Merrick Garland is a Lunatic

This is buffoonery.

Let’s hope Merrick Garland’s search of Mar-a-Lago is based on more evidence than his indictment of the Louisville, Kentucky, police officers involved in the raid on Breonna Taylor’s house.​
That passive construction I just used — “involved in the raid on,” instead of “who raided” — is not sloppy writing: It’s the facts. The officers who actually shot Taylor have not been charged, apparently on the flimsy grounds that they were being shot at when they fired.
Instead, our lunatic attorney general has indicted officers who prepared the affidavit used to obtain the warrant to search Taylor’s home. In the words of the indictment, the affidavit “contained information that was false, misleading and out-of-date … and the officers lacked probable cause for the search.”
Specifically, the feds say the following claims were false:​
1. Glover and Taylor had an “ongoing connection”;​
2. Glover used Taylor’s address as his residence;​
3. Glover received packages at Taylor’s address.​
1. Did Glover and Taylor have an “ongoing connection”?
Their relationship dates back to at least 2016, when Taylor loaned Glover her rental car, only to have the police show up at her door to ask about the dead body in the trunk. The dead man turned out to be the brother of one of Glover’s criminal confederates.​
But that was four years before the raid! Surely, Breonna wised up after the body-in-the-trunk incident and dumped Jamarcus like a hot potato. Right?​
Nope! Taylor continued bonding Glover out of jail through his many arrests from 2016 to 2020. He called Taylor from jail at least 26 times during those four years — that can be proven — including on Jan. 3, 2020, three months before the raids. During that call from January 2020, the two talk about sleeping together and exchange “I love you’s.”​
On Jan. 2, 2020, police installed a pole camera to observe one of the crack houses in response to numerous violent assaults in the area. The very day the camera went up, Taylor’s car was seen pulling up to the house, dropping off Glover. On Feb. 13, 2020, Taylor drove him there again, and while waiting for him, got out of her car, in full view of the camera.​
GPS tracking showed his car driving to Taylor’s house six times in January 2020 alone.​
But this is a dry recitation of police evidence. Glover’s baby mama (not Breonna) is more colorful. In a recorded jailhouse phone call the day after the shooting, she told him: “This b*tch (Breonna) where she’s been with you, since you ain’t been over at my house … the same day you post a picture I guess she post a video, you knew it because she said what’s up she was in the bed with you, you kissing all over her.”​
Glover repeatedly assures the irate baby mama that Breonna just kept his money for him — and that thousands of dollars were still at her house.​
Now, where in the world would the police get the idea that Glover and Taylor had some sort of “ongoing connection”? It’s a puzzlement.​

Read the rest at the link.

If the judge agrees to unseal the search warrant the attachments will have the evidence supporting the need for a search. I wonder if it will name the informant
The search of Mara Lago was……PERFECT
Calling Trumps bluff by getting the judge to release the warrant is also brilliant. The bloated one just cannot keep his mouth closed. He has to play the victim. Should be fun tomorrow afternoon.
Calling Trumps bluff by getting the judge to release the warrant is also brilliant. The bloated one just cannot keep his mouth closed. He has to play the victim. Should be fun tomorrow afternoon.

Trump will quickly fallback to his obstruct and deny tactics.
He will still whimper about an illegal search while he hides the details from the public
This is buffoonery.

Let’s hope Merrick Garland’s search of Mar-a-Lago is based on more evidence than his indictment of the Louisville, Kentucky, police officers involved in the raid on Breonna Taylor’s house.​
That passive construction I just used — “involved in the raid on,” instead of “who raided” — is not sloppy writing: It’s the facts. The officers who actually shot Taylor have not been charged, apparently on the flimsy grounds that they were being shot at when they fired.
Instead, our lunatic attorney general has indicted officers who prepared the affidavit used to obtain the warrant to search Taylor’s home. In the words of the indictment, the affidavit “contained information that was false, misleading and out-of-date … and the officers lacked probable cause for the search.”
Specifically, the feds say the following claims were false:​
1. Glover and Taylor had an “ongoing connection”;​
2. Glover used Taylor’s address as his residence;​
3. Glover received packages at Taylor’s address.​
1. Did Glover and Taylor have an “ongoing connection”?
Their relationship dates back to at least 2016, when Taylor loaned Glover her rental car, only to have the police show up at her door to ask about the dead body in the trunk. The dead man turned out to be the brother of one of Glover’s criminal confederates.​
But that was four years before the raid! Surely, Breonna wised up after the body-in-the-trunk incident and dumped Jamarcus like a hot potato. Right?​
Nope! Taylor continued bonding Glover out of jail through his many arrests from 2016 to 2020. He called Taylor from jail at least 26 times during those four years — that can be proven — including on Jan. 3, 2020, three months before the raids. During that call from January 2020, the two talk about sleeping together and exchange “I love you’s.”​
On Jan. 2, 2020, police installed a pole camera to observe one of the crack houses in response to numerous violent assaults in the area. The very day the camera went up, Taylor’s car was seen pulling up to the house, dropping off Glover. On Feb. 13, 2020, Taylor drove him there again, and while waiting for him, got out of her car, in full view of the camera.​
GPS tracking showed his car driving to Taylor’s house six times in January 2020 alone.​
But this is a dry recitation of police evidence. Glover’s baby mama (not Breonna) is more colorful. In a recorded jailhouse phone call the day after the shooting, she told him: “This b*tch (Breonna) where she’s been with you, since you ain’t been over at my house … the same day you post a picture I guess she post a video, you knew it because she said what’s up she was in the bed with you, you kissing all over her.”​
Glover repeatedly assures the irate baby mama that Breonna just kept his money for him — and that thousands of dollars were still at her house.​
Now, where in the world would the police get the idea that Glover and Taylor had some sort of “ongoing connection”? It’s a puzzlement.​

Read the rest at the link.

You right wing fascists are the lunatics. The police officers did not identify themselves so he had every right to fire at them. The police officers were instructed to knock and identify themselves. Even Republican Tim Scott found the decision not to charge baffling.
From "The Shovel"
We are certainly no fans of Donald Trump – let’s make that clear from the outset. But yesterday’s raid by the FBI on the home of a former president sets a dangerous precedent.

A precedent which now means that anyone who evades taxes, attempts to undermine an election, sexually assaults women, manipulates the value of their assets, uses state resources to enrich themselves or aids and abets the overthrow of a democratically elected government will be subject to investigation.

Is that the world we want to live in? Where anyone accused of insurrection can be subject to questioning from law enforcement officers?

It’s a slippery slope. Before we know it, regular citizens accused of defrauding the government, concealing evidence, manipulating financial documents, tampering with witnesses or perverting the course of justice will also be held to account.
I disagree
It matters not whether he is president or just a clerk. Removing classified documents is a crime. And taking original government documents is also. The procedure for a president leaving office is to make copies of any original government documents he wants that are unclassified. All originals and classified documents should be left for the National Archive people. Apparently Trump didn't think those laws and rules applied to him so he took what he wanted. The Director of the National Archives contacted Trump serval times this year asking him to return the documents. When it became clear to him that the documents were not going to be return he contacted the DOJ.

Garland didn't have much choice. Classified and unclassified government documents had been taken and not returned which is a crime.
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Calling Trumps bluff by getting the judge to release the warrant is also brilliant. The bloated one just cannot keep his mouth closed. He has to play the victim. Should be fun tomorrow afternoon.

Actually, several organizations beat Garland to the punch and have filed in court to have the warrant made public. Garland just did that to fool fools like you.
You right wing fascists are the lunatics. The police officers did not identify themselves so he had every right to fire at them. The police officers were instructed to knock and identify themselves. Even Republican Tim Scott found the decision not to charge baffling.

The officers who fired in self-defense aren't being charged by the Feds. They did ID themselves to a known criminal drug dealer and it was heard on their uniform microphones.

How about the topic in the OP of the fatuous charges and supporting evidence for those charged?
I disagree
It matters not whether he is president or just a clerk. Removing classified documents is a crime. And taking original government documents is also. The procedure for a president leaving office is to make copies of any original government documents he wants that are unclassified. All originals and classified documents should be left for the National Archive people. Apparently Trump didn't think those laws and rules applied to him so he took what he wanted. The Director of the National Archives contacted Trump serval times this year asking him to return the documents. When it became clear to him that the documents were not going to be return he contacted the DOJ.

Garland didn't have much choice. Classified and unclassified government documents had been taken and not returned which is a crime.

Øbama has millions of documents that he said were going to be digitized and then sent to the archivist but none have been digitized. The archivist did what to get those documents back? Plus all the document destruction Øbama did.

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Garland is the Jewish Goebbels of our time

Not all Trump cultists are openly anti-semitic Nazi shitstains, but so many of them are.

And every Trump cultist smooches the butts of the very numerous antisemites among them.

They have to. That's the Republican base, after all. Without the white supremacist vote, the Republicans become completely irrelevant.
Brilliant move by garland, of coruse, calling Trump's bluff. The Trump team just walked into that one.

If Trump does nothing, the warrant is released and Trump looks so very guilty.

If Trump fights to block the release, Trump looks so very guilty.

No wonder the Trump cultists here are all soiling themselves.
Trump wanted it released, demand it be released and Garland least in part, what Trump really wants is the affidivt, Xiden won't release that.....democracy dies in darkness...he's hiding something
If the judge agrees to unseal the search warrant the attachments will have the evidence supporting the need for a search. I wonder if it will name the informant

Hey, they had reason to believe President Trump had a cocktail napkin.

Reich Minister Garland HAD to mobilize the Gestapo.... A napkin in the wrong hands....

Calling Trumps bluff by getting the judge to release the warrant is also brilliant. The bloated one just cannot keep his mouth closed. He has to play the victim. Should be fun tomorrow afternoon.
Yeah, Herr Reich Minister will show that the cocktail napkin is a matter of Reich security...

Yeah, Herr Reich Minister will show that the cocktail napkin is a matter of Reich security...

Courts laugh at your stupid lies, you know. That's why your pack of Stalinists is so screwed. Reciting idiot propaganda may get your fellow cult rubes hysterical, but the courts don't care.

So, how's the civil war going?

What's that? You could only inspire _one_ sore-loser douche into doing the violent terrorist thing?

Dang, sucks to be you.

Yes, you'll no doubt inspire a few more Stalinist assbags into violent terrorism, but as a whole, Civil War 2.0 is a complete flop. No wonder you're so upset.
Courts laugh at your stupid lies, you know. That's why your pack of Stalinists is so screwed. Reciting idiot propaganda may get your fellow cult rubes hysterical, but the courts don't care.

So, how's the civil war going?

What's that? You could only inspire _one_ sore-loser douche into doing the violent terrorist thing?

Dang, sucks to be you.

Yes, you'll no doubt inspire a few more Stalinist assbags into violent terrorism, but as a whole, Civil War 2.0 is a complete flop. No wonder you're so upset.

Courts? :lmao:

You mean Epstein's lawyer, that scumbag Garland judge shopped?

How's the civil war going?

Well, the Nazi democrats used the Gestapo to raid the home of their political opponent. Remember when the Nazis claimed that investigating corruption of a political opponent was impeachable - well - democrats aren't bound by standards.

Anyway, the Nazi scum are buffoons and stepped on a rake - the assault on Mar-a-Lago was a panty raid so Wray could sniff Melania's thong and the search for a cocktail napkin.

The Gestapo slunk off looking like the toady goons they are.

The Nazi democrats further galvanized the nation into warring factions.

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