Merry Christmas - Dems Gifts: Shutdown & Largest Expansion Of Govt in Decades

Who could have predicted some of the deficit hawks around here would suddenly snap out of their two year hibernation just around the time the Democrats take control of the House!? How delightfully transparent. :lol:

Yep...two years of out of control spending....not a peep.

Doubling the deficit in a single year during a booming economy and not a peep.

now all of a sudden those things matter again!
House Democrats Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades

  • Democrats are lining up to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal.”
  • The proposal could be the largest expansion of government since the Great Society or New Deal.
  • Ocasio-Cortez’s plan could cost tens of trillions of dollars.
Democrats are increasingly lining up to support a “Green New Deal,” which, while vague on details, could end up being the largest expansion of government in decades.

As it stands, the “Green New Deal” is more aspirational than actual policy. Indeed, it takes its name from the New Deal of the 1930s, and its main backer, incoming Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, compared it to the Great Society of the 1960s.

More than 40 Democratic lawmakers support the “Green New Deal” as part of a broad plan to fight global warming and bring about what they see as “economic, social and racial justice.”

These Dem politicians don't care how much anything costs because they regard the taxpayers to be their slaves. They will get rich off of their Global Warming scam.

They are lining up for the final implementation of the Cloward Piven strategy. That's what will bring the nation to complete economic collapse. That's what they want.
House Democrats Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades

  • Democrats are lining up to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal.”
  • The proposal could be the largest expansion of government since the Great Society or New Deal.
  • Ocasio-Cortez’s plan could cost tens of trillions of dollars.
Democrats are increasingly lining up to support a “Green New Deal,” which, while vague on details, could end up being the largest expansion of government in decades.

As it stands, the “Green New Deal” is more aspirational than actual policy. Indeed, it takes its name from the New Deal of the 1930s, and its main backer, incoming Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, compared it to the Great Society of the 1960s.

More than 40 Democratic lawmakers support the “Green New Deal” as part of a broad plan to fight global warming and bring about what they see as “economic, social and racial justice.”
Democrats have no power. Not until the 3rd of Jan.

Who knows what you're talking about?

Some crazy something.

After Jan 3 they will be able to block the rest of Trumps agenda

They will not have complete power till after 2020 when Trump takes down the Republican Party with him
If Trump is found guilty of more serious crimes than just the two felonies, then congress must do it's duty. This isn't lying about a BJ. With Russians in the White House alone with the president, this is about national security. I can't believe what a disgrace Republicans are. And the American people will find out the extent after Jan. 3rd.

Make no mistake, we have a seriously compromised individual in the White House. THIS Congress will exercise it's duty. Many of the members are quick learners and street fighters. None of that "they go low and we go high" crap. It won't be about "kick him", it will be about "justice".
You watch!

How Republicans treated the Clintons and how the GOP disrespected our last president taught the younger Democrats well. Lesson Learned.

The house isn't going to draft articles of impeachment.

Get your mother to wash your sheets so you can keep having your wet dreams.
Who could have predicted some of the deficit hawks around here would suddenly snap out of their two year hibernation just around the time the Democrats take control of the House!? How delightfully transparent. :lol:

As of this writing, the GOP controls 30+ state houses, several legislatures, the House, the Senate and the Oval office. Yet they blame democrats.

The shame is that some folks actually believe them.
Hillary took $145 million in exchange for 20% of the supply if US Uranium. She paid the Russians for a fake Dossier the Obama administration used illegally to try to control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

Obama knew about the Russians in 2014 yet did nothing. In 2012 he passed the message through Medvedev to Putin that after 're-election he would be more flexible. 2 years later Obama gave Putin uranium, Crimea, Top Secret Data, and 2 years of unchallenged interference in exchange for permission to perpetrate the International War Crime of invading Syria.

Today the US Govt is shut down because Democrats stand with criminal Illegals over American citizens to advocate open borders, illegal criminal invasion, refusal to secure our borders, non-enforcement of existing US law, federal law-violating sanctuary cities, and continued illegal immigrant voting in US elections. They continue to defend and protect violent illegals, human traffickers, and violent MS-13 gangs members who prey on American citizens.

The Democratic Party has proven they will engage in any and all criminal activity, even treason, to acquire power. They have proven they will screw over any American, even their own constituents by stealing the nomination from their top candidate to give it to a proven felon who could not win it on her own.

The Democratic Party has been dragged so far to the left by America-hating power-hungry Socialist Democrats that their 2016 Presidential candidate loser openly called for an abandonment of civility and an increase in violent intolerance.

The Democratic Party has been dragged so far to the left by America-hating power-hungry Socialist Democrats that they are openly showing who they are, no longer trying to hide their hatred for American citizens, how they are against protecting our sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens.

As we enter the new year we enter a new chapter in American history, one in which Democrats seek to impose their liberal ideology and agenda on Americans again while exacting revenge on everyone they deem responsible for their loss of power in the US government.

The Democratic Party has made it clear - they are not FOR the country, they are not FOR the American people - they ARE FOR the Democratic Party.
House Democrats Are Lining Up Behind What Could Be The Largest Expansion Of Government In Decades

  • Democrats are lining up to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal.”
  • The proposal could be the largest expansion of government since the Great Society or New Deal.
  • Ocasio-Cortez’s plan could cost tens of trillions of dollars.
Democrats are increasingly lining up to support a “Green New Deal,” which, while vague on details, could end up being the largest expansion of government in decades.

As it stands, the “Green New Deal” is more aspirational than actual policy. Indeed, it takes its name from the New Deal of the 1930s, and its main backer, incoming Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, compared it to the Great Society of the 1960s.

More than 40 Democratic lawmakers support the “Green New Deal” as part of a broad plan to fight global warming and bring about what they see as “economic, social and racial justice.”
Democrats have no power. Not until the 3rd of Jan.

Who knows what you're talking about?

Some crazy something.

After Jan 3 they will be able to block the rest of Trumps agenda

They will not have complete power till after 2020 when Trump takes down the Republican Party with him
If Trump is found guilty of more serious crimes than just the two felonies, then congress must do it's duty. This isn't lying about a BJ. With Russians in the White House alone with the president, this is about national security. I can't believe what a disgrace Republicans are. And the American people will find out the extent after Jan. 3rd.

Make no mistake, we have a seriously compromised individual in the White House. THIS Congress will exercise it's duty. Many of the members are quick learners and street fighters. None of that "they go low and we go high" crap. It won't be about "kick him", it will be about "justice".
You watch!

How Republicans treated the Clintons and how the GOP disrespected our last president taught the younger Democrats well. Lesson Learned.


If all they have is Trump paying off hookers then Dems will lay off him

However, charges of colluding with the Russians on releasing stolen information, offering relief on Russian sanctions, illegal business dealings, obstruction cannot be ignored
your savior in the White House added 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt this CY and just submitted the largest budget request in the history of the country...

but it is the dems expanding the government!

Thanks for the Christmas laugh!

It is funny hearing repubs act like they are against gov expansion. The big shut down is for more spending!
your savior in the White House added 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt this CY and just submitted the largest budget request in the history of the country...

but it is the dems expanding the government!

Thanks for the Christmas laugh!

It is funny hearing repubs act like they are against gov expansion. The big shut down is for more spending!
Bush added a Homeland Security Department
Trump added Space Force

Don’t see Democrats expanding government
Hillary took $145 million in exchange for 20% of the supply if US Uranium. She paid the Russians for a fake Dossier the Obama administration used illegally to try to control the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.

Obama knew about the Russians in 2014 yet did nothing. In 2012 he passed the message through Medvedev to Putin that after 're-election he would be more flexible. 2 years later Obama gave Putin uranium, Crimea, Top Secret Data, and 2 years of unchallenged interference in exchange for permission to perpetrate the International War Crime of invading Syria.

Today the US Govt is shut down because Democrats stand with criminal Illegals over American citizens to advocate open borders, illegal criminal invasion, refusal to secure our borders, non-enforcement of existing US law, federal law-violating sanctuary cities, and continued illegal immigrant voting in US elections. They continue to defend and protect violent illegals, human traffickers, and violent MS-13 gangs members who prey on American citizens.

The Democratic Party has proven they will engage in any and all criminal activity, even treason, to acquire power. They have proven they will screw over any American, even their own constituents by stealing the nomination from their top candidate to give it to a proven felon who could not win it on her own.

The Democratic Party has been dragged so far to the left by America-hating power-hungry Socialist Democrats that their 2016 Presidential candidate loser openly called for an abandonment of civility and an increase in violent intolerance.

The Democratic Party has been dragged so far to the left by America-hating power-hungry Socialist Democrats that they are openly showing who they are, no longer trying to hide their hatred for American citizens, how they are against protecting our sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens.

As we enter the new year we enter a new chapter in American history, one in which Democrats seek to impose their liberal ideology and agenda on Americans again while exacting revenge on everyone they deem responsible for their loss of power in the US government.

The Democratic Party has made it clear - they are not FOR the country, they are not FOR the American people - they ARE FOR the Democratic Party.
Give it up with the Hillary card and the Obama card. It’s over. They’re gone. Trump is president now. And has been for years.
Lord knows the Republican Senate did such a great job of shackling the spending of the previous House.

Are you implying that it's somehow wrong to enjoy food? The spirit of Julia Child is offended by the very idea.


i'm implying that trump is a lard ass because of the food he enjoys way too much.


Personal choice ... eat healthy, eat for pleasure, starve yourself into looking like a crack addict or bloat yourself up like the Michelin man ... it's no one's business except your own.

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