Merrick Garland is guilty of obstruction of justice

Even if he did, your guys gained power because they claimed republicans can govern, and fix things, yet they never even try and waste their time on partisan uselessness.....of naked pictures, speculation and innuendo that happened almost 10 years ago....what the hell! These Republican in power have no idea what is important, for this Nation....nor do they know how to actually chew gum and walk at the same time.
They are doing what your party did under Trump, but not as bad.
This appointment by Merritless Gestapoland will allow Weiss to back out of his congressional testimony. The cover up continues.
This is what republicans in office, our representatives want to spend time on..... Hunter Biden...

Not the border, not inflation, not fentanyl, not immigration reform, not gas prices, not crime, not education, not housing shortage s, not anything that we vote and pay them for.....

you've got really really shitty, useless, Republicans in office, who always do nothing of importance when in power.
Being willfully blind is not acceptable. This is now, and always has been about President Joe R. Biden…Get that straight.

WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.
He is Absolutely Guilty of being a Creepy looking Fuck :banana:

WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.
This nation is extremely fortunate that Garland never got on the Supreme court. Think of the damage he could have done.

It is bad enough the damage he is doing as a biased attorney general. Only what his masters want, even when he has to bend the laws to do it.
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WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.
What facts? Fuck you mother-fuckers! You got no facts! Why are you wasting my tax dollars on nonsense? WTF does that have to do with national security?
This is what republicans in office, our representatives want to spend time on..... Hunter Biden...

Not the border, not inflation, not fentanyl, not immigration reform, not gas prices, not crime, not education, not housing shortage s, not anything that we vote and pay them for.....

you've got really really shitty, useless, Republicans in office, who always do nothing of importance when in power.
As opposed to the democrats in office that caused all of the problems you cite? Grow up.
As opposed to the democrats in office that caused all of the problems you cite? Grow up.
Republican, do nothing Congress critters, need to grow up, and do the jobs they said they would do, and are paid to do.... Hint! It ain't goggling Hunter's naked pics and spreading them around the country.....
Republican, do nothing Congress critters, need to grow up, and do the jobs they said they would do, and are paid to do.... Hint! It ain't goggling Hunter's naked pics and spreading them around the country.....
If the pics are on "goggle" aren't they already spread around the country, Simp?
Instead you another serial sex offender, and a Stepford Wife. Garland would have been a much better choice than the Federalist Society puppets you have now. You don't have the first idea who owns the Court, but they sure paid a lot of money for it.

$17 million each for Kavenaugh and Coney Barrett. And that doesn't include the money they spent starting when both were in college.

It's chilling to realize you don't know WHO controls their votes.
It would be nice if for once you provided actual evidence for one of your rants and lies. Those that you accuse would be the same ones who decided that a female black women who admits to not kowing the difference between men and women got appointed to the court. Not a peep about that. Curious.

WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.
never negotiate with terrorists. they are irrational and just ask for more.
I would ask you for links to your bullshit lies, but we all know how that turns out.

Fuck, you are a stupid liar of epic proportions.

Feel free to prove me wrong with a credible link, Dumbass.

You prove yourself to be lacking in debating abilities and the intelligence to debate by having to constantly resort to profanities. The sure sign of an inferior intellect.

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