Merrick Garland is guilty of obstruction of justice

So you made it up. That’s what I thought.
Nope. You are just an ignorant moron if you aren't aware of the leaked photos from the DOJ of the boxes they claim was full of classified docs.

They also staged empty folders on the floor as well, but you are apparently unaware of those too.

Stay stupid, it's what you do best, Simp.


WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.


Just like Hillary / Obama / the Bidens are guilty of <insert alt-right talking point here>

But keep clinging, rube!

Nope. You are just an ignorant moron if you aren't aware of the leaked photos from the DOJ of the boxes they claim was full of classified docs.

They also staged empty folders on the floor as well, but you are apparently unaware of those too.

Stay stupid, it's what you do best, Simp.

I’m aware of those photos that were part of their court filings after he was indicted.

When do you think they were “leaked”?
Nope. You are just an ignorant moron if you aren't aware of the leaked photos from the DOJ of the boxes they claim was full of classified docs.

They also staged empty folders on the floor as well, but you are apparently unaware of those too.

Stay stupid, it's what you do best, Simp.


You whore for a criminal who imperils American military because fucking snowflake!

Keep on dancing, old loser!

WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.
garland makes john mitchell look like mother teresa.
This is usual bullshit...

If Garland didn't pick David Weiss then they would be up in arms of how they didn't pick the guy working on getting him for 5 years...

It doesn't matter who Garland picks the MAGA will eating him for breakfast because they won't find anything.

Personally I think the whole investigation is wrong, the scope should include anyone who is leveraging their position with the President to gain favourable business terms..
He could’ve at least picked someone who wasn’t the architect of a sweetheart deal that gave immunity to our bribe taking president for impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors…we all know he used his son as a proxy and a vessel for taking bribes from our adversaries and our enemies, for changing United States policy against our own national interests.

Preach to us again about “white privilege”, our democracy, and “paying your fair share”. What a complete joke the Democrat party is.
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I’m aware of those photos that were part of their court filings after he was indicted.

When do you think they were “leaked”?
Hey Stupid, they were leaked within days of the raid.

Holy shit you are one ignorant fuckwit.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You whore for a criminal who imperils American military because fucking snowflake!

Keep on dancing, old loser!

Right, simpopotamus. Not one American combat casualty during the last 18 month of Trump's presidency.

And then that decrepit old pedophile Joe Biden gets 13 American soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Keep on lying, you old fuck. Maybe someone will believe you but it won't be today.
Not the border, not inflation, not fentanyl, not immigration reform, not gas prices, not crime, not education, not housing shortage s, not anything that we vote and pay them for.....
It was your democrats that are responsible for every one of the things you listed. Methinks you are bitching about the wrong people. Your blinders are firmly in place.
All investigations proceed in secret. That’s standard for the justice department. When they’re ready to indict, then they talk. If they don’t indict, they don’t talk.

The failure to do so probably cost Clinton the presidency in 2016.

If anyone has been damaged by the DoJ, it’s Dems.
100% wrong. If the procedure is "on going" for better than five years, yet congressional investigations turn up as much evidence as they have in eight months, that shows a problem in the DOJ and their methods.

Even a liberal slave should be able to see that.
This is usual bullshit...

If Garland didn't pick David Weiss then they would be up in arms of how they didn't pick the guy working on getting him for 5 years...

It doesn't matter who Garland picks the MAGA will eating him for breakfast because they won't find anything.

Personally I think the whole investigation is wrong, the scope should include anyone who is leveraging their position with the President to gain favourable business terms..

Nope. If you paid attention for the last five years you would know Weiss did nothing but stall the investigation and let things expire.
Wasn't Weiss the guy who hid Hunters laptop for years and did nothing? Get out of jail free Weiss will never do anything against the Bidens. It's sad how so many of our judges turned out to be deep state con artists. It seems like over half of our judges are crooked.

The big eared Kenyan loaded the courts with corrupt leftists judges. All part of the plan.

WASHINGTON — House and Senate Republicans on Friday ripped Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision to appoint U.S. Attorney David Weiss as the special counsel in the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.
Republicans accused Weiss of signing off on a “sweetheart deal” with the president’s son and suggested that he was appointed as special counsel to inhibit congressional investigations into the Bidens and to avoid testifying before Congress.

“This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? House Republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the American people.”

Nothing to see here folks. Just more of the same from the circus that never ends.

Merrick Garland is guilty of obstruction of justice

Another ridiculous Republican lie.

Indeed, the appointment of a special counsel is facilitating justice.

The dishonest right is fearful that the investigation will confirm the fact that there is no ‘evidence’ of ‘corruption’ on the part of President Biden.
100% wrong. If the procedure is "on going" for better than five years, yet congressional investigations turn up as much evidence as they have in eight months, that shows a problem in the DOJ and their methods.

Even a liberal slave should be able to see that.
The Republicans in Congress have yet to identify evidence or a crime.

Republicans can say whatever they want, no one will hold them accountable.

The DoJ can’t.

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