought was ETHICAL-----she might regret that "ethic" someday---or even today
Angela Merkel has finally woken up to the real nature of letting millions of refugees enter into Germany and the crime, poverty and violence that they bring with them.

So why cant libtards pull their heads out and realize it as well?

They have to trash the entire country first?

Angela Merkel Will Expel Asylum Seekers From Germany As Support For Muslim Migrants Collapses
Merkel is way too late. The barbarians are inside the German gates. She is as scummy a politician as any in America...just trying to keep her cushy job.

Libtards do what they are told by the elite left. So, if the elite continues to push for allowing refugees from terror nations in the country, libtards will think it wonderful.

I believe that Merkel did what she thought was ETHICAL-----she might regret that "ethic" someday---or even today
If you are right, than clearly Merkel is a FOOL. Allowing refugees in who are not vetted in anyway, is a recipe for disaster...but the disaster will never impact her will impact the average German woman who gets raped and murdered by Islamic barbarians.
Yes, the liberals and the democrat party never changes. Just like they did pre-1865 they are concerned for the working poor, concerned in that they worry who will pick their cotton and clean their pools on the cheap.

The courts ruled against but what did they base their ruling on? It certainly wasn't based on law it was based on "feelings" nothing more then feelings.

Freakin' Obama could change law with a stroke of a pen but Trump tries to protect Americans and he is the villain? Wow the left have lost their collective minds, just like they have lost all major elections, and they still don't get it.
Angela Merkel has finally woken up to the real nature of letting millions of refugees enter into Germany and the crime, poverty and violence that they bring with them.

So why cant libtards pull their heads out and realize it as well?

They have to trash the entire country first?

Angela Merkel Will Expel Asylum Seekers From Germany As Support For Muslim Migrants Collapses
Merkel is way too late. The barbarians are inside the German gates. She is as scummy a politician as any in America...just trying to keep her cushy job.

Libtards do what they are told by the elite left. So, if the elite continues to push for allowing refugees from terror nations in the country, libtards will think it wonderful.

I believe that Merkel did what she thought was ETHICAL-----she might regret that "ethic" someday---or even today
If you are right, than clearly Merkel is a FOOL. Allowing refugees in who are not vetted in anyway, is a recipe for disaster...but the disaster will never impact her will impact the average German woman who gets raped and murdered by Islamic barbarians.

I am an ORACLE (at usmb----me, ROSIE) Merkel is not-------she did not SEE IT COMING.
Long ago----on another messageboard-----(like seven years ago (?) ) there was a poster
who repeated over and over 'I cannot wait until the germans begin to understand what is happening to them' He was an elderly jew commenting on the immigration of lots of muslims to Germany---
he has since died

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